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Sidney group starts motorcycle ministry

Mark Zalesky loves to ride his motorcycle. He also knows that love can hurt.

He spent a year in the hospital recovering from an accident, waiting for a long list of painful injuries to mend. His legs are still held together by metal and he walks with a limp.

But the pastor of the First Christian Church in Sidney also believes love can heal. He wanted to ride again.

"I said 'God, if you'll get me back on a motorcycle, I'll start up a ministry,'" Zalesky recalled.

On March 15, if weather permits, some 20 members of Trinity Riders will fire up their bikes and hit the road, with Zalesky among them.

The group is non-denomenational and inclusive. The riders come from several different churches and mount up on everything from Harley-Davidsons to Kawasakis to more exotic rides. Many are also part of the national Christian Motorcyclists Association. They plan to participate in all local events and join up with any club on the road.

"For people who love to ride and are Christian, it's a way to evangelize without pushing it," Zalesky said. "If we can reach just one, that's our mission."

Trinity Riders is a charitable organization, though they plan to help the community through action more than by raising funds. For example, Zalesky said, if an elderly resident cannot take care of their property, the bikers would donate their time mowing or raking.

"We're going to be involved," founding member Todd Flick pointed out. "Our actions are our biggest ministry."

The group began with eight like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts, meeting at Zalesky's home, snacking on pizza rolls. At their next meeting, set for March 8 at 7 p.m., 20 members will gather at Hillside Bar & Grill.

Anyone can attend and become a part of the motorcycle ministry, even if they do not ride.

"There is so much need in this community and we all bring different gifts to the table," Flick said.


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