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Ten Questions with Megan Mcgown Community Development Director

Megan McGown seems to be everywhere, from city meetings to events downtown.

Sidney's Community Development Director joined city hall after seven years serving as director of the Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce. Yet her plans entering college were far removed from the world of business recruitment, retention, historic downtown preservation and all the other aspects of her position.

No, the sandhills native hoped for a career in law and studied criminal justice. After graduation, however, she found a position working with the homeless and near homeless in Grand Island.

McGown's husband, James, is the principal and activities director for Leyton schools. The couple have two children.

1. Your title is a bit ambiguous. What do you do?

It's so hard to describe. It's purposefully broad, I think, because it encompasses so many things. I'm involved in business recruitment, economic development, I'm the Main Street director, I'm involved with the trails expansion, the swimming pool--it's big.

2. So yours is not a nine-to-five job.

It's not. I also do social media for the city. That happens at all times, not just traditional hours.

3. You are in a lot of meetings. Ever sneak candy or cookies in?

I'm a big sweets fan. Dark chocolate M&Ms are my vice. I'm trying to limit myself. I told my mom that I had a stomach ache because I finished off all the M&Ms so I wouldn't have them around. My husband thinks I hoard snacks at work.

4. At what point did you turn off the Super Bowl?

I actually stopped in the middle of halftime, after I saw Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I started doing dishes and never went back.

5. What celebrity would you like to hang out with?

That's tough. Jennifer Lawrence. She does some pretty crazy things--'what's she going to talk about?' She seems real.

6. So how does someone get interested in community development?

My undergraduate degree is in criminal justice, but I didn't go on to law school. I got a job working with the homeless and even though you are helping people, it's a draining career. We were trying to get closer to family and, as everybody knows, Sidney has jobs. I'm not sure how you get interested in it, but once you're in it it's different every day. I like that part.

7. What's one thing about Sidney people don't know?

I'm trying to remember our peak population--that would surprise people. It was over 8,000 back in the late 40s.

8. Why not recreate the wild west Sidney, with all the gunfights?

There's Gold Rush Days. And a long time ago they had Fort Sidney Days. Gold Rush Days tries to do that, with the displays and the quick draw contests.

9. Do you get comments about the plaques on historic buildings downtown?

We do. It's mostly people from outside the city. They say 'we need to do that in our town.'

10. When you can get away from work, where do you go?

We're pretty active. We like to go camping. We go to Wyoming--Medicine Bow Peak. We've only been there once, but it's awesome. My kids enjoyed that.


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