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City expects new software to save power, cut costs

The city will soon install variable frequency drives on three of its water wells.

A representative from HOA solutions spoke with the council this summer and informed them about the benefits of installing VFD software on the city’s north water wells.

Most well pump motors are either on or off, they don’t have adjustable speeds. This new technology would run the pump in way that would pump the most water for the least amount of electricity. This technology finds the most efficient speed and runs the equipment at that pace.

Estimated electricity savings would be around $2,500 per month, conservatively.

The city council accepted a bid for the drives at Tuesday’s meeting for $96,600 from HOA Solutions out of Lincoln.

Sidney received one additional bid from Wazee Electric out of Denver in the amount of $150,000.

Previously, the city only had a VFD on one well. Public services manager John Hehnke hopes to get construction on this project going shortly after the first of the year.

At the meeting earlier in the year water Superintendent Bill Taylor agreed that without the VFD, equipment is more likely to wear out sooner, but his main concern were energy costs.


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