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Cheyenne County 4-H Achievement Night

4-Hers and volunteers were recognized for their accomplishments from the past year at the annual Achievement Celebration at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, October 26.

Leyton High School senior Emily Gill, daughter of James and Cynthia Gill was recognized as the 2013 Outstanding 4-Her. This award is presented to high school seniors who have excelled in his/her involvement with the Cheyenne County 4-H program. Selection is based on participation in a wide variety - and depth of - 4-H activities.

Dominic Beyer, son of Mike and Melinda Beyer and a junior at Sidney High School, received the Danforth "I Dare You" Leadership Award for service and leadership to the 4-H program. Awarded on behalf of the American Youth Foundation (AYF) to juniors or seniors who strive to achieve their personal best and make a positive difference in their community. Cheyenne County 4-H Council provides award recipients with a copy of William H. Danforth's book, "I Dare You!"

Caitlyn Deal, Sidney, daughter of John and Jennifer Deal, received the Chad Nienhueser Memorial 4-H Scholarship. This scholarship encourages recipients to explore leadership opportunities beyond Cheyenne County and is presented by Martin and Kristi Nienhueser.

Five 4-Hers were selected to represent the county in the district career portfolio contest - Dominic Beyer, animal science; Will Castner, animal science and consumer & family science; Catilyn Deal, personal development & leadership; Zachery Deal, plant science; and Katelyn Higgins, animal science and consumer & family science.

HorizonWest and the Knights of Columbus were recognized as the 2013 Friends of 4-H for their service to the 4-H program and to the Cheyenne County Fair. They have scooped a lot of ice cream for root beer floats for fairgoers after the auction for the last few years.

4-Hers recognized as having the best 4-H Career Portfolios in their respective project area received certificates, project pins, and project scholarships for their accomplishments. These 4-Hers and their project areas are:

Juniors – Felicity Beyer, rabbit, wildlife, and public speaking; Lorien DeMasters, foods, clothing, and fashion revue; Zackry Henke, swine, engineering and aerospace; Kord McMillen, beef, horse, and engineering; Taylyn Bauer, horse and foods; Lacie Vach, horse, foods, and dog; Logan Banaszak, engineering and photography; Karter Wittrock, sheep; Dyson Grabowski, beef; and Christian Nguyen, entomology. Other juniors who completed their portfolios also received project scholarships were Brayden Weinbender, Paxton Wilson, and Ashley Hartmann.

Intermediate – Matthias Beyer, rabbit, clothing and electricity; Caitlyn Mueller, foods, clothing, and photography; Drake DeMasters, swine, foods and fashion revue; Destinee Henke, swine, clothing, and fashion revue; Danielle Higgins, foods, fashion revue, and photography; Ella Miller, beef, swine, goat; Chaz Bauer, horse and healthy living; Seth McMillen, beef and horse; Taya McMillen, beef and horse; Kody Spencer, poultry; Taylinn Swoboda, sheep; Kelsey Miller, dog and goat; Tim Nguyen, technology and aerospace; Shelby Miller, sheep and dog; Clara Kokjer, sheep; Harrison Kokjer, electricity; and Riley Christensen, poultry. Other intermediate 4-H'ers who completed their portfolios also received project scholarships were Carrissa Radtke, Anja Nguyen, and Hannah Stahl.

Seniors – Cailyn Deal, poultry, leadership, and gardening; Zachery Deal, poultry and gardening; Ethan Nelson, horse, public speaking, and consumer education; Dominic Beyer, sheep, swine and goat; Jeffrey Deal, poultry and gardening; Will Castner, beef and swine; Wyatt McMillen, beef and horse; Katelyn Higgins, sheep, foods, and photography; Emily Gill, beef, public speaking and foods; Thomas Kokjer, sheep and swine; and Topanga Spencer, clothing.

The Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover Program is a statewide program which encourages 4-H members to engage in a variety of projects and activities. Every 4-Her who participates can earn recognition. At the beginning of the 4-H year, youth choose goals from a provided list, and at the end of the 4-H year, complete a report which documents their accomplishments. Youth can progress from Level 1 up to Level 6.

Level 1 - Amethyst: Logan Banaszak, Taylyn Bauer, Lorien DeMasters, Madison Frerichs, Dyson Grabowski, Kord McMillen, Lacie Vach, Braden Weinbender, Reagan Devier, Zac Henke and Allison Lofton.

Level 2 - Aquamarine: Felicity Beyer, Christian Nguyen, Chaz Bauer, Drake DeMasters, Destinee Henke, and Anja Nguyen.

Level 3 - Ruby: Matthias Beyer, Riley Devier, Taya McMillen, Seth McMillen, and Timothy Nguyen.

Level 4 - Sapphire: Dominic Beyer

Level 5 – Emerald: Ethan Nelson

4-H members recognized for completing their first year in 4-H were: Logan Banaszek, Spencer Barker, Logan Bartling, Taylyn Bauer, Alex Benzel, Matthew Benzel, Caleb Bowen, Calista Bowen, Victoria Bower, Bailee Christie, Kaylee Deal, Nate Deal, Jasmine Deeds, Alexander Drewes, Alicia Drewes, Theodore Drewes, Vanessa Drewes, Kaylee Eddy, Madison Frerichs, Brandon Gasseling, Brooke Glass, Seth Glass, Ben Goble, Dyson Grabowski, Hannah Haas, Kaelea Hart, Ashley Hartmann, Chance Houser, Kole Houser, Benjamin Hutchinson, Joshua Hutchinson, Rebekah Hutchinson, Zachary Hutchinson, Cayden Jobman, Carolyn Jones, JD Kogl, Allison Lofton, Britany Lofton, Allie Means, Zack Means, Amber Mekelburg, Emily Miller, Kaleb Miller, Grant Nienhueser, Joab Olsen, Salena Petluri, Trishna Petluri, Carrissa Radtke, Adam Rocha, Hugh Rocha, Setti Rocha, Austin Roelle, Macie Rolls, Mitchell Rolls, Kelsey Rozelle, Blaine Russell, Steven Simpson, Rheagan Stanley, Karalyn Stevens, Jaydn Stimka, Taylinn Svoboda, Lauren Uhlir, Lacie Vach, Cody Walton, Derek Webb, Kyrie Weeda, Dru Weimer, Elizabeth Weimer, Kollyn Weimer, Ashlynn Weinbender, Brayden Weinbender, Brett Westfall, Cole Westfall, Paxton Wilson, Emma Winholtz, Carley Witt, Jackson Witt and Karter Wittrock.

Members recognized for five years participation in 4-H were Matthias Beyer, Kate Dible, Monica Johnson, Clara Kokjer, Hannah Langley, Madison Langley, Taya McMillen, Ella Miller, Tyler Miller, McKenna Nelson, Kassidy Raines, and Rachel Reiser.

Clover Kids are school-aged children, ages 5 to 8. Those 4-Hers recognized for Clover Kid participation were Alexander Drewes, Lorien DeMasters, Kord McMillen, Chance Houser, Britany Lofton, Emily Miller, Adam Rocha, and Hugh Rocha.

Ten-year members recognized were Kayla Burt, Paxton Ewing, and Emily Gill.

Leaders recognized for five years of service to the Cheyenne County 4-H program were: Michelle McMillen, Rob McMillen, and Tim Thomas.

Melinda Beyer was recognized for fifteen years of volunteer service.

4-H Council Vice President Robb McMillen and Treasurer Whitney Hurt were thanked for their service to the 4-H Council.

Nebraska 4-H Clubs of Excellence have met the criteria outlined by the State 4-H Office to be considered a "Club of Excellence." Some of the criteria includes: choose/elect youth officers, have one club project (related to curriculum) which they do together, and complete one community service project. Cheyenne County Clubs earning the designation were: Bunker Hillbillies, Dryland Toughies, and Lucky Livestock.


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