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Senate candidate Dinsdale stops in Sidney

Sid Dinsdale is running for the U.S. Senate out of frustration with the federal government.

Dinsdale grew up in Palmer, Neb. and has spent his professional career working in bank branches throughout the state, learning about the business and the state's diverse communities simultaneously.

Dinsdale wants to change some happenings in Washington D.C. for the sake of future generations. He is most upset with the passing of the Affordable Care Act.

“I’m not a big believer in a single-pay system across 310 million people, especially the way it’s been handled,” Dinsdale said. “You’d think you’d test something like that. Maybe roll it out in one state and run parallel, at least when I was in business, that’s what we tried to do when we made a big decision. It’s just another example of government trying to do things they really shouldn’t do. It’s 18 percent of our economy. I’m very fearful that education is next.”

Dinsdale wants to use his nearly 40 years of business experience coupled with Nebraska common sense to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. He believes that the nation does not have a revenue problem, rather a spending problem. Dinsdale noted that Washington cannot live within its means, but Nebraska can, therefore that capital has something to learn from the inhabitants of the state.

Dinsdale has never run for office in the past and does not plan to make the change to a career politician. He believes that there are big issues in this country and little leadership in Washington, so he has set aside his banking career for the time being.

He believes that the nation has a few tough decisions to make, particularly about immigration, energy and entitlements, before becoming a better nation.

Because of Dinsdale’s past, he is extremely aware of the financial state of the nation. He wants to get finances in order so that future generations will not have to pay his bills. This will heavily revolve around spending cuts.

Dinsdale is opposed to abortion and considers himself pro-family. Helieves the country needs more discipline. While campaigning, he is traveling all over the state to hear what Nebraskans have on their minds.

“I am asking the citizens of our great state to put me to work,” Dinsdale said. “I intend to be a citizen Senator. Someone who has actually created jobs, made payroll, grown a business and, most importantly, someone who isn’t afraid to admit that I made a few mistakes along the way. I only intend to serve two terms. If I can’t get what needs to be done by then, I won’t deserve to go back for a third term anyway.”


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