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Wind weakens Oktoberfest turnout

Strong winds that ripped through Sidney Friday and Saturday affected Oktoberfest crowds.

“The turnout was not well,” Judy Harris said. “It was a little better than last year and we may have made just enough to break even.”

Last year an early season snowstorm forced the cancellation of outdoor events, including the parade. This time around those in charge of Oktoberfest were forced closed down the tent at 10:30 p.m. on Friday due to the wind. They could not reopen it on Saturday until 6 p.m., when the gusts finally subsided.

Vendors report that tent poles were swaying dangerously during the worst of the weather on Saturday. Wind also whipped through flaps in the large facility.

Organizers also closed down the west beer garden early on Saturday.

Harris did not have exact figures as to how many mugs were sold or how much money was made.

“It’s too early to know how we stand,” Harris explained. “The receipts aren’t in yet.”

Harris hopes that enough money was made to get started for next year as the festival brings revenue and visitors to Sidney.

“Next year is the 40th year of Oktoberfest, and we’re hoping to do something special,” Harris said.


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