Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Raiders fall to ranked McCook

Weather, tough defense slow Sidney's ground game

Sidney HIgh School gridiron alumni Larry Jones, Gary Seevers, Charles Bagby and Jim Ziegler may have felt a little deja vu as they walked onto Weymouth Field at halftime Friday night.

As the Sidney Telegraph put it Oct. 27. 1953, "The Maroons were able to hold the visitors away from the endzone except for two disastrous occassions ... Maroon attempts to hit the McCook line were repeatedly thwarted."

As history has occassion to eerily repeat itselt, the Red Raiders were able to hold the visitors away from the endzone except for two disastrous occassions Friday night in a 17-6 loss to the McCook...


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