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Crime low at this year's fair

The Cheyenne County Fair is one of the largest summertime gatherings in Sidney. On some nights thousands will converge on the grounds for rodeos, concerts, food and carnival rides.

Crowds also create a need for additional law enforcement.

County Sheriff John Jensen reports that crime is down this year, compared to past fairs, though he and his deputies have encountered the usual minor violations.

Daytime events are smaller and more family oriented. The rodeo crowd was also relatively quiet before and after the events. But, Jensen assured, deputies assigned to patrol the grounds are always looking for signs of trouble.

The weekend brings more people to the area, so the department plans to increase security. The sheriff, however, anticipates few problems.

“It's family time,” he said of the county fair.

Still, Jensen issued a reminder that attendees do their part to curtail crime. He asked that visitors keep their vehicles locked—“don't make it easy for someone to go through your car or truck.” He also urged people to hide their valuables by locking them in the trunk, covering them on the floor of the vehicle or leaving them at home.

The Cheyenne County Fair runs through August 3.


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