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Home delivery: Meals on Wheels cares for local elderly

Sidney's Meals on Wheels program delivers more than just food.

Volunteer drivers make sure that the person they're delivering to has a home that's in a livable condition. Drivers are instructed report any problems they see and let family members or officials know if the person they're delivering to seems to be sick or hurt.

"We work to make sure the patients are well cared for," said the program's manager, Virginia Gregory.

The program is based in Cheyenne County Community Center, where the meals are cooked and served. Gregory said she has made some friends during her seven years on the job. Workers there try to make sure the seniors are eating in a comfortable environment.

"This is kind of homey," she said. "I always ask them how they're feeling."

Gregory checks up on her clients to ensure that they're doing alright physically and misses them if they skip a day at the center.

Around 20 seniors come in Monday through Friday for a big noon meal. About half of the clients are able to drive themselves to the center and the other half take the bus, Gregory continued.

Today, chicken and potatoes are on the menu. Gregory guesses that this is the only full meal most of her clients eat all day long.

"They just don't cook for themselves," Gregory said. "It's easier to go out and eat."

The organization also delivers to the homebound and elderly who can't make it into the center. Those interested in getting meals delivered or eating at the Community Center must be over 60 years old and meet certain income requirements to qualify. Meals on Wheels in Sidney delivers to between 40 and 50 people each day. It usually takes the volunteers who deliver the food around 45 minutes to get all the meals out to the clients.

Meals on Wheels gets its funding from the Aging Office of Western Nebraska which is a government organization. A contribution of $3.35 per meal is collected from those who come to the center to eat. The price is $3.45 for those who have their meals delivered.

Another of the program's paid employees, Iva Wilson, has been there for four years. She's currently working as the cook.

"I used to work with the elderly in a nursing home and I kind of missed it," Wilson said.

She's enjoyed getting to know those who come in for meals.

Lana Speer, who just began training to become the new cook for the program took care of her own mother for a while, so she's used to working with seniors.

"I enjoy it so far," she said.

Gregory does even more for those in need during her downtime. She's involved in additional community service projects and does church volunteer work as well.

"I like to help people," she said. "I'm doing my share in the community."


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