Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

The Move

Moving is the biggest and hardest thing one can do, but to move and change careers adds the thought of “what am I doing” on top of the heap.

After attending school and achieving my degree in journalism the whole task of finding a place to work became reality. I had traveled to many different places with my parents, of course, and held a career in broadcasting. But this time seemed different.

I guess it was leaving good friends to start a new life. Or maybe it was the whole packing thing. They say one mans trash can be another mans gold, so either I have a lot of gold or a lot of trash. I would like to think a lot of it is gold but probably mostly trash. These are the things that are mine from a lifetime. It’s just stuff--too much stuff.

Sidney is not new to me. As a child my father (from Cook ,Colorado) would bring us here to see relatives and attend family reunions. My mother is also from Colorado, where we lived until I was five.

From there we moved to Moab, Utah, then the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska and, finally, to Singapore.

My father had a thirst to see the world and he took us with him to drink of his dreams. As an adult I have traveled to South East Asia, South America and Africa a calling to help others and experience their friendship--this was my thirst.

Now I'm finding a place of my own, where I can call home, hang my hat. My first apartment is an adventure in its self. I have already found how kind the people of Sidney are: your smiles, the good neighbor hand of encouragement.

I will be here in Sidney for a few years or a lifetime depending, on my thirst. I have a thirst to wonder into the world and find what others don’t see, hear or smell. I inherited this from my father, the need to see more and understand the world. Now my world is here in your world.

Thank you for letting me enter it.


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