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Cab service hopes to cut down on drinking and driving incidents

O'Malley's cab service maybe not be owned by an Irishman, but it serves those who enjoy a St. Patrick's Day party—or anyone else in need of a ride.

O'Malley's, at 700 Hickory Street, started up in January of this year. Sidney needed a cab service because the city is growing so fast, said owner, Brad Zalesky. New people in town needed transportation that the city couldn't provide, he added. Some students at the community college also needed transportation outside of city limits and at odd hours.

The company hopes to provide a public service of sorts to the community.

"We're trying to cut down on the rates of DWIs," Zalesky said.

O'Malley's cab service operates every day from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Last call is 12:30 p.m.

The company currently serves around six to eight customers on busier days and three to four on slower days. The middle of the week seems to be their busiest time, Zalesky said.

Others in the community agree that a taxi service is a good addition to Sidney businesses.

"I think it serves a need in the community, on hours that they may not have any other options," said Glenna Phelps-Aurich, director of Cheyenne county chamber of commerce.

It was a service that Sidney had been lacking for a while, she said.

"I think the need has been there for some time," Phelps-Aurich added. "It's a valuable service for the community. I'm happy that they're able to provide it."

Zalesky has no Irish family ties and the name O'Malley's started as a family joke.


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