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Woman angry after hearing court sentence

Tammie Stansbury of Sidney was sentenced June 11 in Cheyenne District Court for third degree assault, second degree trespassing, and obstructing a police office.

Stansbury, who sat in a chair with a scowl on her face, received one year on count one of the charges assault, six months on count two for trespassing and one year on count three for obstructing a police officer.

Judge Derek C. Weimer took into consideration 383 days time served and ordered the sentences to run consecutively.

Stansbury spoke in her defense, alleging before Judge Weimer that the police “picked on her.” She claimed that she was on her way to her grandfather,s when arrested.

Before sentencing Judge Weimer explained that because of her attitude in court, “probation would be setting her up for failure.”

Following the sentencing Stansbury could be heard from a nearby room shouting explicatives. Glass broke at one point.

In the May 26, 2012 incident, Stansbury was asked several times to leave US Recycling at 151 East Elm St. After Stansbury refused police were called to the scene.

When the officer arrived, Stansbury was uncooperative and arrested for trespassing. According to police reports, she then became violent, kicking the officer in the groin. After the officer contained Stansbury in his patrol car she began spitting in the car and on the officer.

When the officer reacted, Stansbury reportedly bit the officer on his wrist.


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