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In response to It's Mines


While I could take issue with many things in the “It’s Mines” opinion-editorial of the April 12, 2013 Sun-Telegraph, the issue that I most object to is the characterizations by the writer of those who have a different opinion than she on the issue raised.

Those who oppose same-sex marriage based on their faith are called “cowards,” or referred to as ones who “hide behind God,” yet the most reprehensible is the suggestion that they are similar to the Ku Klux Klan in using their faith to “further their hate.”

Christians who oppose homosexual marriage do not hate homosexuals and do not “hide behind God” and His Word to perpetuate hate. We use the truth of God’s Word in regard to any number of sins to draw all people to repentance and salvation in the blood of Christ Jesus by faith in forgiveness.

The writer has opinions about the Bible and same-sex marriage that are different than what I believe about the Bible and based in the Bible, and what many in Christian churches believe; she is entitled to her opinion. However, I believe she has no right and license to refer to those who have a different belief as “cowards” and liken them to members of the KKK! The writer has resorted, sadly, to an old human tactic (one we see far too often in many facets of society) that it is easier to attack and defame or ridicule those who oppose you than to attack the issue and make your argument or present your case.

I would gladly accept an apology from the writer for her improper characterization of me and many with me who for Biblical reasons oppose same-sex marriage as “cowards” and people of hate. If such an apology is given, I as Christians are called would forgive as we have been forgiven in Christ Jesus.

Rev. Ted. A. Bourret,



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