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Nielsen to hold signing April 6 at library

Diane Nielsen was born and raised in Scottsbluff, Neb. before moving to Potter and then to Colorado for 18 years.

She moved back to Nebraska, particularly Sidney, 41/2 years ago and has used her creative mind to write two books over the recent years, with her newest book, Dark Whispers, coming out just short of two weeks ago.

Nielsen will be holding a book signing and meet and greet for Dark Whispers at the Sidney Public Library on April 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information and details on the event those interested can call library officials at 308-254-3110.

“I’ve been writing since I was 9 in school and I still write all the time,” said Nielsen. “I’ve got a very vivid imagination. One of my favorite subjects in school was writing. If you asked me to do math I can’t do that - but I can write.”

The local author said that she originally moved back to Sidney approximately five years ago to help her father take care of her mother, and that is when her creativity started flowing and the magic began.

“When I wasn’t working I just sat down and I kicked out the first book which is called Wish Me Dead. It took me about three months,” said Nielsen. “The second one took me about a year to write because I work more.”

Nielsen categorizes her tales as paranormal romances because of her inclusion of immortal guardians.

“I do not have vampires or werewolves in them,” she said. “I never got on that bandwagon.”

The author said that she will have five books in the series, and that she has already commenced work on book three.

“I’m working on book three, and book four and five are already in my head, and I already have an ending for the series,” she said. “I’ve got all this planned out and I’ve got some ideas for my next series.”

Nielsen said the process is all about finding the time to write each day and that she tries to devote time after work every night to sitting down and “kicking out a chapter.

“Each book has murders, suspense, drama, romance – a little bit of everything for everybody,” said Nielsen. “The first book was very well-received and I have some really nice book reviews on my website. The second one has also turned out just wonderfully.”

The author said that she likes to use local talent in her productions so that many people can take pride in the final product.

“Lori Borchert made my book cover for book two and my niece Erin made the cover for book one. I have my niece’s picture on the second book because she kind of looks like the character in the book,” said Nielsen. “My sister Cindy did the editing for me. When I get royalties from them I share them with everybody.”

Nielsen said that she has been all over Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota doing book signings for her first book and that she has already been asked to come sign for her second one.

“I’ve had some reviews done on book two already and they’ve said they really liked it. Both of them have been really well-received and the second one I’ve had a lot of interest in,” she said. “I’ve had some places already in Wyoming and South Dakota say ‘Hey, your book is out. Come do another signing.’

“I get such a kick out of it when people ask me to sign my book. It’s like ‘Why? Ok. Really?’”

Nielsen said that she brought back her character that will have a reoccurring role in all five of the books in the second book. The character is an immortal guardian named Saul.

“You don’t necessarily have to read the first one to get into the second one because I’ve re-explained everything, so it’s all good,” she said.

The author said that Saul will be in all five books but a “dark character” was also introduced in the second book and will continue its role throughout the rest of the series.

“I’ve had some really nice fans,” she said. “I’ve sold some stuff over in England, which just blows me away. It’s really all over. You can go anywhere that they sell books and ask them if they don’t carry it to order it for you. You can get it on Amazon, eBooks, and for Nook and Kindle.

“I hope everybody comes out April 6 and if you like a good book, this is a good one.”

Nielsen said that at the book signing and meet and greet she will be open to answer questions such as what her plans are for the future.

To get sneak peeks of Nielsen’s books or to see reviews or where the books can be ordered and purchased, readers can see that material at


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