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Hartman steps into a well earned retirement

After 13 years, at 89, center’s janitor calling it quits

Many may not know that the Cheyenne County Community Center is 20-yrs-old judging by its clean and well-kept appearance. The man who has been behind the continuous cleanliness of the establishment for the past 13 years, George Hartman, is finally retiring at age 89.

A retirement party/open house for the veteran maintenance man is to be held this Friday in the community center lobby from 9 - 11 a.m. for anyone who would like to celebrate the hard work of Hartman and wish him good luck on his retirement.

The party will have balloons, cake, coffee and punch, according to Kiersten Richards, activities director at the center.

Hartman, who will turn 90-yrs-old this June, grew up and went to high school in Atwood, Colo.

He said he enjoyed playing football, basketball and “all the other boys’ sports that were offered in his day and age,” much like the sports offered through the community center.

Hartman, who has eight brothers and sisters, said his favorite professional football team is the Broncos.

He moved to Sidney in 1948 and has enjoyed being a part of the community ever since.

“I’ve practically lived in Sidney all of my life; it’s been quite a few years for sure,” he said.

He said he loves the area and that is a big reason why he never left.

Before coming on staff at the community center, Hartman worked in sales and as an assistant manager for two different companies.

“I really like the community center,” he said.“They’ve always treated me good.”

The maintenance man said that he was in charge of cleaning the front office and welcome desk area and stairs and the area upstairs – which in a gym with many daily visitors is a much-needed job.

“I enjoyed working with the staff,” said Hartman. “But there comes a time when you have to stop working and enjoy life.”

The lifetime-working man said that time will tell, but he is going to miss working at the center from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. every day.

Hartman stressed that the only reason he was retiring from his position was because of health issues.

“I’m retiring mostly because of health reasons,” he said.“I had cancer in 1986 and it was in the urostomy. I had bladder cancer and they took it out and gave me an artificial one.”

Hartman said that he thanks his “substitute bladder” for giving him life, even though it is at times uncomfortable and is currently causing his some issues.

“You get used to it, and you just thank heaven you are still alive,” he said.

Hartman said that he has no big plans after his official retirement this Friday, except to enjoy life with his wife, Donna, who retired herself two years ago.

“We’re just going to stay around home and relax and do a few odd jobs and try and keep busy,” he said.

George and Donna have one son, George Jr., who lives in North Platte, and according to Hartman he has been blessed with several grandchildren.

Hartman said that he never expected to end his career working at the center, but that he loved it nonetheless.

“I have greatly enjoyed my association here with the people at the center,” he said. “My favorite part was I enjoyed having coffee with them every day.”


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