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Seasonal allergies

As the 21st millennium begins, over 60 million Americans suffer from allergies. That’s roughly 20 percent of the population! That means 35 to 50 million Americans suffer from respiratory allergies, and the rest of the statistics have a great many categories. Changing seasons may promote allergic reactions, as our environments change due to Mother Nature.

Defined as an inappropriate response to substances, that normally aren’t harmful, Allergies can most certainly wreak havoc on one’s schedule. Truly harmful substances like environmental pollutants, asbestos, smoke, exhaust fumes, may elevate a person’s propensity for allergies. Stress and adrenal exhaustion may set the stage for allergies. Enzymatic imbalances and Essential Fatty Acid deficiencies have been shown to be culprits for allergy flare ups as well.

Allergy reactions are caused by allergens, (the substances that cause the reaction). An allergy reaction develops more easily if our bodies have excess mucous accumulation to harbor the allergen irritants. Specifically spore and pollen allergens produce congestion as the body tries to seal them off from its regular processes. Your body makes extra mucous to shield around the offending substances, so your sinuses clog, you experience stuffiness, and may get headaches and puffy eyes. Sometimes we see skin irritations, sore throats, runny, itchy, and watery eyes, and noses, sneezing, coughing attacks, bronchial and sinus infections, asthma, insomnia, menstrual disorders, and even hypoglycemia.

To give yourself a better chance of fighting off allergic reactions, it is important to build up your immune system. A good start to this process would be to cleanse your internal environment, (a 3 to 7 day cleanse would be effective), and start some serious diet changes.

Plant based diets reduce animal fats that has been directly linked to the production of inflammatory leukotrienes which cause allergies. Eat non-mucous forming foods like, fresh vegetables and fruits, cultured foods like yogurt, and kefir, high Vitamin C foods like citrus, and berries, seafood’s, cabbage, onions and garlic, sea greens, arugula, spinach, and high Omega 3 foods like flax. Avoid preserved or canned foods, sugary foods, caffeine, fatty foods, dairy and high gluten foods.

Use a Neti pot to rid your sinuses of allergens, and release excess mucous. Drink plenty of fluids to enable your body to rid itself of mucous, and get plenty of rest. Supplements to consider are bromelain for inflammation, Dandelion-nettles tea to support your liver, Vitamin C to help boost your immune system, Vitamin E to help your body rid itself of the foreign substances, and Cat’s Claw or Ginkgo Biloba extracts are natural antihistamines.

Consult with your local Naturopath for specific allergic reaction remedies, and aides to bring the educational process needed for healing. You don’t need to suffer! Call today.

Angelyn Nienhuser has a doctorate in naturopathy and is a Mental Health Counselor. She can be contacted at 308-249-5520.


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