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Skills for lifelong learning, earning and living

Skills for lifelong learning, earning and living

The Mission of Creek Valley Schools is: “Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world”. A vital part of preparing the students is Creek Valley High School’s (CVHS) Career and Technical courses. CVHS Career and Technical Education courses prepares individuals to “learn” through career exploration and technical skill development while meeting academic standards, “earn” as productive citizens in a global society, and “live” as a contributing member of their community.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with:

• Knowledge, attitudes and skills to live and work as productive individuals who are successful in their work, family and community

• Educational experiences for personal and professional growth

• Opportunities to apply academic knowledge and skills

• World of work application of academic skills

• Preparation to meet the challenges of a fast-changing society

• Meaningful experiences through partnerships in the business community

• Contextual learning, work-based learning and workplace skills delivered through a relevant, rigorous curriculum

• Personal development through student-led leadership, learning environments conducive to authentic assessment

• Smooth transitions through the education system into the workplace and/or post secondary education

Career & Technical Education is delivered through a variety of programs of study in the Nebraska Career Fields. The identified Nebraska Career Fields are delivered through CTE courses at Creek Valley High School in the following disciplines:

• Business/Technology

• Family and Consumer Sciences

• Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

• Industrial Technology

Career and technical student organizations are an integral part of CTE. The organizations prepare young people to become productive citizens and leaders in their communities by providing unique programs of career and leadership development, motivation, and recognition for students enrolled, or previously enrolled, in CTE programs. Creek Valley students are able to join the following CTE student organizations:

• FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America

• FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)



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