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In the last decade lung and respiratory diseases of all kinds have increased dramatically. Environmental, air, and water, pollutants seem to have reached the overload point on our general population, so congestion is more common than breathing free. During high risk seasons, studies show that over a third of all Americans have congestive colds every two or three weeks.
Cold symptoms have been shown to frequently be your body’s attempt to cleanse itself of waste and toxins that have built up to the point where natural immunities can’t beat them. Your glands are affected since the endocrine system works on a six day cycle and a cold usually runs for about a week.
The lungs are the front line of toxic intake from viruses, allergies, pollutants, and mucous-forming congestants. Consider doing a lung-respiratory cleanse to support your respiratory system by releasing pollutant-causing infections, aiding digestion, and to help clear skin problems.
Signs that your body needs a lung-respiratory cleanse are; a chronic phlegm cough, wheezing, a runny nose in any weather, cigarette smoking (current and former), a stuffy head with congestive allergies, bronchitis, severe sinusitis, and being highly sensitive to chemicals and pollutants.
Before considering a lung-respiratory cleanse Alkalize your body. You do this by eating alkalizing foods like fresh fruits, high chlorophyll greens and sea greens, and non-gluten grains like brown rice or millet in a ratio of 4:1 over acid-forming foods. Acid-forming foods aggravate and prolong colds and other respiratory problems.
Begin your lung-respiratory cleanse with a three day juice diet and follow with a one to four days of a diet of one-hundred percent fresh foods. Drink plenty of non-dairy fluids like water, juices, herb teas, or broth to hydrate and flush your systems. Milk congests and constipates.
An herbal tea recipe to consider in to boosting your cleansing effectiveness is as follows:
Thyme – 4 parts
Mullen herb – 3 parts
Elecampine – 3 parts
Wild cherry bark – 3 parts
Lobelia herb – 2 parts
Ginger – 2 parts
Licorice – 2 parts
Simmer on ounce of the herbs in a pint of water for twenty minutes and take one cup three times daily, or more as needed. Adding Chinese ma huang to this will enhance the decongestant qualities of the formula.
For the actual cleanse, the night before you start take an herbal laxative. Upon rising for the next three days, take 2 squeezed lemons in water with 1 TB. Maple syrup or a cup of green tea. For Breakfast take fresh diluted grapefruit or pineapple juice with 1 TBS. green superfood. At Mid-morning take a carrot juice or mixed fresh vegetable juice. For lunch have a cup of green tea. At Mid-afternoon have a mucous cleansing tea, (like the formula above). At Dinner have this broth; In 2 1⁄2 cups of water cook 1 1⁄2 cups fresh mixed vegetables with 1 TBS. miso. Strain and take drink. You can blender blend these vegetables and add 4 TBS. sunflower seeds. Before you go to bed have cranberry or celery juice or a cup of miso soup.
When doing a cleanse it is important to remember to get plenty of rest and to focus on calming activities. Meditation, aroma therapy, praying, relaxing in a seaweed bath, going for a casual, leisurely stroll, and taking naps are all ways to enhance your cleanse. Remember too that you may experience some emotional symptoms.
You may want to consult a mental health counselor if you experience a lot of intense emotion that does not go away once you have completed your cleanse. You may be experiencing depression, or anxiety and getting help is important. At any rate pay attention to yourself and how you are feeling and if you sense you need to talk to someone...make the appointment!
Consult with your local Naturopath for knowledge of other cleansing regiments, and to become educated about the benefits of regular targeted cleansing. Each of us is different and we all have different needs. Getting a cleanse designed for your specific needs cannot be accomplished on the internet or from a generalized premade cleanse.
Angelyn Nienhuser has a doctorate in naturopathy and is a Mental Health Counselor. She can be contacted at 308-249-5520.
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