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It's Mines

I know this is an incredibly controversial topic in which people have their own opinions, thoughts and ideas.

These are mine, not meant to offend anyone or anger anyone, but rather possibly make someone think a little bit.

Please remember this is my view and I do not expect anyone to understand or agree with me.

So much talk about guns and gun control due to yet another shooting at a school, yet another.

And then there is all the coverage about the man who decided to take his guns to the movies in Colorado.

Of course this coverage comes in between commercials, some of which show movies, television shows and video games that portray guns, mostly in the act of readily doing harm to another than not.

Oh, wait here’s the news again ready to bash on gun laws and what needs to be done and done now – but still with no real workable solution just more condemnation.

It’s the same coverage, almost the same words, same showing of outrage and the same concern, the same call for justice, the same call for change and the same kind of headlines by these news sources as there was from the last mass shootings and the last school that tragedy was brought upon.

The media all up in arms about what needs to be done, stirring the controversy, for now.

Is this because the media only says what we wish to hear these days?

Do we really only care once something happens and it is shoved in our faces every time we turn on the TV or open a newspaper or tune in on the radio?

So much talk about what we have to do or what we need to do, yet not much has changed from the last time we as a people faced this lesson, has it?

I don’t think so, but hey I could be wrong.

So many people talking about how bad guns are and how dangerous they are, how terribly this country needs regulation.

But the fact is it is not gun that is dangerous or “bad” but the person holding the gun, why isn’t this being worked into these talks?

After all, did the gun pull its own trigger, more recently, after walking to the school or movie theater?

I think not, unless of course I missed something.

So many people worried about keeping guns from the wrong hands, but how do you know who the wrong hands are?

It’s not like a driver’s license or background check is going to tell you which person is border line psychotic or capable of mass killings.

I use the word psychotic in its proper meaning and not as so many people flippantly use it these days.

It’s not like we can see into another’s mind to know what they are thinking - truly thinking.

Nor do most of us have the ability to see into the future to know what the buyer is going to do with the gun they just bought.

It’s not like the people who intend to use these weapons for killing wear a sign on their forehead or on their person advertise that they are going to commit mass murder or murder period.

It’s not like we are able to see into a person’s soul and know what they are capable of or who they really are, we as a people tend to take people at face value and until we learn how to read other people’s minds we do not know what they think or feel.

We as a people seem to get over tragedies until the next happens, which is why I think it is so easy for the status quo to stay about the same, after all if all you have to do is wait for the storm to pass….

I am not saying make guns illegal.

I personally am a fan of hand guns and on occasion have gone out shooting to relieve stress, but I am saying realize a gun is a gun no matter the kind and they are all designed to kill. For crying out loud it is not the guns who are doing the killing, it is people who have the right to bear arms who are doing the harm.

But if we as a people still feel the right to bear arms is an actual right and refuse to get on board with the abolishment of guns as a whole, then shouldn’t we also stop being surprised and upset when tragedy caused by guns happens.

If a person does not stop and consider that it is this right that has led to such deaths and heartbreak then are we not just seeing only a part of the picture?

And if it is your right to have a weapon, it is the right of your neighbor and it is the right of anyone who lives within this country to bear arms – short of being a felon.

And to me not recognizing this is actually the dangerous mind set.

Contact Tina Mines at [email protected]


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