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How many have heard that famous Nursery Rhythm entitled, “Humpty Dumpty?” You know… “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses, and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.” Have you ever felt that your life was just falling apart or going to pieces? Sometimes when we get broken and we try to fix ourselves, no matter how good we are at fixing things, or even if we get the pieces back together, we will never be the same again. In reality, we are fragile beings, and we experience brokenness emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and/or spiritually, leaving us in need of healing. I believe, our personal brokenness moves God to seek us out, and causes us to go to Him for healing. Spiritual Thought for Today: Jesus was broken, never to be the same again, so that, we can be healed, never to be the same again. God gave Jesus to heal broken lives!
I’m sure we can all identify with some of the broken specialty items around the house, like chipped dishes, cracked cookie jars, or pieces of furniture that have those love scratches, dents, and gouges from regular family life. These all represent broken things in our lives that we just learn to live with. But, how do we learn to live with human brokenness, that of disfigurement from an accident, a birth defect or deformity, disability from a stroke, disease, or drug abuse? How do we deal with the social brokenness of a divorce or the loss of a loved one to death? How do we live with the affects of emotional and mental trauma, leaving us unable to remain stable and strong for the normal stressors of life? Or what about the guilt and shame that comes from our spiritual brokenness, and our separation from God because of sin? As we enter the year 2013, it would be good for us right now to examine ourselves, and see what God has done for us and what He can do about the brokenness in our lives. God’s saving ministry through the brokenness of Jesus can bring us hope as well as personal healing. Spiritual thought: Jesus was broken, never to be the same again, so that, we can be healed, never to be the same again. God gave Jesus to heal broken lives!
From the first step toward earth, to the manger birth, through the growing up years, and during the temptations and trials of His earthly ministry, to the Cross of Calvary, we see Jesus taking upon himself our brokenness. We see the final stages of this breaking process on the Cross, when Jesus cries out, ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ (Matthew 27:46) Why? Because it was the only way to heal our brokenness and make us whole again. Isaiah talks about Christ’s brokenness and our healing in Isaiah 53:3-5, “He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:… Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:… he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
“With His stripes, we are healed”...... NEVER having to be overpowered or destroyed by deep depression, despair, and discouragement brought on by the death of a loved one, the separation of divorce, the results of disease, or the chaos of a disaster; NEVER having to be full of resentment and revenge, rage and rudeness; NEVER having to bear the heavy burden of guilt and shame; NEVER having to sense that helplessness and hopelessness from loneliness and isolation; NEVER more to roam endlessly without purpose.
At the beginning of this New Year 2013, I believe it is a good time to examine ourselves and remember what Jesus has done for us, and what He wants to do in us. It is a time for repairing the broken pieces, for renewal and restoration, a returning to God, and a time to receive healing from Him. When we come to His throne of grace, by faith, through prayer, Jesus dispenses His life to us, His victory, His power through the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit. With Jesus, we, who are broken by nature, by sin, or by choice, can be transformed into new creatures, never to be the same again, now and forever more! Why not let Jesus heal us today, so that the year 2013 will be a good and prosperous year for God’s glory?
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