Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

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  • Letter to the Editor: Larry Fraas of Larry's Clothing

    Jan 7, 2014

    Since January 1, when we have driven or walked by Larry’s Clothing Store, it leaves us with some great memories, but also with a great deal of sadness. Larry Fraas has not only owned and managed one very fine men’s clothing store (and later women’s clothing), but he was a gentleman and also a community leader in so many ways. He has served on many boards, committees and service clubs, as well as being the “instigator” of the Gold Rush Days celebration. Many times he’s been seen on top of the downtown businesses in all kinds of weather putting i...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Dec 11, 2013

    Sidney is very fortunate to be able to enjoy the services of many professionals in so many field locally. All are very much appreciated & wished a Merry Christmas & Blessings in the New Year. Two that we are very appreciative for and appreciate their kind, honest & dedicated services are Tom Sonntag and Polly Reker in their service in the estate of a very generous Christian lady that has benefited many in the Sidney area. With these generous gifts to St. Paul Lutheran, LWML, Ladies Aid & Pre-school we will be able to continue the love of our...

  • Letter to the Editor: Innocent until proven guilty

    Dec 3, 2013

    Dear Editor, I just wanted to let it be known to the public about the false and misleading information that has recently been published about myself and fiance Walter Fischer. On October 23, 2013 The Sidney Police Department, Cheyenne County Sheriff’s Office and Nebraska State Patrol conducted a search warrant on my parents property...The information newspapers have published #1 states both Walter and myself were arrested for possession of methamphetamine. Neither one of us were if possession of any drug or anything illegal for that matter. L... Full story

  • Letter to the Editor: In praise of the north side

    Nov 20, 2013

    This is in response to Ms Sievers' article about her fear of our Nebraska winters and a seedy North side. I am a four generation Sidneyite. My great grandparents homesteaded in this area and this is where my family has been proud to call our home. I, with my parents, lived on the north side as a kid, as well as on Linden. I currently live on the north side (last 30 years). My mother's grandparents owned a home on the north side. My father's mother lived on the north side. My grandmother was given a ride to church every week by some lovely... Full story

  • Syria

    May 3, 2013

    Editor, President Obama drew a line, with very little thought what would happen if the government in Syria ignored him. We, the people of the United States, don’t need to become involved anymore than we already are in the Middle East. We shouldn’t just walk but run as fast as we can to get out and let all the different sect’s of Islam settle their differences. It appears everyone in Washington DC is experiencing a loss of memory. Isn’t this how we became involved in Vietnam? We sent supplies, then advisor and before the public realized what was... Full story

  • Hiding Behind The Bible?

    Apr 27, 2013

    Editor, On April 12 a writer submitted an article for the Sidney Sun-Telegraph on the opinion page concerning the topic of whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to get married. My purpose is not to address all of the different subjects and opinions that were sporadically introduced as support of that so-called “right” for homosexual couples. I am most concerned about what I believe were misleading statements regarding the role of the Bible in this discussion. The writer began by first of all dismissing the relevance of the Bible to thi... Full story

  • Garbage in

    Apr 25, 2013

    Editor, Horrible, unthinkable, unfathomable events are taking place all across our nation. Our hearts are breaking for the families affected. How can these things happen? What could trigger such evil? Some are jumping to the conclusion that we need stricter laws relating to guns, but when are we going to stop blaming the weapon of choice and start looking at the one who is holding the weapon. What would possess any human being to act in such a way? I think the big question here is, “What are we putting into young people today that might s...

  • Our view

    Apr 25, 2013

    Today’s opening of the George W. Bush library – a beautiful facility in Dallas – is one of those rare occasions that brings all living presidents together. The two-term president bore the brunt of some difficult decisions during his time in the White House, taking heat for the invasion of Iraq, the banking crisis that sent the nation spiraling into recession and other issues. To the library’s credit, displays within its halls do not shy away from controversial moments in the Bush presidency, asking visitors to hear the arguments and conside... Full story

  • Gun control legislation

    Apr 24, 2013

    Editor, The President became quite upset when his gun control bill failed to garner enough votes in the Senate to pass even though he imported several of the parents of children who had been gunned down by the deranged shooter a short time ago. He stated that the Senators who failed to support his bill cared little for the children who were killed or might be in the future. However, he knows full well that nothing in this bill would have deterred the shooter or will do so in the future. He also knows that the amendment to the Constitution...

  • In response to It's Mines

    Apr 24, 2013

    Editor, While I could take issue with many things in the “It’s Mines” opinion-editorial of the April 12, 2013 Sun-Telegraph, the issue that I most object to is the characterizations by the writer of those who have a different opinion than she on the issue raised. Those who oppose same-sex marriage based on their faith are called “cowards,” or referred to as ones who “hide behind God,” yet the most reprehensible is the suggestion that they are similar to the Ku Klux Klan in using their faith to “further their hate.” Christians who oppose homose...

  • Shelter considerations

    Apr 19, 2013

    Editor, If people really want a shelter in Sidney, there are a few things to consider: 1. Without support from the community and cooperation from local government and law enforcement, you will fail, and then everyone will say you never existed. (What an insult to all the wonderful volunteers, event organizers, local businesses that supported and participated in events, and the generous donors who made the shelter possible!) 2. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Consult with rescue experts (not local vets) who know what works. Experimenting with old i...

  • Spendthrift President/Congress

    Apr 4, 2013

    Editor, All we hear now on the radio, TV or read in the papers is Congress won’t do this or the president won’t do that to keep the government solvent and they can continue paying their bills. This is all getting old fast. This problem is not something that suddenly appeared out of nowhere; it’s been going on for years. Congress hasn’t submitted a budget for years, what they have done is submit what they call a continuing resolution, and the government has just kept going, and who ever has been president has not raised any objection and cal... Full story

  • Two issues

    Mar 26, 2013

    Editor, I have two issues: Sidney School Board – Middle School Marquee: This was removed when construction was being done to the north end of the Middle School. Construction is done. Please put the marquee back up, it’s nice to know what is going on at the schools. City of Sidney – pool problem: Tax will generate $3 million. It would take $1.5 million to bring pool up to code. Allot $2 million to bring current pool up to code. Allot $1 million to construct an enclosure over current pool. Thank you, Janice Makris, Sidney... Full story

  • The gun grabbers are out en mass

    Mar 26, 2013

    Editor, Colorado’s Congress just approved the limitation of the type of firearms a citizen could own and the size of their magazines to 15 rounds. This limitation is in direct contradiction to the second amendment of our Constitution. The intent of this amendment was to ensure that ‘We The People” would be able to combat any attempt by Government to use its power to set up an Aristocracy or Monarchy such as existed prior to people emigrating to the United States of America. Picture, if you will, the People confronting a Government gone astray w... Full story

  • Another President like Coolidge is needed

    Mar 19, 2013

    Editor, Calvin Coolidge became President of the United States in 1923 following the untimely death of President Harding and served through 1929. He had previously served as Governor of Massachusetts and was dedicated to budgeting and lower taxes. He stuck as religiously to the national budget during his tenure as he did to his own personal one and insisted that his cabinet members do likewise. He met weekly with his budget director and anticipated requests that he might encounter before each cabinet meeting. He stated that it was more... Full story

  • 'Honest Abe'

    Mar 13, 2013

    Editor, As to my own personal reply to the “New swimming pool” I feel Abraham Lincoln said it best! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’s fool all of the people, all of the time! It seems some of the people “here” are trying to fool all of the people “here,” all of the time. Let’s focus on what this community really needs! Mike Hebert, Sidney... Full story

  • New swimming pool

    Mar 9, 2013

    Editor, “I listened on the radio the other day about the new swimming pool and they want some opinions and input so here is mine: I’m confused with my math on this 1/2 cent sales tax. It was presented to the voters as follows: 50% to street funding to fix our deteriorated streets 30% to the swimming pool 12% to the golf course 5% to storm-water projects 3% to park improvements 100% TOTAL NOW, if this would generate 10 million dollars in ten years that would make as follows: $5 million...............street fund $3 million.......

  • Gun control

    Mar 7, 2013

    Editor, Right now, the Colorado legislature is working on a GUN CONTROL LAW they say we the people want. They are demonizing all guns, both long guns and handguns and the way the guns are designed to look and function. They are giving guns attributes that have nothing to do with how the guns operate or their use. I have yet to see any gun go to a liquor store and rob it or rob a bank or shot anyone without a person first picking that gun up and purposely do those things. Our legislature should be thinking about the person using the gun to... Full story

  • Honest Abe

    Mar 5, 2013

    Editor, I would like to share a few quotes from one of our greatest presidents – Abraham Lincoln – also know as ‘Honest Abe.” “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” “Don’t interfere with anything i... Full story

  • Buffett’s salary – fact or fantasy

    Feb 20, 2013

    Editor, The administration and their subservient mainstream media continue to publicize that Warren Buffett’s salary is less than his secretary’s. What a hoax. Warren Buffet sets both salaries and if he were to pay himself a salary commensurate with that of CEOs of other large companies, none of which are anywhere near as large as Berkshire-Hathaway, his would be in the multimillion dollar range. He doesn’t need the salary since most of his earnings are from dividends and interest which is a huge amount. An interesting twist to this scena... Full story

  • Contracts with government, are they binding?

    Feb 5, 2013

    Editor, Contracts signed in the private sector are good as gold or result in lawsuits. Contracts with government are apparently not worth the paper they’re printed on. Case in point, Social Security. Social Security was a contract between the government and Social Security enrollees and enforced by the government for workers, individual or employed. Our federal government took the funds paid into the Trust Fund and spent it on all sort of activities other than retirement benefits and replaced it with IOUs at an unrealistic interest rate d...

  • Women in the military

    Feb 2, 2013

    Editor, A lot of statements have been in the news recently about the Defense Department’s announcement that women are to be included in military combat units as a gender neutral measure. However, to date no one has commented on a basic problem associated with this decision, namely what might likely happen to a woman captured by Muslim forces. Women are treated as personal property in the Muslim communities and have few if any rights of their own. Can you imagine how they might well be ravaged or sexually abused and even killed if captured? I...

  • State of the Union Address

    Jan 30, 2013

    Editor, Fellow traveler Jim Hightower in usual fashion described the Presidents speech as what we really needed to hear and praised his political honesty. I found the only thing that was great about this political speech was its brevity, some 18 minutes. The President must have had a White House basketball game about to begin or he was late for his golf excursion, perhaps in Hawaii. Otherwise the speech was a rendition of all the socialist aims that he had not yet been able to accomplish and planned to spend more money that the nation...

  • Look for Panhandle Public Health District’s annual report

    Jan 29, 2013

    Editor, Included in this week’s edition of the paper is the PPHD’s annual report featuring the Panhandle’s Community Health Improvement Plan. We know that more than anything, our health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. Communities that come together to create an environment where making the healthy choice the easy choice will have better health outcomes for their citizens. The Community Health Improvement Plan lays out a road map of how, together, we all can make the Panhandle a healthier place. The strategies chosen call...

  • Little or no effect

    Jan 23, 2013

    Editor, The President’s new gun control proposals and his executive orders will have little or no effect on gun violence in this country and the statement that they are worth it even if they save a single life is almost ridiculous. Guns don’t kill people or children, criminals do. If all of the President’s proposals were in place it would have not changed what happened in the Connecticut elementary school, or in the recent theater shootings in Colorado for that matter. Killings in Chicago and Washington D.C. are wholesale and yet they have...

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