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  • Allen Guelzo's "Our Ancient Faith"

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 26, 2024

    When driving to destinations from home and back, I occupy my time by listening to YouTube videos of Civil War historians on my mobile phone. I am curious to hear their ideas and stories. The best crop of Civil War historians today, in my estimation, include: Eric Foner at Columbia, Gary Gallagher at the University of Virginia, David Blight at Yale, and Allen Guelzo now at Princeton, but formerly at Gettysburg College. Each has a collection of videos. Plus, each possesses that innate ability to...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 39

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 26, 2024

    "God is good and His mercy endures forever." Psalm 136. This Psalm relates Israel's journey through centuries of time, holding fast to "His mercy endures forever." 'Mercy' in Hebrew is 'hesed' which means 'covenant'. Psalm 89:4 reminds "My covenant I will not break, nor alter the words of My mouth," That is, God can be trusted in every earthly circumstance. October 8, 2024 begins Isreal's civil New Year, 5785. During 5784 the theme was "Restore! Open Doors and Much More.". Now 5785 is a "Hey!"...

  • What If The Future...

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Sep 19, 2024

    Let us pretend for a moment that we can change the future. For instance, what if some one or more of us came up with an idea that stood a good chance of bettering our city's economy. What if we stopped being stuck in past ways of looking at things and took a chance on changing our perspective. What if we did that? I was looking through some some of the old newspapers I've collected over the years and found some that dated back to the days after I left the Navy. I spent my first year after...

  • There are No Shortcuts

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 19, 2024

    When someone is successful, they are more visible than when they were struggling along their path to attain their goals. Few people draw much attention while they are confronting challenges and overcoming numerous obstacles. When a person has reached the top of the mountain and is standing on the summit, they are much more visible than when they were climbing up the side. We all desire success, however we define it. However, very few of us relish the time and effort required to bring our dreams...

  • The 2023 Tax Problem That Won't Go Away

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Sep 19, 2024

    This week I want to continue my explanation of LB 34 and what it means to you as a property tax payer. Three lawmakers, Sen. Steve Halloran (LD33), Sen. Justin Wayne (LD13), and myself did a press release last week, alerting members of the public to the fact that taxpayers will not be able to claim their property tax credit for their 2023 property taxes paid. That press release got the attention of the members of the Legislature's Revenue Committee and the Nebraska Department of Revenue, who...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 37

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 19, 2024

    “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. What you sow you shall reap”. Galatians 6:7 Often used in the negative, this verse illustrates Genesis 8;22 “While earth remains, seed, time, and harvest. Cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night shall not cease.” We take such natural events for granted but question how God can, or will, bring harvest from the spiritual into the present; here and now. Wheat growers are gearing up, today to get certified wheat seed into their best soil, believi...

  • Filing for 30% Tax Credit

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Sep 12, 2024

    As you may recall, I have written about the not-so-special legislative session in some of my recent articles. For the past week I have been researching the implementation of LB 34, the so-called property tax relief bill that was passed during the special session of the Legislature in August. As I have read and reread that legislation, it has become apparent to me that the legislature, including me, missed an important piece about how that bill would be implemented. The special session started...

  • Imperfection

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 12, 2024

    No one is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Those who are most successful, build on their strengths while striving to overcome their weaknesses. It's not unusual for a trait that initially appears to be a weakness to actually be a strength. I came across the following parable which nicely shows this point. Many years ago, a farmer had to get his household water from a nearby stream. To get as much water as possible from each trip, he used two large clay pots, each fastened...


    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 12, 2024

    Universities opened their doors a week or two ago. Freshman students moved into their dorm rooms, met their roommates, hung pictures on the walls, and completed their class schedules. Most students want to do well, even just ok, at college, but not everyone does. How well any student completes his or her mastery of course work at a college depends upon that student's preparation, his or her readiness, his or her skill at reading and writing, plus his or her ambition, hustle, and drive. Yet, abov...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 37

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 12, 2024

    "Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and doors will be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7. This verse is full of 'double dog dares'. Dare we ask for truth in campaign issues? Dare we search out voting records and lifestyles of candidates? Dare we knock on doors inviting friends and neighbors to vote? Benjamin Franklin, aged 81, wept after signing the Constitution. "We have given you a [Constitutional] Republic, if you can (dare) keep it." Do we dare? September 17 is...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 12, 2024

    Dear Editor, Nebraska will be going from the frying pan into the fire if legal medical marijuana is passed into law. In my state of Colorado, which passed “medical” marijuana in 2000, the scant income from the sale of cannabis is dwarfed by the increased costs of automobile accidents, driving under the influence, addiction treatment, educational problems, increased domestic and street violence, as well as a lowered perception of harm by teens. If legalized, weed will immediately become more accessible to teens. Suicide is now the #1 cause of...

  • Continental Resources v. Kevin L. Fair

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Sep 5, 2024

    Because the Nebraska State Legislature failed to pass any kind of meaningful and significant property tax relief during the special session, and because Nebraska now ranks as the second worst state in the nation for mortgage delinquencies, today I would like to inform the public about a significant development in the courts which now affects those with delinquent property tax liens. According to Nebraska State Statute 77-1801, the properties of those with delinquent property tax bills can be sol...

  • Being Overwhelmed

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 5, 2024

    The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back is an illustration of what can happen when you feel overwhelmed. Each straw by itself is irrelevant. Yet, the cumulative weight of enough straw can be unbearable. Life’s events can have the same cumulative impact as the straw. Most situations, by themselves, are manageable. But when you are faced with one problem after another, before you have a chance to resolve each one, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Situations can also pile up gradually becau...

  • Dealing With Reality Part 2

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Sep 5, 2024

    Before the start of our mid-point Fallout Shelter Management class at the University of Alaska one of our instructors turned on the radio to hear the weekend weather report. An emergency notice interrupted and we heard "a nuclear attack is imminent – seek shelter immediately, this is not a drill." As the warning was repeated the air raid sirens went off with the signal for a nuclear attack. As the sirens wailed we were herded into a fallout shelter – a large room outfitted with a heavy fir...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 36

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 5, 2024

    "Beloved, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." I Corinthians 15:15 The Apostle Paul was explaining to a congregation of worldly-minded, newborn Christians, the liberty they lived in and the surety of the afterlife in Messiah Jesus. He presented knowledge of life, wisdom of God and understanding of a new faith-filled life. Today's younger generation is searching for truth they can trust. An excellent Bible example, then, is required of us. In Hebrew,...

  • Biden-Harris Inflation Making Back-to-School Too Expensive

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Aug 29, 2024

    For the past three and a half years, families have struggled under stubbornly high prices. The cause is Washington overspending and delusional regulations. As a result, American families are paying over $13,000 more a year to enjoy the same quality of life they had when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office. Back-to-school budgets are one of the many ways families are feeling this burden. According to the National Retail Federation, total K-12 back-to-school spending is projected to reach...

  • Dream Maker or Dream Breaker?

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Aug 29, 2024

    Are you a dream maker or a dream breaker? The category to which you belong will strongly influence the direction your life takes, your level of satisfaction, and the type of impact you have on other people. Most of us aren't even aware of the distinctions between dream makers and dream breakers. Dream makers believe anything is possible. To them, the future is full of hope, promise, and potential. They know problems have solutions and obstacles can be overcome. Not only do dream makers believe...

  • Richard A. Viguerie Company, Inc.

    William H. Benson, Columnist|Aug 29, 2024

    I received a two-page solicitation letter last week from "President Donald J.Trump." So the letter said. To be correct, Trump is "Former President Donald J. Trump." I read two pages, front and back on a single sheet, signed by Trump on the second page, and received two envelopes to return $25.00 in August and $25.00 in September, to help, he writes, "make certain Crooked Joe Biden is sent packing back to Delaware." Further into the letter, he gives out his standard MAGA points, that, "[W]e are...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 34

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 29, 2024

    "And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures." Luke 24:45 Jesus spoke comfort to His Disciples near Emmaus, first, that Scripture is true and His death, burial and resurrection was planned! Jesus came to teach everlasting life, preach the goodness of God, heal the sick, cast out demons and undo the works of the devil. I John 3:8. God counted it righteousness to Abraham (as if sin had never happened), who would teach his children. Every parent in Christ Jesus is...

  • Failing on Property Tax Relief

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Aug 22, 2024

    As I write this article it is the 14th day of the Unicameral Legislature's special session for property tax relief and it is still ongoing. 81 bills have been introduced during the special session to deal with taxes while 24 resolutions have been introduced to change the Nebraska State Constitution. Each one of these bills and resolutions has had a public hearing. Most of these bills were referenced to the Legislature's Revenue Committee. So, the members of the Revenue Committee combined several...

  • How You Respond Makes the Difference

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Aug 22, 2024

    Everyone encounters adverse circumstances. Some people survive and thrive while others suffer and allow their spirit to be extinguished. It's not the circumstances that vary, it is the manner in which each individual chooses to respond. Harold was out for a walk when he came across an old abandoned well shaft. Peering over the edge, he lost his footing and fell to the bottom of the deep well. Miraculously, Harold was unhurt as he landed in the soft dirt at the bottom. As Harold sat down to...

  • Dealing With Reality: Part 1

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Aug 22, 2024

    16 wasn't noteworthy for me and I was not worried about the state of the world. 1963 was better. I graduated from 8th grade and discovered girls. Weeks before the graduation dance I had lessons from my parents and watching American Bandstand. They didn't take. Overcoming shyness I approached one of the girls in my class and we tripped the light fantastic. I only tromped on her toes 2 or 3 times. I've never been a good dancer (as my wife Dorothy would have confirmed) but I like to dance. In...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 34

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 22, 2024

    "Encourage the young ones to be sober minded in all things; a pattern of good works, integrity, reverence, incorruptibility having nothing evil to say of you or them." Titus 2:6-8 Mother Teresa (1910-1997) founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to saving babies, feeding the poor and healing lives. Selflessness was the genesis of sainthood. One of her famous quotes was: "Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person." Biography....

  • Fixing the Governor's Tax Plan

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Aug 15, 2024

    The Governor's new property tax relief plan for the special session is in deep trouble. Last Thursday the Legislature voted to adjourn until Monday, August 12, in order to fix several problems in the bill and to garner more support for it. LB9 along with AM51 is getting tossed about like a wave of the sea without enough votes to get it passed. It is not my intention today to sink the Governor's property tax relief bill; instead, I want to save it. Last Thursday I offered Nebraska State Senators...

  • Recovering From Mistakes

    Bryan Golden, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Aug 15, 2024

    As careful as you may be, you will make mistakes. Although it's not possible to live mistake free, there are effective strategies you can use to recover from your mistakes. Let's start by considering basic causes of mistakes. You are impatient and act too quickly. You lack knowledge or expertise. You don't have enough information to make a sound decision. You make a decision based on wrong information. Regardless of the cause, you need to recover from your mistakes. Once you have recovered, you...

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