Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • Will I Fight For Equality?

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Aug 15, 2024

    Students will walk back into school soon and settle themselves into a small desk. Once seated, each girl and each boy will stare at a series of math story problems, or long pages of difficult-to-read text on science or history, plus the dreaded weekly compositions in English. To those anxious students I say, "Embrace those compositions. Do not let them intimidate you. Let your light shine. Present your opinions, your ideas, your humor. Lay aside your fear of ridicule from your peers. Show your...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 33

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 15, 2024

    "The testing of your faith produces patience, so let patience have her perfect work that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4 Ever prayed for money to come and solve your financial problem or advance your vision? James warns of 'asking amiss' 4:3. Praying without knowledge of God's promise is to invite wrong solutions. Not believing in the heart, or worse, desiring your own way, causes vision to drift into darkness and money with it. First, understand God doesn't have...

  • The LB16 Hearing

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Aug 8, 2024

    On July 30 a public hearing was held at the State Capitol in Lincoln on LB 16. LB 16 is the latest and most updated version of the EPIC Option Consumption Tax, which I introduced for the special session of the Legislature. According to the Governor's proclamation only bills which focus on property tax relief may be considered for the special session. The public hearing was outstanding for the EPIC Option Consumption Tax. One member of the Revenue Committee commented afterwards that nearly 100 pr...

  • Persistence or Insanity

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Aug 8, 2024

    "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." -Benjamin Franklin Persistence is key to reaching your goals. But how do you know if you are on the right track or just doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results? Unfortunately, there is no easy way to know. Since there is no way to know how long it will take to reach success, there is always the uncertainty of whether you need to allow more time or alter your strategy....

  • Will I Fight For Equality?

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Aug 8, 2024

    It Depends. In colonial America you were an Englishman, or you were not. The common plea was that an Englishman was an Englishman no matter where he stood in the world. The colonists increasingly took this to mean that they were equal in status and right to any other English subject. British people of the upper classes viewed this idea with some distaste and were often offended when approached with familiarity by an American. (Sounds like some of our elected officials and other classes in presen...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 32

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 8, 2024

    Psalm 37: 4 "I will give you the desires of your heart." Saul kicked against the pricks (points of the law), as the rich young ruler in Mark 10. He could not reconcile the Law with a caring Father, a relationship with God, as Jesus taught. How could everlasting, abundant life as in Matthew 5-7 and Luke 4 ever really be? His teacher, Gamaliel, was the greatest Rabbi ever. Saul was to dress like, eat like and teach like him. But a relationship with God, Himself? Acts 9, Saul becomes a student of...

  • The Pillen Plan

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Aug 1, 2024

    The special session of the State Legislature has now begun. The first three days of the session were devoted to bill introduction. Gov. Pillen introduced his property tax relief plan first. I followed him shortly thereafter with the introduction of four pieces of legislation for the EPIC Option Consumption Tax. Today I would like to provide readers with my own analysis of the Governor's property tax relief plan by comparing it to the EPIC Option Consumption Tax plan. The Governor's property tax...

  • Keep Your Eyes on the Road

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Aug 1, 2024

    You would never attempt to drive your car with the windshield painted black. Nor would you expect to keep your car on the road by looking out every window but the front one. But how many people attempt to get through life by looking in every direction except forward. Distractions are everywhere. There are the distractions of the past. You think about the things you did but shouldn't have done. Then there are those things you didn't do but feel you should have. Additionally, there are the bad exp...

  • Specialization

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Aug 1, 2024

    During the first World War, Henry Ford brought suit against the "Chicago Tribune," because a reporter wrote that Ford was an "ignoramus." At the trial, the newspaper's attorneys peppered Ford with trivia questions, each designed to prove Ford's ignorance. To each question, Ford replied, "I do not know." Feeling exasperated, Ford said, "If I should wish to answer these foolish questions, I could call in men who could give me the correct answer. Now why should I fill my mind with useless details,...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 31

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 1, 2024

    Colorado may not be Heaven, but it is on the way! Happy 148th anniversary! "And the Lord said, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house to a land I will show you. I will bless you and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and in you all the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:1-3 God spoke these words to Abram of the Chaldees--and to me. Grandpa Brands arrived in Colorado behind a herd of Morgan horses. Natives who knew good horse hay, sent him...

  • Medical Marijuana

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Jul 25, 2024

    Two ballot measures will appear on your ballot in November which would legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. The first initiative would make it legal for physicians to prescribe medical cannabis, while the second initiative would regulate the dispensing of the drug. The reason for two separate ballot initiatives has to do with the single subject rule stipulated in the Nebraska State Constitution, which states in Article III, Section 2 that “Initiative measures shall contain only one s...

  • Getting Our Country Back on Track

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Jul 25, 2024

    Like most Americans, I was horrified by the recent assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. I'm grateful that President Trump survived the attack. Our nation prays for the innocent victims. Corey Comperatore was murdered while using his body to shield his loved ones from gunfire. This shouldn't have been allowed to happen. Political violence is anti-American. An attempted political assassination is an attack against America and our democratic republic. Everyone must condemn...

  • The Placebo Effect

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Jul 25, 2024

    The placebo effect is a great illustration of the awesome power of the mind. Here is how it works. A person is given an inert substance with no medicinal properties and told that it is a drug that is proven to cure whatever malady they are experiencing. The amazing result is that the subject often recovers as if they received actual medicine. The only explanation for the recovery is that since the person's mind believed they were going to get better, they did. Then there are those who don't...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 30

    Ivy Joy Johnson|Jul 25, 2024

    What just happened? Father God's 'fullness of time' and satan's nightmare. Saturday, 7-13-24 The Son of David, The Lord's Servant showed up in Butler, Pennsylvania, an unstable 'swing state'. God's design of time is 7 days, weeks, years and Jubilees. In Hebrew, 13 equates His word LOVE. The year 2024 is to restore and bring more of everlasting life. Further, the day was Sabath, His holy day of rest for Man. Attacking God's people on holy days is never tolerated; not Hamas' attack on Chosen...

  • Mike Foley

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Jul 18, 2024

    I imagine that most readers are expecting me to write this week about the upcoming special session of the State Legislature. The Governor has not yet formally called for a special session of the Legislature and his plan for property tax relief remains under construction. When news becomes available, about a special session or about his plan for property tax relief, I will be sure to let the readership know. I am committed to keeping the folks of Western Nebraska informed about state news. When i...

  • Complaining

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Jul 18, 2024

    Is complaining an effective strategy for solving problems? Will complaining improve your situation? Do others enjoy listening to you complain? The answer to all three questions is no. Then why do people complain? There are a number of reasons a person complains. He or she may be looking for sympathy, assistance, support, or just letting off steam. There are also people who are habitual whiners who are never satisfied or content. In the case of sympathy, there is an erroneous assumption that if...

  • Jack Nicholson

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Jul 18, 2024

    Columbia Pictures released Easy Rider on July 14, 1969, fifty-five years ago last Sunday. I missed seeing it that summer, because I was busy on the farm driving a 92 Massey Harris combine in wheat harvest. I missed the film later, because I was busy my sophomore year in high school running here, there and everywhere: cross country, track, and basketball. I admit. I have never watched Easy Rider. Other things have crowded out my time. The film was a runaway success, grossing $60 million, but only...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 29

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Jul 18, 2024

    "Seek first the Kingdom of God. It is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom which is within you." Matthew 5:1-7:29 Sermon on the Mount summary: "God blesses what we do get right, which inspires us to get more right." God has called us all to good works. It is how He uses us to love His chosen ones with what He has called them to do. This is known as fellowship, partnership and loving one another as Christ (Messiah) Jesus has loved us. John 13:34, 35 Joe had come to clear our property of...

  • End of EPIC Petition Drive

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Jul 11, 2024

    Today it is with great disappointment that I must report that the EPIC Option Consumption Tax team did not meet the required signature count to place our two initiatives for constitutional amendments on the November general election ballot. While the team met the first goal of securing signatures from at least five percent of registered voters in 38 counties, the team fell short of the second requirement of securing signatures from ten percent of the registered voters statewide. I would like to...

  • The Important Stuff

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Jul 11, 2024

    Alice, a high school guidance counselor, was conducting a job and career seminar for seniors. During their four years in high school, she overheard students worrying about their hair, their clothes, who was dating who, what cars people were driving, along with all the other typical teenage angst. Alice wanted to impress upon the students what's important in life versus the small stuff. As the students sat down in Alice's room, they saw some items on her desk more appropriate for an earth...

  • Looking Back For A Future

    Mike Sunderland, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 11, 2024

    Sometimes we need to stop and look back in our nation's history and see some of the grander and better seeds that were planted by our elected leaders. Here are some seeds from both sides of the political aisle that were planted years ago. We need to water them and help them to grow in these troubled days. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT QUOTES: The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 28

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Jul 11, 2024

    "Then the Lord said, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord!" Numbers 14:20-21 "Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophecy, test all things and hold fast what is good." I Thessalonians, 5:19-21 Prophecy is given to instruct, encourage or reveal Father's heart. This prophesy came from a man and wife in New York: "The Lord says, 'I founded Israel because I loved the people but, the United States was founded because the people loved Me.'" John 3:16, 17 Today the...

  • Senate Internship Opportunities for Nebraska's Future Leaders

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Jul 4, 2024

    Last summer, my team and I launched our internship program in Nebraska and Washington. Over the past year, we've welcomed 23 young professionals into our offices. The experience gives future leaders from across our state an opportunity to serve their fellow Nebraskans. They gain valuable professional skills. They also receive hands-on experience working in public policy, communications, and constituent services. I'm grateful to each intern we've had so far for their contributions to our team....

  • The Battle Inside You Part 3

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Jul 4, 2024

    In the previous column (part 2), I discussed the positive emotions of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, and humility. Part 1 reviewed the negative emotions of anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, superiority, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. This column will finish with the remaining positive emotions of kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The purpose of these three columns is to contrast the positive and...

  • Frederick Douglass's Speech, July 5, 1852

    William H. Benson, Columnist|Jul 4, 2024

    At the inception of America's Revolutionary War against King George III and Parliament, certain Pennsylvania Quakers urged a policy of abolishment of slavery within their colony. In 1775, a Quaker named Anthony Benezet founded the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, the first abolitionist society in America. In May 1776, delegates at the Second Continental Congress, then meeting in Philadelphia, called for the creation of thirteen new state governments, and allow colonial...

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