Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • Differ We Must

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Oct 12, 2023

    Since 2004, radio personality Steve Inskeep has hosted National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition.” During Covid lockdown in 2020, at home with time to spare, Inskeep researched and wrote a book that was published this past week. Inskeep found its title, “Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America,” in a letter that Abraham Lincoln wrote to his good friend Joshua Speed, dated August 24, 1855. Last week, Inskeep explained to Amna Nawaz of PBS News Hour, and Scott Simon of NPR, that...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: Local Control

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Oct 5, 2023

    One of the complaints that I often here about the EPIC Option Consumption Tax has to do with the loss of local control. For example, the League of Municipalities held an informational meeting last week, where they complained about how the EPIC Option Consumption Tax eliminates local control. This was a false assumption. The EPIC Option Consumption Tax does not eliminate local control. The pink postcards we all received recently in the mail were the result of a bill that passed in the...

  • Joe Biden made the worst vice-presidential pick of the last 50 years

    Rich Lowry, American Writer and Columnist|Oct 5, 2023

    Poor Kamala Harris. The alleged misogyny that is tearing at her vice presidency apparently extends to highly partisan Democratic leaders such as Jamie Raskin and Nancy Pelosi. Both of them caused ripples when their praise for Harris in recent TV interviews was notably cool, as if they were at a high-end fundraising dinner and hated the escargot but had to try to convince the hostess that they really loved it. The Biden campaign reportedly contacted both Raskin and Pelosi. The Maryland...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 40

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Oct 5, 2023

    The Lord said, "Have I not commanded you to be strong and of good courage (very resolute)? Do not be afraid nor be dismayed, I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." And Joshua said, "OK!!" Joshua 1:3, 9 Can we just believe that the Lord is with us, wherever we happen to be? Psalm 118:25-27 is David's assessment of God as faithful: "With the merciful, You show mercy, with the blameless, You are blameless, with the pure,...

  • Right Versus Wrong

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Oct 5, 2023

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Please enjoy this week's Sutherland piece which is a reprint from 10/13/2021. It is just as relevant now as it was then. Sorry folks, I wish I could write numerous articles full of laughter and fun, but I can't. After watching the evening news and comparing the way various news channels handle reporting the same event I usually end up shaking my head in sorrow. One gives a positive spin on everything that is wrong while another spins the good as something bad. The national news...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: Expanding CNPPID's Empire

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Sep 28, 2023

    One of the biggest problems facing states today is empire building. Empire building is the mentality of growing governmental entities without regard for the best interests of the community or the interests of private taxpaying citizens. Many managers of governmental entities and directors of state agencies view their mission in terms of expanding the reach of their organization, and that is not good when it hurts the community or affects the standard of living of their constituency. So, today I...

  • John Fetterman makes the U.S. Senate safe for disgraceful slobs

    Rich Lowry, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 28, 2023

    John Fetterman's Senate legacy is now set -- he's the guy who made it possible to dress like a slob. What the Missouri Compromise was to Henry Clay, what the Second Reply to Hayne was to Daniel Webster, what the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was to Lyndon Johnson, Carhartt sweatshirts and baggy shorts will be to John Fetterman. The Pennsylvania senator is the poster boy -- if self-indulgent sloppiness is your thing -- for the Senate dropping a dress code that required senators to dress in business...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 39

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 28, 2023

    “The feasts of the Lord which you (Moses) shall proclaim to be holy convocations are My Moeds (holy days).” Days of feasting and worship were put in place by God to mystify and confound the enemy so that their wranglings were ignored as the Hebrew people feasted, rejoiced and praised the Lord. Seven such feasts began with Passover and ended with Succoth, each year. The joy of the Lord is STRENGTH that the adversary cannot comprehend. Nehemiah 8:10; John 1:5 Succoth begins September 30th thi...

  • Peering Into The Future

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 28, 2023

    Some people possess a talent to peer deep into the future. In Biblical times people called them prophets. In the Middle Ages, people believed them wizards. Today they are economists who make projections based upon previous business data. Thomas Paine was an unknown writer in Philadelphia, fresh off the boat from England, but he peered deep into the future, more than did others already here. In 1776, in “Common Sense, Paine wrote, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A sit...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 28, 2023

    Dear Editor, I don’t normally do this, write a letter to the editor that is. But I wanted to give you a public show of support and to thank you for the opinion piece “Community Arbi-Traitors” that ran last week in this paper. It’s about time people start getting more vocal. I am so sick of hearing about that group everywhere I go. I haven’t heard one positive thing by anyone, and it sure does seem like they only exist to stir a pot. Fortunately, I do not watch them on Facebook, but I do share mutual friends who screen shot their articles and co...

  • Community Arbi-Traitors

    Barbara Perez, Editor, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Sep 21, 2023

    Margaret Thatcher famously said "If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing." Britain's Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990, Thatcher was the first woman to lead any large country and became known all over the world as "the Iron Lady". A nickname she relished. One would think that she would have been heralded as an icon of feminism, yet the fact is that she did not engage women as her peers, and she didn't noticeably...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 39

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 21, 2023

    "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgiveorgive and cleanse (purify, beautify) us from all unrighteousness (whatever is not like Him)" I John 1:9 Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. September 25, this year. The most well attended of any Jewish festival. Not the Jubilee year, just past, when all possessions were returned to their proper owner, all debts canceled and slaves freed, but Yom Kippur when sin is covered up for another year. Jesus came to die on the Cross in order to...

  • Fighting Fire

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Sep 21, 2023

    My Navy boot company spent 2 days sweating in Southern California heat learning to handle fire hoses and how to put out shipboard fires with nothing but water. In 1967 the Western U.S. Navy Boot Camp was located at San Diego. It was hot and miserable but necessary training. Most of our training was on the use of the 3-position nozzle and the handling of fire hoses. We used a nozzle that could put out different streams: solid stream, coarse spray and fog. The high pressure solid stream was used...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: The Labor Shortage

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Sep 14, 2023

    Last month Gov. Jim Pillen put together a new task force to examine Nebraska's workforce shortage. In predictable fashion, Gov. Pillen stacked the task force with those who continue to ignore Nebraska's most pressing problem, namely the need for tax reform. Instead of choosing people who care about tax reform, those who were selected for the task force represent the most supportive of our state's broken tax system. Besides state agencies, the task force will consist of representatives from the...

  • No, we aren't Rome

    Rich Lowry, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 14, 2023

    An op-ed in The New York Times warns, as the headline puts it, that “America is an empire in decline,” and finds a precedent in imperial Rome. The piece, written by the co-author of a new book, “Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West,” shows that the cottage industry in comparisons between the United States and Rome is as robust as ever. It is an irresistible temptation to superimpose the history of Rome and especially its decline and fall -- an enduring subject of fascinati...

  • Motza, Israel

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 14, 2023

    The main highway running east to west across Israel's width is Highway One. It connects Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to the Jordan River Valley, near Jericho. In 2012, highway contractors working five kilometers west of Jerusalem near the town of Motza uncovered a Neolithic town, home to perhaps 3,000 people at one time. A new thing, an interstate highway, led to a discovery of an old thing, a town. Tel Motza is now the largest Neolithic site in Israel. Archaeologists define a Tel as "a mound or small...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: The Sports and Spaces Act

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Sep 7, 2023

    Last week Riley Gaines came to Nebraska. Who is Riley Gaines? Riley Gaines is one of America's most decorated female swimmers. Swimming for the University of Kentucky, she became a 12-time All-American as well as the SEC Female Scholar-Athlete of 2022. However, she has begun speaking around the country in support of women's sports and against transgender athletes competing in women's sports. At the 2022 NCAA Swimming and Diving national championships Riley Gaines found herself having to compete...

  • Trump creates a spin-off

    Rich Lowry, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 7, 2023

    Just how dominant is Donald Trump in the Republican Party? He's so far ahead in the polls that he felt comfortable skipping the first GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee, while on the actual debate stage, his epigone, Vivek Ramaswamy, soaked up an outsized portion of the attention. The 38-year-old billionaire biotech entrepreneur shows that the Trump brand is so strong that it can create successful subsidiaries, the Trump storyline so compelling that subplots can be spun off into their own prog...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 36

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 7, 2023

    "One generation shall praise Your works to another, and declare Your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4 Ah, September! School, again. Football, again. New friends, again. We never outgrow it. Nostalgia takes us back to marching band and drills to do at half-time. It is noted in the newspaper's 'Old Time' events; scrapbooks are filled with pictures of people, in strange clothing, posing eyes squinting with forced smiles. But look! These are our parents and grandparents!! Every 80ish years society goes...

  • I love Latin!

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Sep 7, 2023

    Once in a while us males have to show off our intelligence, just to prove that the main stream media is not as accurate (aka smart) as they would have us believe. So, here goes my attempt... I attended Monroe High School in Fairbanks Alaska. It was, and still is run by the local Catholic Church. I graduated from the school way back in... well never mind! One of the courses we were required to take was 2 years of classic Latin (the language, not the style of music). Sister Lewis was my Latin...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: The Heartbeat Omnibus Bill

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Aug 31, 2023

    Last week the South Carolina State Supreme Court upheld that state's new law banning abortions after the sixth week of gestation. Bill's which ban abortions after the sixth week are known as heartbeat bills because that is when a baby's heartbeat is normally first detected. Writing for the majority, Justice John Kittredge said that while the new law infringes on a woman's right of privacy and bodily autonomy, the South Carolina Legislature had reasonably determined this time that "interest of...

  • The GOP race is not quite as over as it looks

    Rich Lowry, American Writer and Columnist|Aug 31, 2023

    If it "got late early" in the old majestic Yankee Stadium with its long shadows, as the famous Yogi Berra quote had it, it's gotten late before about the fourth inning in the Republican presidential race. In 2016, Donald Trump loved to pump out the results of unreliable online polls that showed him trouncing his competitors by ridiculous margins. Now, he doesn't need to bother with the shoddy polls; he can do the same thing with blue-chip media polls. The new national CBS poll has him leading se...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 35

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Aug 31, 2023

    "Come unto Me, all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. Rest is not laziness or quitting. It is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason with the right people. Jesus is speaking of a sin/inequity burden Adam created by giving his dominion over to Satan, the father of lies, deception, depression, greed and avarice. Evil calling evil good. Isaiah 5:20 Pilgrims and Puritans sought these shores because of severe persecution under British kings....

  • Books and Censorship

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Aug 31, 2023

    The list of banned, censored, and challenged books is long and illustrious. Decameron (1353) by Giovanni Boccaccio, and Canterbury Tales (1476) by Geoffrey Chaucer were banned from U. S. mail because of the Federal Anti-Obscenity Law of 1873, known as the Comstock Law. That law "banned the sending or receiving of works containing 'obscene, 'filthy,' or 'inappropriate' material. William Pynchon, a prominent New England landowner and founder of Springfield, Massachusetts, wrote a startling...

  • Straight Talk From Steve: LB-589

    Steve Erdman, 47th District|Aug 24, 2023

    Whenever it comes to delivering on property tax relief for the good, hardworking citizens of Nebraska, governmental entities with tax asking authority always seem to find ways to shut it down, and that is exactly what is happening in Nebraska again this year. Today I would like to inform you about how the Nebraska Department of Education is undermining the Legislature's efforts to provide property owners with some much-needed property tax relief this year. Earlier his year Sen. Tom Briese of...

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