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  • Gov. Ricketts Thanks President Trump for Year-Round E15

    Jun 5, 2019

    LINCOLN – Governor Pete Ricketts issued a statement following news that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had issued a new rule authorizing the year-round sale of E15. In September 2018, Governor Ricketts had joined President Donald J. Trump to announce the commencement of the rulemaking process to approve year-round E15. "Thank you to President Trump, Administrator Wheeler, and the EPA for delivering on their promise to approve E15 by the summer driving season. Promises made, promises k...

  • Ricketts Declares June as Dairy Month

    Jun 5, 2019

    OMAHA – On Saturday, Governor Pete Ricketts proclaimed June as Dairy Month in Nebraska during a ceremony at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. Dairy Month is celebrated in Nebraska each June to highlight the importance of Nebraska's dairy farmers to agriculture and the state's economy. "Dairy farmers in Nebraska make significant contributions to our state's economic growth as well as high-quality milk for our families. Thanks to their good work, Nebraska is a top-ten state in both production and r...

  • Register Soon for Tractor Safety

    Jun 5, 2019

    Advance registration is due by June 11 for a tractor safety course at Gering for 14- and 15-year-old youths who work on farms. The class is scheduled for June 18-19 at Legacy of the Plains Museum. The course, provided by the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health in the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health, provides training on tractor and all-terrain vehicles safety with a variety of hands-on activities. The Nebraska Extension Tractor Safety & Hazardous Occupations Course is for 14- and 15-year-olds...

  • USDA Invites Farmers to Join Acreage Reporting Pilot Project

    Jun 5, 2019

    LINCOLN - Producers in 19 Nebraska counties are being asked to consider participating in a pilot project to test their ability to use precision ag data for reporting acreage to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies. Nebraska USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director Nancy Johner and USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) Regional Director Collin Olsen have announced the agencies are looking for producers to test the transfer of data collected by their planting equipment as part of a streamlining initiative. The data will be...

  • Nebraska Farm Bureau Opens New Round of Assistance

    Jun 5, 2019

    LINCOLN – The Nebraska Farm Bureau Disaster Relief Fund has opened a second round of distributions. Applications are welcome and encouraged from new and repeat applicants. The Disaster Relief Fund has collected more than $2.5 million, with 100 percent of the funds going to help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. The application process can be completed online at Farm Bureau membership is not required to apply for or receive assistance. Both new applicants and prior recipients who wish to be considered for a...

  • Do You Have a Business Succession Strategy?

    Jun 5, 2019

    If you own a business, you’ve always got plenty to think about: sales, marketing, employees, competition, industry trends, consumer preferences – the list goes on and on. It’s easy to get so caught up in your work that you might not take time to think about retirement. But if and when that day arrives, you’ll want to be prepared – which means you need a business succession plan. • Selling the business outright – You can always sell your business outright whenever you like – right now, when you retire or some time in between. Of course, any sal...

  • Heavy Lift

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jun 5, 2019

    Local residents passing the location near 10th and King Monday got to see a crane at work as a crew lifted new equipment into place at Gehrig-Stitt Funeral Home....

  • Education Team Tours Aggie Campus

    Jun 5, 2019

    CURTIS – They came to college prepared to work, ask questions, learn, and weren't afraid to get their hands dirty. Nebraska's Coordinating Commission on Postsecondary Education brought appointed members and staff to Curtis recently, making their first official visit in nearly a decade to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. Their role: to see first-hand the programs, facilities and mission of the University of Nebraska's two-year campus which specializes in agriculture and veterinary t...

  • WNCC Unveils Website Redesign

    Jun 5, 2019

    SCOTTSBLUFF -- Western Nebraska Community College has unveil a redesigned website, The redesign process for the new website took around 18 months, which included the addition of a new design, a new content management system, updated photography, and re-developed content. Ultimately, the new website was created as a recruitment tool with prospective students as the primary audience. “I’m so pleased with the revamped website,” said WNCC President Dr. Todd Holcomb. “Updating our website has been on the to-do list for several years,...

  • Sidney Part of NET Events Across State

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jun 5, 2019

    Sidney was one of nine sites chosen across the state last week as officials from NET, Nebraska's Public Broadcasting Station, crossed the state to guage people's feeling for their communities. A small but -Sidney-enthusiastic group met with Bill Anderson, director of the NET Radio Network and his team, who told the gathering "we want to see how we can best serve the area and the state." First up for Anderson was to see what people like about Sidney and the county. Participants included a range...

  • Council Discusses Highway Funding Options

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 31, 2019

    The State of Nebraska is proposing more work on highways near Sidney. The question is how to fund the City’s share of the cost of nearly $2 million. “This is a pretty good offer,” City Manager Ed Sadler said Tuesday. The work will effectively take off from where the last project ended east of Sidney toward Highway 385/Highway 17J. There are several options that have been discussed already, including using existing funds from the road budget and funding the project with bonds. In his lette...

  • SRMC Seeks Rezoning of Land

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 31, 2019

    The Sidney City Council Tuesday approved having a public hearing June 11 to formally address a request to change zoning of land owned by the hospital from Central Business to Agriculture. The request was first reviewed by the Planning Commission on May 20. The parcel — Trace 2 of Section 33, Township 14, Range 49 owned by Cheyenne County Hospital Association Inc., doing business as Sidney Regional Medical Center — is located directly south of the hospital. The Planning Commission reported no...

  • Rain to End, Area Affected by Wet Spring

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 31, 2019

    In farm country there's a saying - "It's pretty hard to complain about getting moisture." That holds true for the area, which gets only about 15-17 inches of rainfall each year. But this year has been different. Late spring snowfalls, followed by seemingly endless rainstorms, have left the county soaked. With the forecast of warmer temperatures over the coming days, Sidney and Cheyenne County will have a window of drying in its abnormally wet spring. In the last week alone, Sidney officially...

  • NET's 'On the Road' Tour Includes Sidney

    May 31, 2019

    LINCOLN – NET, Nebraska's PBS and NPR Stations, is hitting the road this summer to bring a variety of free events to towns across western Nebraska. Beginning May 29 and ending June 3, the tour includes stops in Chadron, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Mitchell, Sidney, Gering, Lewellen, Ogallala and Brule. Free screenings of NET's new documentary "Small Town Cops" will provide an informative look at the changing role of police work in Nebraska's small towns and rural areas. NET producer Bill Kelly and lo...

  • Specialty Crop Growers And Beekeepers Have Tool To Avoid Chemical Drift

    May 31, 2019

    The Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Nebraska Extension are encouraging produce vendors, nurseries, beekeepers, organic growers and other businesses that could be affected by chemical drift to avoid inadvertent drift by registering their specialty crops and beehives on-line with DriftWatch/Beecheck website. The website is at FieldWatch Inc. is a non-profit company that operates the website, which include both the DriftWatch Specialty Crop Site and BeeCheck Apiary Registry. FieldWatch’s mission is to develop and p...

  • Nebraska Wheat Crop Report

    May 31, 2019

    According to the USDA Crop Progress Report for the week ending May 26, 2019, topsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 0 short, 60 adequate, and 40 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 0 short, 72 adequate, and 28 surplus. Winter wheat conditions rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 26 fair, 59 good, and 11 excellent. Winter wheat headed was 19 percent, behind last year’s 32 percent, and well behind the 50 percent average. Producers in the northern Panhandle said wheat that had been flattened or covered w...

  • Police Investigate Vandalism, Thefts

    May 31, 2019

    Sidney police are continuing their investigation into a series of vandalisms on Sidney’s north side. Police Lt. Keith Andrew said the department does have a suspect in the vandalisms, where mirrors were broken off of vehicles and a number of mailboxes were damaged, although charges have yet to be filed. The department is also investigating thefts from around homes in town, again mostly on the north side. Lt. Andrew said items have been taken from yards and areas outside of homes, calling the thefts “crimes of opportunity.” Andrew said resid...

  • Katie Haas Agency Celebrates New Office

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 31, 2019

  • UNL Panhandle Extension

    Jack Whittier, UNL Panhandle Extension Dist.|May 31, 2019

    The first thing I want to do in this month’s column is thank those who helped make our recent N|150 Celebration a success. The events of the day were fun, productive, educational and celebratory – just as we had hoped. The contribution of the Gering High School Jazz Band and the Scottsbluff High School Accapella Choir was fun and highlighted the local talent as we celebrated the University of Nebraska. The announcement by Bob Kelley of the Panhandle Research and Extension Center Scholarship Fund that resulted from Gering High’s success in th...

  • Wildcat Hills Archery Fundraiser June 15

    May 31, 2019

    The West Nebraska Archery Association and Box Butte Archery club have announced they will be holding the annual Wildcat Hills 3D Shoot Fundraiser on June 15. The event will be held in the Wildcat Hills approximately two miles up Old Stage Hill Road off of Highway 71, south of Gering. Watch for the sign on Highway 71 and markers along Old Stage Hill Road. The start location is just past the parking area at the top of the hill. This year, the organizers have arranged the course to be easier to navigate, with less steep hills to climb while still...

  • Sidney Gold Rush Days Bringing New Attractions

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 29, 2019

    Legion Park will be the location of crafters, spinners, reenacted history and gun fights. It will also be the site free food and a hot air balloon ride opportunity. This the 16th year of the Sidney Gold Rush Days, according to Ken Geu, president of the Sidney Gold Rush Days committee. The event will be held next weekend, June 7-9. "It is a lot of fun, learn about the Old West," said Geu. He said the weekend will be a combination of entertainment and education. New this year the size of the...

  • Fallen Honored at Sidney Memorial Day Service

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 29, 2019

    "We can't bring them back, but we can honor their sacrifice," said John Sanna, Disrict 4 American Legion Commander during his address to Sidney's Memorial Day audience Monday. Sanna used the story of Major Brent Taylor of Ogden, Utah as an example of the typical soldier who died for his country. Taylor, on his third deployment, was killed in Afghanistan as he served in the U.S. Army. Taylor, like many veterans, said Sanna, served by choice. Prior to leaving for what proved to be his last...

  • SHS Hosts Second Annual "Challenge Day"

    Mike Motz, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|May 29, 2019

    Sidney High School hosted its second annual "Challenge Day" on Thursday morning, sponsored by the Unified Raiders program. The Unified Raiders program brings students together and lets them know they're not alone when experiencing traumatic or emotional events effecting themselves or family members. The program sponsors events that address bullying, suicide prevention, and that encourage members to reach out to other students in times of need. "Challenge Day" rolls out the Be The Change...

  • Smith to Hold Mobile Office in Cheyenne County

    May 29, 2019

    Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) will meet constituents of the Third District during a mobile office today, Wednesday, May 29, in Sidney. A mobile office allows constituents to meet directly with Congressman Smith about federal issues and take advantage of the constituent services available through his office, such as assisting individuals with challenges they face while working with a federal agency, ordering flags flown over the U.S. Capitol, and booking tours in Washington, D.C. Smith, who has offices in Grand Island and S...

  • Funding Approved for Flood Related DD Service Disruptions

    May 29, 2019

    Lincoln – The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) application for funding for services to Nebraskans with developmental disabilities disrupted by early spring flooding. Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled Waivers, administered by the Division, include funding for residential and day services with specific requirements providers must meet in order to be reimbursed. Many providers in the 81 Nebraska counties declared disasters b...

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