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  • Beware of Phone Scams Social Security Admin. Does Not Call for Personal Data

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 31, 2019

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Likewise, if it sounds too dark and negative, it may not be true. The telephone in all of its assets is also a pipeline for scammers trying to get into your personal data, from bank account numbers to Social Security numbers. Fear is one of their biggest tactics. Cheyenne County Sheriff Adam Frerichs said the department receives at least three to five reports of scam calls every day. The calls vary from reports of a family member in a distant...

  • Multi-state Ride Brings Awareness to Reservation

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 31, 2019

    On Friday afternoon, commuters on Highway 30 between Potter and Sidney had an extra "personality" on the pavement. It was a scene that could almost be timeless with two horseback riders cutting through the grasses in the afternoon head. If not for the passing motorized traffic, including two pickup trucks and horse trailers, the scene could have been from more than a century in the past. The Tipi Raisers 2019 passed through Sidney recently on their way to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The ride...

  • Public Records

    Jul 31, 2019

    Sidney Police Department July 22 • 2:02 am, Foot Patrol • 5:41 am, Agency Assist, 1200 block Summit Dr. • 6:48 am, Alarm Business, 100 block Cabela Dr. • 7:07 am, Disturbance, 500 block 14th Ave. • 8:46 am, Follow Up, 800 block Hoffies Dr. • 8:54 am, Code Violation, 1100 block 17th Ave. • 8:58 am, Agency Assist, 1200 block Country Club Dr. • 9:04 am, Parking Complaint, 1700 block Newton St. • 9:08 am, Follow Up, 1000 block Pole Creek Crossing • 9:35 am, Follow Up, 1100 block 24th Ave. • 9:55 am, Animal Call, Mile Marker 59, Interstate 80 • 10:0...

  • Fair and Rodeo Queen's Court Invites Youth to 2019 Fair

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 24, 2019

    T he Cheyenne County Fair and Rodeo is underway and Fair and Rodeo Queen Callie Brown and her court wants to make sure everyone attends the festivities. Brown, Vach and Van Anne spent Wednesday afternoon at North Elementary School sharing their experiences with students. They visited the school to share with students what a Fair and Rodeo queen does, how the queen earned her title and what students can look forward to at the fair. They also had fund with the children playing games like dodge...

  • Wheat Harvest Reports Up to 100 Bushels per Acre

    Caroline Brauer, Ag Promotion Coordinator Nebraska Wheat Board|Jul 24, 2019

    According to the USDA Crop Progress Report for the week ending July 21, 2019, topsoil moisture supplies rated 1 percent very short, 12 short, 76 adequate, and 11 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 7 short, 81 adequate, and 12 surplus. Winter wheat conditions rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 14 fair, 65 good, and 17 excellent. Winter wheat harvested was 33 percent, well behind last year's 79 percent and the 76 percent average. Producers in the northern Panhandle...

  • Dress Down Day Supports Elevator Project

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 24, 2019

    Small communities exist on two locations socially: a school and a church. Both are used as "community centers," locations for public events. However, when the design of the facility limits access to a percentage of the population, it is not as public as it is intended. The Church of the Plains in Dalton is facing such a dilemma and its members are working to address the shortfall. Residents and parishioners with limited mobility sometimes have to choose between seeking help up the stairs or not...

  • Summer Heat Safety - Avoid Heat - Related Illness with These Tips

    Jul 24, 2019

    Lincoln – Temperatures in some parts of Nebraska are expected to spike later this week and into the weekend. In response, heat advisories and excessive heat watches are in effect in the state. Staying cool, keeping hydrated, and moderating outdoor activities during hot weather can help Nebraskans decrease the potential for heat-related illness according to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The risk for heat-related illness and death is higher for infants and the elderly, whose internal thermostats do not regulate b...

  • Panhandle Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus

    Jul 24, 2019

    Several Panhandle mosquito trap sites have recently tested positive for West Nile virus. These positive mosquitoes gives Panhandle Public Health District (PPHD) an indicator of the location of the virus and the potential for it to be spread. Several counties in the Panhandle have been routinely testing sites to trap and monitor mosquitoes over the summer months. Human cases of West Nile are also used for monitoring. West Nile virus is contracted through the bite of a mosquito. West Nile...

  • Steffens the 'Heart' of FCE

    Jul 24, 2019

    At a recent meeting of the western district of Family and Community Education, Deloris Steffens of Sidney was honored as the 2018 Nebraska “Heart of FCE” homemaker award. The award was presented by District President Cathy Mckown, recognizing Steffens for the many tasks she offers to her community. Steffens is a professional seamstress and does alterations. She delivers “Meals on Wheels” to the elderly and offers assistance to those who need help. She is also a 60-year organist for her church. She has been secretary and/or treasurer for the...

  • Governor Visits Sidney / Celebrates Jump in State's Business Ranking

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 17, 2019

    Almost a month ago, the state of Nebraska was recognized by Area Development Magazine with the Silver Shovel Award. Gold and Silver Shovel Awards are presented to states that rank among the top in the nation for job creation, investment attraction, and industry growth throughout the previous year, according to the Office of Gov. Pete Ricketts. Shovel Award winners are decided based on an assessment of each state's 10 best job creating and investment attraction projects. Friday, Gov. Ricketts...

  • County Moving Ahead With Water Project

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 17, 2019

    The Cheyenne County Commissioners Monday were offered a plan on how to address the water system at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds. The county has been seeking an answer the the fairgrounds aging system while meeting the needs of events at the fairgrounds this summer. Ben Schmitt, registered mechanical engineer with Farris Engineering in Sidney, met with the commissioners Monday to present their plan to address the water needs of the fairgrounds. The goal is to replace the water infrastructure,...

  • Cheyenne County Fair Starts Sunday

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 17, 2019

    The 2019 Cheyenne County Fair gets underway Sunday, July 21, with numerous events throughout the week. The week starts with the NBHA Barrel Racing Sunday in the arena. The 4-H event is free to the public. Tuesday is Family Fun Night and BBQ. The event is sponsored by Great Western Bank, Adams Industries and Agri-Plastics. Nearly everything is free or at low cost. Wednesday evening the arena gets lively again. The PRCA Rodeo and WPRA Barrel Racing take center stage at 7 p.m. Queen coronation is...

  • 'Loaded Dice' Performs for Downtown Sounds Friday

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 17, 2019

    Regionally based Loaded Dice will be on stage Friday, July 19, for the next installment of Downtown Sounds. Loaded Dice was formed in Gering in 2000 as a classic rock cover band. The band includes long-time friends Matt Fuhrman and Jeff Winkler, and band mates Ed Mendez and Tom Jones. Their first performance took place in October 2000 using the name "Nowhere Fast." The band changed their name to Loaded Dice just before their second gig. The band's current lineup consists of Debby Wagner...

  • School Board Approves Policy Changes

    Jul 17, 2019

    The Cheyenne County School District No.1 board of education Monday approved changes to the drug and alcohol policy. The policy reads that “participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right.” Likewise, students who participate in extracurricular activities are role models for other students. In a recent work session, the board and staff discussed the impact of tobacco on teens and random drug testing of students involved in extracurricular activities. The policy as approved Monday night says “students who wish to parti...

  • History Relived in Sidney: Union Pacific's Big Boy Stops in Sidney

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 10, 2019

    The highway was cluttered with fans, photographers, the curious and train enthusiasts as history repeated itself Monday afternoon. With the fanfare of an old-time steam locomotive belching steam and black smoke from coal, the Union Pacific celebrated the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad 150 years later. The Union Pacific's Big Bog steam locomotive No. 4014 made its stop in Sidney as part of a system-wide tour in celebration of the transcontinental railroad's 150th anniversary. The...

  • 4-H Club Project Honors Final Resting Place

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 10, 2019

    A 4-H club project put a little spit and polish on a little-known private cemetery near Lorenzo last week, sprucing up the final resting place of a long-gone Cheyenne County family. The project, borne of the search for a project to serve the community, was founded in the minds of young 4-H and real-life sisters, Peyton and Taylor Sprenger. While they were brainstorming for a club project, the sisters spoke to a neighbor, who told them about the small cemetery just east of Lorenzo, suggesting a...

  • New Camp Exposes Youth to Panhandle Opportunities

    Jul 10, 2019

    Agriculture in the Nebraska Panhandle offers many career opportunities besides being a farmer or rancher. An entire industry has developed to support farmers in the field as they grow food; to process the food they grow; and research the best ways to grow a safe, plentiful supply of food. Local Extension staff have created a unique camp to expose 4-H youth ages 8-12 to some of the not-so-well-known agricultural options available in the area. The Panhandle Ag 4-H Camp is scheduled for 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11, at the University...

  • Mosquito Spraying Starts Sunday

    Jul 10, 2019

    The City of Sidney Parks Department will conduct initial mosquito spraying on Sunday evening, July 14. Weather permitting, spraying will continue 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. each Sunday into September. In the U.S., West Nile Virus has become a common mosquito borne disease affecting humans. Outbreaks frequently follow a surge in the mosquito population brought on by warm, wet weather. Mosquitos also transmit canine heartworm, fatal to dogs once contracted. Pet owners can purchase a preventative...

  • Anonymous Donor Commits to Sidney's LB840 Fund

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 3, 2019

    In August 2018, the City of Sidney approached voters to amend the LB840 program to accept private donations. On June 25, Economic Development Director Melissa Norgard announced the City was awarded a grant from an anonymous donor of $300,000 annually. The award is for four years with the potential of $1.2 million added to the LB840 fund. “This is a huge deal,” Norgard said to the Sidney City Council June 25. She said the funds will be for development of future new jobs. The funds can only be...

  • Sydow Retires as Oil and Gas Director, Deputy Director Belieu to Step In

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 3, 2019

    The desk and office are cleared. A few pictures still adorn the walls. The think-center of the office is a little quieter while the new director settles in to make the corner office his location. Stan Belieu was recently sworn in as the new director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission, replacing Bill Sydow who retired. Sydow is closing the books on 26 years of work with the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. In the process Gov. Pete Ricketts also recognized "Bill Sydow Day" and commissioned he...

  • Chip Seal Operations Underway

    Jul 3, 2019

    The City of Sidney Street Department will be conducting chip seal operations through July 11, weather permitting. The Street Department will be doing the final preparation for chip sealing this week through July 5. Chip sealing is expected to be conducted July 9-11. All vehicles, trailers and campers must be removed from streets prior to 6 a.m. Each morning to avoid being towed at the owner’s expense. The streets will be blocked off on the day of the chip sealing application. The Street Department will be preparing for and sealing the f...

  • County Approves Property Assessments

    Forrest Hershberger, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 3, 2019

    The Cheyenne County Commissioners, acting as the Board of Equalization, approved the assessment of several properties brought before the board for protest. The commissioners met Monday as the Board of Equalization in the Cheyenne County Court Room. One property owner, Ron Studnicka, was present to defend his protest. He asked for a 10 percent reduction in valuation, based on the CRP contract ending and the tract becoming unimproved grassland. Studnicka also complained in his written statement ab...

  • School Board Meets in Work Session

    Jul 3, 2019

    The Cheyenne County School District No. 1 board of education discussed teacher assessment, student goals, substance use among students and student goals Monday. The board discussed how teachers are evaluated, the use of self-evaluation and the “collective efficacy” program. Collective efficacy is when teachers and administrators work together toward producing better teaching staff. Sheri Ehler, director of curriculum and assessment, said the self-assessment is not a casual effort for a teacher to evaluate his or her performance. It is cal...

  • Lessons of a Rafting Trip

    Jack Whittier, UNL Panhandle Extension|Jul 3, 2019

    A couple weeks ago I spent a day in a rubber raft with five young men ages 13-16 on a fun, yet challenging, whitewater rafting activity. Also in our raft was an experienced guide named Hunter, who told us this was the third summer he had been working as a rafting guide. I'll admit, I was apprehensive as we were given some safety instructions before getting in the bus to ride up the canyon to where we put in to the rushing river in Poudre Canyon west of Fort Collins, Colo. When we got to the...

  • MMP Purchases Former Cabela's Warehouse

    Don Ogle, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jun 26, 2019

    MMP Enterprises Inc. of Toronto, Canada announces it has signed the purchase agreement to acquire the former Bass Pro Shops / Cabela’s distribution center at 3200 Rd 101 north of Sidney. Chosen because of the pool of talented people in Sidney and it central location, hiring and operations will begin in June, 2019. Mark Priemer, president of MMP, says the facility will be used to expand pick-and-pack order fulfillment and warehousing into the United States on behalf of company clients in C...

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