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  • Preschoolers practice the true gifts of giving and caring

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 20, 2012

    Learning Korner Preschool’s SunFlower class will journey to the post office on Friday afternoon to deliver the first Operation Santa project. The destination of this project package is Iraq. Students from the ages of 2 to 5 and staff members will be sending a box of gift items for one Sidney solider overseas to share with his platoon, kindergarten teacher Cassie Challburg said. Though the preschool students put on the event, the day care children and parents also helped and donated supplies to t...

  • Belief Series: Southern Baptist

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 19, 2012

    Calvary Baptist Church Pastor Douglas Peirce has been in Sidney for about 22 months but has been a pastor at three other Baptist churches. However, he began his adult life as an engineer with his own business in surveying and engineering in Indiana, “When I was 50 years old, back in 1994, the Lord spoke to my heart and told me to sell the business and go to seminary.” Though he did not grow up Baptist it would be the foundation of his beliefs in his early adult life. “I grew up in a very liber...

  • Volunteers sworn in as court appointed advocates

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 19, 2012

    Diana Sonnie and Karen Pilger were the first volunteers sworn in as Court Appointed Special Advocates in Cheyenne County Wednesday at the Cheyenne County Courthouse. The job of Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA members, is to help children in the court system, program director Yvonne Donaldson said. “We work with children who are in court through abuse or neglect. Our job is to get to know the children, their caregivers, their teachers and anybody who has any information about them, and...

  • Teammates Mentoring Sidney’s youth

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 19, 2012

    Making a difference in the world can sometime be as easy as being a mentor, after all the children truly are our future. The Teammates Mentoring program was founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne, said Sidney’s Teammates Coordinator Angie Jacobsen, “20 years ago in Lincoln and started with some football players.” The program extended from its roots in focusing on troubled youths to a focus on youths in general and youth who wish to participate, Jacobsen said. “In the last 20 years research has sho...

  • SPD chief reassures parents, students

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 19, 2012

    City of Sidney Police Chief Mike Brown said in a prepared statement that the best defense that can be taken to prevent an event like the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., is to prepare, practice and educate. “Having a second grader myself, I empathize with not only the parents of the children that were taken from this world in a senseless and cowardly act of violence, but also parents across the nation that have had their sense of safety and security shaken to the core,” Brown said. Members of Sidney’s Police Department and School District have alway...

  • Filsinger ‘not getting the job done’

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 18, 2012

    The legal wheels are grinding once again in the The City of Sidney’s property nuisance abatement case against Marvin O. Filsinger of Filsinger Excavating and Filsinger Emergency Services. The city on Monday filed a motion to abate public nuisances before Cheyenne County District Judge Derek Weimer. The motion, filed by Fort Collins (Colo.) attorney Charlie Cuypers and Sidney City Attorney J Leef, alleges Filsinger has not complied with the Judgment ordered by Weimer on March 15, and the city is seeking to enter the property south of the C...

  • Angels share true gifts of Christmas

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 18, 2012

    Angels “flew off” this year at the Cheyenne County Community Center during the third annual Santa for Seniors event, said community center activity director Kiersten Richards. Santa for Seniors is an event where members of the community buy Christmas gifts for those in need at Golden LivingCenter, Richards said. Richards said that each resident at the living center is assigned a number and writes down what they want for Christmas. The resident’s number and their wish list are written on a paper...

  • Coats and mittens offer warmth to the needy

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 18, 2012

    Cabela’s Shared Services Department members continued their third year of bringing warmth to the people of Sidney. This year the department’s employees collected a total of 266 coats during their annual coat and mitten drive to give to community members in need, as well as additional miscellaneous hats, gloves and other clothes. “The amount we receive seems to be increasing each year, which is awesome,” Cabela’s Shared Service Administrative Assistant Angela Graves said. Graves and her team...

  • For the love of Briards; The Millners’ story

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 18, 2012

    They are large and cuddly, a black haired fluff ball, like a giant stuffed animal, but smart and fiercely loyal, originally bred to protect and herd sheep: The French Briard. French Briard males typically range from 80 to 90 lbs. and females 65 to 70 lbs. and whatMerry Jeanne Millner has made the love of her life; next to Tommy her husband of course. “They are like an obnoxious teenager,” she laughed when asked to describe the temperament of the Briard. “They are very independent. They have...

  • Chamber prepares for annual banquet

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 14, 2012

    Next on Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Glenna Phelps-Aurich’s list is sending out annual membership renewal notices, followed quickly by preparations for January’s banquet. To become a member of the chamber Phelps-Aurich said that it’s as easy as filling out an application and paying member dues. The director said that the chamber exists primarily to do everything they can to help Cheyenne County businesses grow. “Our goal is to help businesses in any way that we can to...

  • Fourth generation motor-heads

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 14, 2012

    Maddox Motors is a name several generations of Cheyenne County residents will recognize, after all the new car and RV dealership has been around for 74 years. According to Bill Maddox, today’s General Manager but third generation owner, “We had officially opened in 1939 in that white building behind the post office,” but due to World War II and the halt to production of cars the business didn’t make its return until 1946. “After the war was over and everyone was out of the service my grandfath...

  • Sonntag discusses consequences of driving impaired

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 14, 2012

    The month of December serves as not only the time of holiday festivities but also National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. Sidney attorney, Thomas Sonntag said that the consequences of driving under the influence of any alcohol or drug could be devastating as well as legally impacting. According to Nebraska Office of Highway Safety statistics in 2011 there were 12,034 DWI arrests, 1,822 alcohol-related crashes, 1,185 alcohol-related injuries and 51 alcohol-related deaths in the state...

  • Official: 27 dead in Connecticut school shooting

    Associated Press|Dec 14, 2012

    NEWTOWN, Conn. – A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school Friday left 27 people dead, including 18 children, an official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way. Another official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, said the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown was killed and apparently had two guns. Stephen Delgiadice said his 8-year-old daughter heard two big bangs and teachers told her to get in a corner. His daughter was fine. “It’s alarming, espec...

  • Teammates Mentoring program have silent auction

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 14, 2012

    The Teammates mentoring program has been hard at work preparing Christmas wreaths and small trees for a silent auction tonight during the Sidney Raiders basketball games. The money raised will go back into the program that benefits youths from elementary school to middle school. Any wreaths or trees not sold at the auction will be donated to the surrounding nursing facilities. Laney Wagner, left, said she and her mentor, Joan Huus (not pictured), have been working on their wreath for about...

  • Sidney sex offenders sentenced

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 13, 2012

    Two Sidney men separately charged with felony criminal sexual assaults on a child were sentenced this week in Cheyenne County District Court. Nathan J. Brauer, 29, was sentenced by Judge Derek Weimer to serve a term of 24 to 36 months in the Nebraska Department of Corrections after being found guilty on a Class IIIA charge of third-degree sexual assault on a child. Court documents show that Brauer — between May 16 and June 16, 2011 – made advances and touched a child, who at that time was four years old. Investigators interviewed the chi...

  • Hydraulic fracturing; an environmental topic

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 13, 2012

    First in a series On the minds of many and in the spotlight of many media debates is the method of mining for oil and natural gas called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” With this method of mining many people are concerned with the possibility of contamination of drinking water and local wells, sink holes and onset of seismic activity. Stan Belieu, Deputy Director of Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Sidney Office, broke this information on mining down. “Hydrolic fracturing is the process of allowing oil, gas or water in rock, to make...

  • Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory hosts workshop

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 13, 2012

    The Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, RMBO, brought community members together on Tuesday not only to explain their current bird conservation efforts, but to also expose the public education opportunities that they provide. RMBO and the Nebraska Environmental Trust held the Kimball County Conservation Informative Workshop at Kimball Event Center this Dec. 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. In attendance at the workshop were resource professionals, landowners and representatives from the Game and Parks...

  • Toys for Tots program gets a boost

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 13, 2012

    Boxes began to show up throughout Sidney stores at the beginning of November to collect toys for the annual Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots toy drive. You can find donation drop-off boxes at Larry’s Clothing Co., Cosmic Quarter Arcade, Sonny’s Super Foods, Walmart, Points West Community Bank and the Cheyenne County Community Center, Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Cheyenne County coordinator Amanda White said. Though the Toys for Tots drive has been present in Cheyenne County for yea...

  • Gaston to continue as Mayor

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 12, 2012

    Wendall Gaston was elected mayor once again at the City of Sidney Council Meeting Tuesday night. As required by Nebraska law, the new council in place always elects one of its own to serve as the upcoming year’s exeo president, or mayor. Mark Nienhueser was elected as vice president of the council during the meeting as well. Results from the 2012 election for city council were also approved and the new council members took to their seats. Leaving the council last night were Dave Weiderspon, R...

  • Conger appears in court

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 12, 2012

    Two Sidney residents involved in a Dec. 3 domestic incident, Ronald Conger and Alicia Green, had court appearances Tuesday before Cheyenne County Judge Randin Roland.. Conger, 50, entered a plea of not guilty to misdemeanor charges of obstructing a peace officer, violating a protection order, and disturbing the peace. Randin set a jury trial in the case for Jan. 29, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. Green, 30, appeared on felony charges of second-degree assault and use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony. Green allegedly stabbed Conger with a pair of...

  • Belief series: Four Square Assembly of God

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 12, 2012

    Note: Have you ever wondered what different faiths and beliefs are all about? Or exactly what it is your neighbor believes or how he/she worships on Sundays? Have you ever wondered how your Pastor or Father became a leader of a church? This is the first article in a series about the many different beliefs and strong faiths of Sidney residents. I have great respect and sincere gratitude for all the Pastors and Fathers who took the time to sit down and talk to me about your faith. Pastor Jim Gerho...

  • Another Artist of the Month pick for Tish

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 12, 2012

    Local artist, and Occupational Therapist for the Sidney School District, Tish Treinen was chosen once again to be the Cheyenne County Art Guild’s Artist of the Month. No stranger to this honor, Treinen said she has been chosen several times in her 39 year membership to the Art Guild, and is just as pleased to be selected again. “I have been painting for 49 years,” Tish said, “I did water color for many years then about four years ago I changed over to oil painting and now I am doing both” – addi...

  • Candlelight remembers children

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 11, 2012

    A light can be signified by a flashlight checking for monsters under the bed, a sun coming up over cornfields, or even a shooting star. But a light can also symbolize something as important as remembrance. Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers, and friends all gathered Dec. 9 at Trinity Lutheran Church- South Divide in Sidney at 2 p.m. to remember the loved ones that have gone before them. The Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony is put on every second December...

  • East Sidney Expansion consultants address concerns

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 7, 2012

    With two days of open-house feedback under their belts, East Sidney Expansion Project officials wrapped up the first round of public input with a 90-minute formal presentation Thursday evening at Cheyenne County Community Center. “This is a very complicated project,” said Jeff Winston, master plan consultant of MIG/Winston. “It’s easy to build a home, but it’s more difficult to create a neighborhood.” MIG/Winston is part of the consulting team put in place by Cabela’s, which on Nov. 19 announced...

  • Local input critical to expansion plan

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 7, 2012

    Through open houses and public presentations this Wed. and Thurs. at the Cheyenne County Community Center, the Sidney Expansion team was able to gather needed information from concerned community members, about the housing expansion in East Sidney. Dennis Armstrong, a corporate architect for Cabela’s and one of the presenters during the culminating formal presentation Thursday night at 6 p.m., said that these meetings were just the beginning of a long process. “This is the first step of the multi-step process. What we have learned over these tw...

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