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  • Obama may round out natl. security team next week

    Associated Press|Jan 5, 2013

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama may round out his new national security leadership team next week, with a nomination for defense secretary expected and a pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency possible. Former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska is the front-runner for the top Pentagon post. Acting CIA director Michael Morell and Obama counterterrorism adviser John Brennan are leading contenders to head the spy agency. White House aides said the president has not made a final decision on either post and won't until he r...

  • Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation 150 years of change

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 5, 2013

    Jan. 1, 2013 marked the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, which some say is the crowning achievement of his presidency. Emancipation Proclamation analyst Douglas Miller summed up the proclamation as a declaration freeing all slaves in enemy territory, meaning any territory inhabiting people in rebellion against the federal government. Miller wrote that few slaves were freed immediately after the proclamation because the proclamation did not apply to slaves in border states fighting for the...

  • Center to undergo needs assessment; build strategic plan

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 5, 2013

    With the New Year comes a new evaluation of the Cheyenne County Community Center, according to center director Michael Namuth. “This past spring our community center board started a strategic planning session to develop a vision statement for the next three to five years for the community center,” Namuth said. Namuth said that board members decided that they needed to do a needs assessment of the community and surrounding areas of Sidney to see if the center is meeting the public’s needs. The s...

  • All aboard for a quick trip to Bronson, Mo.; event is now open to all

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 5, 2013

    Need a little getaway from your weekly routine? There are 27 spots left for The Branson Show Extravaganza trip sponsored by the Cheyenne County Community Center in conjunction with Diamond Tours, Inc. Though some might think adventure is for younger generations this trip is in place to give senior citizens a worthwhile trip and a chance to get out of town. Although the trip was created for the seniors of Sidney; however, that does not mean it’s closed to the rest of the community, senior community director at the Cheyenne County Community Cente...

  • First Dress Down check presentation of 2013

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 4, 2013

    It’s the first of January and the beginning of a new year therefore it stands to reason there are firsts to be recognized, such as the first recipients of Dress Down Day funds for 2013. The Cheyenne County Ladies Chamber presented the Family and Community Education Council (FCE) with this year’s first check in the amount of $975.82. “We are going to use it (the money) to buy display cases for the Home Economics Department’s Open Class out at the fairgrounds,” FCE representative Pat Hruska said....

  • U.S. economy adds 155K jobs; rate remains 7.8 percent

    Associated Press|Jan 4, 2013

    WASHINGTON – U.S. employers added 155,000 jobs in December, a steady gain that shows hiring held up during the tense negotiations to resolve the fiscal cliff. The solid job growth wasn’t enough to reduce the unemployment rate, which remained 7.8 percent last month, the Labor Department said Friday. The rate for November was revised up from an initially reported 7.7 percent. Each January, the government updates the monthly unemployment rates for the previous five years. The rates for most months don’t change. The government said hiring was s...

  • Decorations come down

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 4, 2013

    A new year has ushered in and city workers are busy taking down the Christmas tree and decorations in Hickory Square and all around town. The barricade for the Hickory Square Christmas décor went up just before the tree lighting on Nov. 30....

  • Trials moving forward for Green, Schlieker

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 4, 2013

    A jury trial is scheduled for Feb. 25 in the case of a Sidney woman charged with two felonies. Alicia Green, 30, pleaded not guilty during her arraignment Wednesday before Cheyenne County District Judge Derek Weimer, on separate counts of Class II felony use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony, and Class III felony second-degree assault. Green is charged with stabbing Ronald Conger, 50, Sidney, with a pair of scissors during a Dec. 3 domestic dispute at her apartment, which began after Green accused Conger of stealing a $20 bill off a table....

  • Time to have a Fit to Stay Fit

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 4, 2013

    Sidney Regional Medical Center members are teaming up once again with Cheyenne County Community Center activity director Kiersten Richards to prepare for their fourth annual Get Fit Stay Fit Challenge. The challenge committee includes: Richards, Sidney Regional Medical Center director of public relations Evie Ranslem-Parsons, Sidney RMC director of nutrition services Ashley Houtwed, and community development director Megan McGown. Richards said that registration forms for the event could be...

  • Cheyenne County Commissioner sworn in

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 3, 2013

    Steven Olson was sworn in this morning as a Cheyenne County Commissioner – 1st District in the Cheyenne District County Courtroom by Cheyenne County Clerk Beth Fiegenschuh....

  • Farm bill extension not popular

    Associated Press|Jan 3, 2013

    GRAND FORKS, N.D. – Leaders of many farm groups in the Upper Midwest aren’t pleased that Congress has extended the current farm bill rather than pass new legislation. The one-year extension of portions of the expired 2008 farm bill is one of the measures introduced to avert the “fiscal cliff” of major tax increases and spending cuts that were due to take effect Jan. 1. The extension prevents milk prices from rising but excludes other farm provisions such as disaster aid for producers. “This is disappointing,” North Dakota Farmers Union Presi...

  • Belief Series: Methodist

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 3, 2013

    The First United Methodist Church is where Pastor Thomas Hyde leads a congregation in worship services every Sunday morning, something he knew was his life’s path since the age of 10. His journey to this calling is a bit different from other pastors interviewed, a “God Experience,” as he called it. “I had an accident when I was a young child and lost a leg,” he said, “in the mist of that I made that decision,” to become a minister, “when I was 10 years old.” “I went through high school and col...

  • A business all but extinct elsewhere still in Sidney

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 3, 2013

    A familiar business within Sidney tucked away on a downtown side street and easily missed if one is not sure of where it is, is Max’s Vacuum and Sewing Center. A business open that has been open for 35 plus years is selling the same merchandise from the very beginning; sewing machines, vacuums, product supplies and performing repairs on such products. Cindy Stewart, the shop’s third owner, says she stands behind the Singer vacuums and Brother sewing machines 100 percent, just as the other two...

  • Flu season had early start; vaccination still a smart move

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 3, 2013

    With winter coming on strong, flu vaccines are still available and a good idea to prevent sickness, said Sidney Regional Medical Center PA-C Mitch Muhs. “Normally in this part of the world we often times don’t see a lot of influenza until January or February and then on into March and April,” Muhs said. “This year we started seeing influenza in October.” “Influenza gets a lot of press every year because it kills a lot of people. People think it’s just whatever and you take cold medicine and it g...

  • Like falling off a log: fiscal crisis averted – for now

    Associated Press|Jan 2, 2013

    WASHINGTON — Past its own New Year’s deadline, a weary Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation to avoid a national “fiscal cliff” of middle class tax increases and spending cuts late Tuesday night in the culmination of a struggle that strained America’s divided government to the limit. The bill’s passage on a bipartisan 257-167 vote in the House sealed a hard-won political triumph for the president less than two months after he secured re-election while calling for higher taxes on the wealthy. Moments later, Obama strode into the Wh...

  • Store changes offer consumers a variety to choose from

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 2, 2013

    CDs, car stereos, guitars, body jewelry, incense, used DVDs and now antiques – an odd expansion but one that just may work. For the past few months Allan Lundgren owner of Budget and Tammy Temple, owner of Rust N Roses have been one combined business – and soon to be one on the personal front as well. “Me and Tammy are getting married and we wanted to combine our businesses so we’d be in the same place,” Lundgren said. “We had the opportunity to do so with this side,” she refers to the Budget CD...

  • Local businesses show holiday sales growth

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Jan 2, 2013

    Though Sidney businesses appeared to see an increase in holiday sales this December, the rest of the nation wasn’t as fortunate. Burt Flickinger, managing director at Strategic Resource Group said in an interview with Bloomberg Radio that his field team spread out across America saw modest to moderate sales on the Saturday before Christmas that became weaker and weaker leading up to Christmas day. While online sales increased by 17 percent this holiday season, Flickinger said that in-store sales...

  • Year 2012 in review, July to December

    Dec 29, 2012

    July Battle Of The Weeds It’s a constant battle, but the City of Sidney is up to the task when it comes to snuffing out weeds and the eyesores they create. Jeanie Matthes, Code Enforcement Officer for Sidney’s City Police Department says the recent drought has provided weeds a breeding ground. “This season is bad for bindweed,” Matthes said. “It’s just been so hot and dry.” For the most part, citizens have been cooperative. However, Matthes says violations do occur locally, and the steps taken to resolve a violation can be tricky. “Some...

  • Holiday crime, accidents at a minimum

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 29, 2012

    It turns out that Sidney residents were on the “good list” this holiday season, according to Sidney Police Major Joe Aikens. Aikens said that around the holidays there tends to be a pretty prominent increase in domestic violence cases. This holiday season however there were barely any in the Sidney area. “I don’t think we have even had one,” Aikens said. “We had a couple little disturbances at bars but nothing in the nature of serious crime.” This year’s crime rate during the holidays has been a lot better than in previous years, he expla...

  • White House meeting a last stab at a fiscal deal

    Associated Press|Dec 28, 2012

    WASHINGTON – Amid partisan bluster, top members of Congress and President Barack Obama were holding out slim hopes for a limited fiscal deal before the new year. But even as congressional leaders prepared to convene at the White House, there were no signs that legislation palatable to both sides was taking shape. The Friday afternoon meeting among congressional leaders and the president – their first since Nov. 16 – stood as a make-or-break moment for negotiations to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spend...

  • Year 2012 in review, January to June

    Dec 28, 2012

    January Council To Test The Waters For New Pool SIDNEY – When approached about the condition of the city’s public pool a few months back, Mayor Wendall Gaston realized things weren’t going swimmingly. “It’s been remarkable that the pool has been able to stay open,” Gaston said, “but it’s getting old enough where the repairs are becoming a problem. And one of these years, we’re going to be told, ‘You know, we just can’t put it back together again.’” Saddled with that prospect, Gaston was asked to spearhead a pool committee. That organizat...

  • And the giving continues

    Tina Mines, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 28, 2012

    Just because we have passed the ‘season of giving’ it does not mean that is what has to happen – we stop giving. Something the ‘Fun Committee’ from 21st Century Equipment hasn’t forgotten; the employees are holding a food drive until the end of Feb. “This is the first year we are doing something like this,” service coordinator Kristin Simmons said. “It was kind of a collective idea. We had done a store survey and there were a couple suggestions of trying to do more community service. Our comm...

  • Housing sales show increase

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 28, 2012

    According to new statistics released by U.S. Census Bureau News and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, new single-family house sales increased 4.4 percent nationally in the month of November. “Housing indicators for the third quarter of 2012 continue to portray a fragile, but steady, recovery in the housing market,” members of the department said. The seasonally-adjusted rate nationally for the month of November was 377,000 houses sold, surpassing not only the estimated Oct...

  • Over the fiscal cliff: Soft or hard landing?

    Associated Press|Dec 27, 2012

    WASHINGTON – Efforts to save the nation from going over a year-end “fiscal cliff” were in disarray as lawmakers fled the Capitol for their Christmas break. “God only knows” how a deal can be reached now, House Speaker John Boehner declared. President Barack Obama, on his way out of town himself, insisted a bargain could still be struck before Dec. 31. “Call me a hopeless optimist,” he said. A look at why it’s so hard for Republicans and Democrats to compromise on urgent matters of taxes and spending, and what happens if they fail to meet th...

  • 5 issues small business owners will face in 2013

    Associated Press|Dec 27, 2012

    NEW YORK – In 2013, small business owners will contend with many of the same issues that made it hard to run their companies over the last 12 months. They’re also heading into the new year with a lot of uncertainty. It’s unlikely that negotiations in Congress will resolve all of lawmakers’ disagreements over tax and budget issues that affect small businesses. And there are still many questions about the implications of the health care law for small companies. That points to continued caution – and perhaps slow hiring – among the nation’s sm...

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