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Community / Faith

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  • Time for Retirement

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jun 23, 2021

    More than 30 years ago, Doug Birky was finishing his degree at Dallas Theological Seminary when he was contacted about a church in Sidney. He was contacted after the midwest district of the Evangelical Free Church received his resume. He calls the delivery of his resume “another story.” What is real, he says, is he and his wife Carolyn and their family, have been blessed to be part of the Sidney community since 1986. “We had never imagined we'd be here this many years,” Birky said recentl...

  • Loving Your Enemies

    Jun 23, 2021

    In our own time, maybe no one has seen the social aspects of God’s Kingdom on earth quite like Martin Luther King, Jr. He stood toe to toe with the house of evil. He insisted in a number of his speeches that the key to the future was a certain “maladjustment…” In 1961, Dr. King gave the commencement address at Lincoln University, in which he talked about “The American Dream,” and he said this, “There are certain things within our social order to which I am proud to be maladjusted and to which I call upon all people of good will to be maladju...

  • The Other 'H' Word in the Bible

    Jun 16, 2021

    Over the years since I was a child in church, in various worship services, we have sung the old hymn, "When We All Get To Heaven." The chorus of the hymn says: “When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!” This song was a constant reminder that Christians are looking forward to being in Heaven with Jesus Christ some day because of their faith in him. Like the Bible challenges us, we should be anticipating that day with great joy. Heaven will be our eternal home after...

  • Love or Fear

    Jun 9, 2021

    When I was a little girl I went to Sunday School and sang “Jesus Love Me” and I knew he was always watching over me. However, I also knew that while watching over me, God also knew everything I did…good or bad! This made me fear Him. I often envisioned Him “making a list and checking it twice to see if I had been naughty or nice”. Sound familiar? I am sure many of you, as children, also had some of those same thoughts. Yes, there is a fear of God, meaning a reverence for His Person and authority, which is the heart of true Faith. However, we mi...

  • The War That Ends All Wars

    Jun 2, 2021

    Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was first officially observed on May 30, 1868, on the order of General John Alexander Logan for the purpose of decorating the graves of the American Civil War dead. Arlington National Cemetery, filled with all those white grave markers, is probably the most symbolic of the cost of war and a revelation of our heritage and troublous times in American history.Historically, Memorial Day was expanded to include all who died in World War 1, and further expanded to include those of World War 2, better...

  • So What is Grace

    May 19, 2021

    Grace is the unmerited favor of GOD, Grace was poured out on mankind with the Death and Resurrection of His Son Jesus. So Ive heard it explained this way Grace is GOD giving us something we don’t deserve, and Mercy is God not giving us something we do deserve. We are Saved by Grace and Faith, not by anything we do, so we can’t boast about what you did, salvation comes because Jesus sacrificed himself for us so we could recieve what GOD has for us, which is a relationship with him. The Grace of GOD helps us through this life and through Grace we...

  • It's About Relationship

    May 12, 2021

    Jesus said, “I am the Vine, you are the branches…” What Jesus was sayin’ was this: it’s good to be part of a larger group, workin’ towards larger goals – but at the same time, we gotta be connected to a center before we can actually be productive! Our lives are all about relationships. Scripture says we’re to love God and to love one another – that’s networking – that’s relationship building – that’s reaching out to one another for mutual support and accountability – that’s all about becoming family! ‘Cuz listen – in the end, relationship...

  • Rostvit Twins to Sing at Nazarene Church May 23

    May 12, 2021

    Janice and Faye Rostvit, identical twins from Colorado Springs, Colo., will share in song and testimony at 10:30 a.m. May 23 at the Church of the Nazarene, 1445 Jackson St, Sidney. For more than 40 years the Rostvit Twins have had an extensive world-wide music ministry. Often they would be overseas for six months of each year and singing in churches in the USA the other months. Their travels have taken them to over 90 countries where they always learned a repertoire of songs in the local...

  • Volunteer Sweat Equity

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|May 5, 2021

    Houses of worship do not always come with an abundance of finances. Some are as the poet describes, the church in the wildwood. As the poet, songwriter describes, this church is a small fellowship in the vale. It is a church likely small enough building it took a lot of volunteers and time. Maintaining it took just as long. The Panhandle has many churches where the Word of God is shared with the faithful few, and when an emergency occurs, they have to rely on their brothers in faith. That is the...

  • Let the Children Come

    May 5, 2021

    The end of the school year is rapidly approaching, and once again many of our children will be receiving school related awards. Students of various ages will be rewarded for their accomplishments in academics, as well as in music, sports, and a variety of other extra curricular activities. They will be acknowledged and commended for their hard work and overall commitment to excellence. This kind of recognition is appropriate and important in the life of our children. However, there are other kinds of award recognition that are also important....

  • Praying With Purpose

    Apr 28, 2021

    Do you pray in generalities or do you “zero in” on a specific concern? Do you sometimes pray the wrong prayer? Are there times when you don’t know for what to pray? A few years ago, I fell and broke my hip. I vividly remember the prayer I prayed as I was falling. “Lord, please don’t let me fall!” It was a little late to pray that prayer…I was already falling! … and, yes, it was in slow motion. I should have been praying, “Lord, please don’t let me break anything”!!!! Many times short prayers are better than a few long ones. It is often the...

  • Too Busy for God

    Apr 21, 2021

    Grandma used to tell me “ the devil rides on an idle horse”, and it’s true, but as I walk in this Christian life, it is clear, he also delights in the “ busy Christian.” In fact, that is one of the most common statements for Christians these days. I am too busy. “ I would like to spend more time with God, but I can’t find the time.” This isn’t new however, Jesus addressed this very issue in Luke 10:38-42. In the text, Jesus goes to Martha’s home and is teaching. Martha is so distracted with serving and taking care of everything else, th...

  • Death and Taxes?

    Apr 14, 2021

    I believe it was Benjamin Franklin, who, after signing the Constitution of the United States, touted the phrase, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” With the usual tax deadline being tomorrow, April 15, this part of the quote hits home for sure. But what about death? Is death an absolute and sure thing? We just ended our Easter Season with an emphasis on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. So, is death as certain as taxes, or is there a hope of a future resurrection? In my personal study of God...

  • Living a Life Without God

    Apr 7, 2021

    We live in a world that seems angry and confusing, and without GOD it is exactly that, without GOD there is no hope. GOD has and is the answer to all of that anger and confusion. Philippians 4:4-9, speaks about looking to GOD and trusting GOD, and HE will give you peace. This scripture give you direction for your life, it give you HOW you can have peace in a world full of turmoil and confusion. It may sound to good to be true, but GOD didn’t make it hard to find the answers we are looking for. In Psalms 23, the WORD of GOD speaks about about G...

  • Eternal Love

    Mar 31, 2021

    There’s a 1988 song by the Christian rock group, Petra called “First Love.” Let me quote you the lyrics: 1) Sometimes I feel I’m pulled in so many wrong directions Sometimes I feel the world seducing my affections It’s not that I don’t know the way It’s just a heart that’s prone to stray But with my weaknesses admitted You will keep all that I’ve committed So I commit my heart to You, my First Love 2) It’s taken me some time to try to comprehend A love that doesn’t change - a love without an end A love that keeps forgiving A love of s...

  • Palm Sunday: What If?

    Mar 24, 2021

    This coming Sunday is known as Palm Sunday to Christians around the world. It is a day when we remember and celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem the week before his death and resurrection. It is also referred to as his “triumphal entry” as he was officially presented to the nation of Israel as their Messiah. It was a day of public celebration and excitement about the future as Christ was welcomed by great crowds of people. We remember their shouts of: “Hosanna… Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord… B...

  • The Sound of Joy

    Mar 17, 2021

    Have you ever noticed how once March rolls around, we begin to look for signs of Spring? Even though we know we probably will have more snow storms ahead, we are ready for warmer weather. The beautiful weather this last weekend made Spring even more of a reality, reminding us that the official day of the beginning of Spring is just around the corner. However, I am afraid another snow storm is, also. I always watch my flower bed and when I see my daffodils poking their little heads out of the soil, I know that God is in his heaven and Spring is...

  • A Transformation Checkup

    Mar 3, 2021

    There was a man who made a permanent move into a retirement home. It wasn’t long before he made friends with a special lady. They spent a lot of time together and finally one evening he proposed, asking her to marry him. The next morning he woke up remembering his proposal, but couldn’t remember her answer. So, he went to her and said, “I’m really embarrassed. I know I proposed to you last night, but I can’t remember if you said ‘yes’ or ‘no’.” “Oh, thank goodness!” she exclaimed. “I remember saying ‘yes’ but I couldn’t remember who asked m...

  • The Body of Christ

    Feb 24, 2021

    The Body of Christ is the Church. We may belong to different Denominations but we serve the same savior. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 says we are neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free. We are noe, as the body has many but they all belong to one body, so the church (Body of Christ) should come together to work for one common good. It’s not about which church or denomination you belong to. It’s about who you KNOW and CHOOSE to serve. The Body of Christ is here to reach a lost and dying world, and bring them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We are...

  • Training for the Race

    Feb 17, 2021

    I’ve never been much of an athlete. I did play baseball for most of my growin’ up years, and I bowled for a while in Jr. High and High School. I dabbled in Track & Field for 1 year, but was never really serious about it; likewise, with football and basketball, they were never really my “thing.” In the 8-9 years I played baseball, I distinctly remember how strict my dad was about game day. He didn’t talk much about what I ate that day, but his real pet-peeve was swimming on game day – THAT was absolutely forbidden because swimming takes so mu...

  • Super Bowl Sunday

    Feb 10, 2021

    Last Sunday was another Super Bowl Sunday, and once again millions of Americans watched he big game. They saw the Tampa Bay Buccaneers crowned the World Champions of professional football. The victorious players and coaches are now famous, and will enjoy the financial rewards of winning it all. The new champions will also receive those coveted Super Bowl Rings which will always identify them as being among the best of the best. The Super Bowl champs have reached their highest goal in the world of professional sports. However, in just a few...

  • The New Normal?

    Feb 3, 2021

    It has been practically a year since we were confronted with the global health crisis which has sent shock waves throughout the world. Whether we know it or not, everyone and everything is just a little bit different, if not a lot different. It is good for us to assess exactly how our lives have changed, for better or for worse. Initially, many of us were held in disbelief as to the significance and the seriousness of such a pandemic. Many questions arose. In fact, many questions continue to rise. Questioning such a challenge helps us to...

  • Masterpiece - A Work in Progress

    Feb 3, 2021

    Recently, I saw a post on Facebook that made me take notice. The post read: “You are allowed to be a masterpiece AND a work in progress”. I have always known I was a child of God and a real work in progress, but where does “masterpiece” fit in!? The dictionary defines masterpiece as a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement and is always connected to a master. I had never thought of myself as a masterpiece, but it felt pretty good. It felt especially good when I read the following scripture, revealing Who the Master of our masterp...

  • Have A Little Faith

    Jan 27, 2021

    Testing of Your Faith 2 Count it all joy, my brothers,[b] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not...

  • The One That Would Not, Could Not

    Jan 20, 2021

    As we have learned from the Covid-19 crisis, there’s no guarantee for tomorrow in this game of life and death. So, it makes good sense to examine ourselves today in 2021 and make the most of the opportunities we do have. Paul says in 2 Cor. 6:2, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” Jesus knows our script for life, and our point of no return. He is not willing to lose any of us and will do whatever it takes to save us. Theme thought: “The one that would not, could not, but whosoever will, can.” • Lucifer bec...

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