Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • The Hidden Prairie within Morrill Hall

    Lena Nelson, Nebraska News Service|Nov 24, 2021

    Chris Helzer, a local nature photographer and Nebraska director of science at The Nature Conservancy, was looking for a new way to tell people why prairies are interesting and important when he came up with the idea of proving the diversity of prairies on a smaller scale. And so the project “Hidden Prairie” was born. Helzer’s project originally started as a book that features images and stories about the species he discovered in a square meter over a year in Lincoln Creek Prairie in Auror...

  • Public Records

    Nov 24, 2021

    Sidney Police Department Nov. 18 • 12:16 a.m., Traffic Stop, Old Post Road and 17J Link. • 12:36 a.m. Traffic Stop, 17J Link and Interstate 80. • 8:44 a.m. Theft, 800 block Maple Street. • 8:52 a.m. Parking Complaint, 600 block Chase Blvd. • 10:21 a.m. Animal Call, 13th Avenue and Newton Street. • 12:42 p.m. Animal Call, 23rd Avenue and Linden Street. • 12:53 p.m., Parking Complaint, 600 block Chase Blvd. • 12:54 p.m., Parking Complaint, 600 block Chase Blvd. • 12:58 p.m. Traffic Accident, cold report. • 1:03 p.m. Traffic Stop, Old Post Road...

  • Yanney Family Honored

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Nov 17, 2021

    Saturday afternoon the village of Lodgepole celebrated community. The celebration recognized an individual and his family whose support is taking the community into the future. The Yanney family, E.K. Yanney specifically, is credited for support of the Lodgepole Community Foundation. The E.K. Yanney Foundation committed $20,000 to the community fund. E.K. Yanney was known for banking in the Lodgepole community. But he was more than that. His family and friends also recall him for his involvement...

  • Lakota Artist Teaches Life Lessons in Play Time

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Nov 17, 2021

    North Elementary School students again had the opportunity to have fun and learn life lessons the Lakota way recently when traditional Sicangu Lakota artist Steve Tamayo was a guest at the school. He presented games that showed traditional play time coupled with life lessons. If you make a mistake, you pay the price. In a game, that might mean surrendering one of the game pieces. The games also explained Lakota legends about nature and how animals came to be as we see them today. Steve Tamayo is...

  • School Board Seeks Candidates

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Nov 17, 2021

    The Sidney Board of Education honored music teachers Jen and Dave Mead in the Nov. 8 school board meeting. The award is presented by Dairy Queen, the French Door and Sidney Floral to a nominated staff member. The Meads are vocal and instrumental music teachers at Sidney High School. District Superintendent Jay Ehler said the Meads often recognized for their successes for school music groups and ensambles. However, this commendation is for the day-to-day, how students experience learning in the...

  • Nordyke Receives 2021 Will Roger's Medallion Award

    Nov 17, 2021

    Ron Nordyke has received 2021 Will Rogers Silver Medallion Awards for being both author and illustrator of the book EagleHorse, in the Young Readers / Illustrated category, and as well as a 2021 Publishers’ Silver Medallion for his book. Ron also has received the Will Rogers Gold Medallion as 2021 Illustrator of the Year. In this book “A wild horse, and a golden eagle befriend a young native girl of the North American plains, Little Red Moon. Listen to her thoughts and dreams. See the spa...

  • Work with life partner to achieve mutual goals

    Nov 17, 2021

    When you and your life partner work together to achieve your important long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement lifestyle, the experience can be greatly rewarding. However, your success will require commitment and discipline. So, what steps should you take along the way? One key move is to decide early in your relationship how you will handle money. Many couples merge their finances and make joint decisions on major purchases. But some couples like to keep at least part of their finances distinct, perhaps by maintaining separate...

  • Comfort for God's People

    Nov 17, 2021

    Isaiah 40:1-10 40:1 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord wil...

  • The Well-Armed Woman

    Andrea Stump, TWAW Chapter Leader|Nov 17, 2021

    Let’s revisit the scenario I presented in my last article: It’s 2:00 AM on a Tuesday night and you and your spouse are fast asleep in bed. Your kids are comfortably tucked in down the hallway. All is quiet in the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. Suddenly, you’re jolted awake by the sound of glass shattering and your security system blaring. In your sleepy stupor you’re not sure where the sound came from, all you know is that something was broken. Your heart starts to race and you feel the adrenaline pumping through your ve...

  • Gifts That Keep Giving

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Nov 10, 2021

    Few things in life match the excitement of a child opening a colorfully-decorated gift box. The ribbons fly as the box is torn open in an exuberant curiosity. For some children, that event is rare. There are children as close as a few houses away and as far away as other continents where the box itself is a gift, and the book, pencils and few items inside are as gold. Operation Christmas Child, a program through Samaritan's Purse, started in 1993. It began with a request to send shoe boxes...

  • North Parking Lot Sidney Administration Building Closed

    Nov 10, 2021

    Starting Monday, November 15, the Sidney city administration building’s north parking lot will be closed to replace the driving lane. The driving lane to drop off your bill will be closed. All streets will be open around the City Office and the Library. Please use the west or south door to access the city building for city business or payment drop off. To pay your bill online, go to the City of Sidney website and click “online payments.” Work on the driving lane is expected to take about two weeks, weather permi...

  • Life Behind the Uniform

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Nov 10, 2021

    Two women, both who have served, sitting quietly. One more calm by appearance, the other with a touch of energy that is often perceived as confrontational. The long-used, and often forgotten, cliche “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” and “still waters run deep” are often forgotten when interacting with women like these. Appearances are often misleading, and experiences don’t necessarily line up with appearances. Female Veterans and Military endure much, yet their trauma’s, injuries, and p...

  • Veterans History Project

    Larry Nelson, Veterans History Project|Nov 10, 2021

    Paul Roberts was a college student at Wayne State University in Wayne, Nebraska. When not in classes, he would return home to Albion, Nebraska to help with his dad’s plumbing business. He was also an athlete who could run. At the end of three college semesters, he had sustained a knee injury which hampered his running ability. At about the same time, the Selective Service Board had sent him a draft notice. Before going right into the service, he was involved in an automobile injury accident. The Selective Service people allowed him 6 months t...

  • Financial tips for new veterans

    Nov 10, 2021

    On Veterans Day, we honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces. If you’ve recently separated or retired from the military, or you will be leaving soon, you can be proud of the service you’ve provided to your country. But once you’re a veteran, away from the structure and imperatives of the military, you may need to take greater control over managing your finances and protecting your family. For starters, consider housing. When you were on active duty, you may have moved around frequently and found it more convenient to rent,...

  • The Logic of Love and Hate

    Nov 10, 2021

    Jesus began His ministry with a sermon about being a citizen of the kingdom of God and having the attribute of Divine love. “Ye have heard that it hath been said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.’ But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven:” (Matthew 5:43-45) This is a very explosive and radical principle of non-retaliatory, non-resistant love. I...

  • Land and Range Judging Contest Held

    Nov 10, 2021

    On September 15th the Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District (UNWNRD) hosted the 2021 Area 1 Range Judging contest in Alliance. Range Judging is a high school competition that challenges students to gain a better understanding of Nebraska rangelands. Range Judging enables each participant to learn how to recognize range plants, range sites and the need for proper grazing practices. NRDs work with the Society for Range Management, NRCS and UNL Extension to host Range Judging contests...

  • Panhandle Perspectives:

    Nov 10, 2021

    The Sandhills Rangeland Monitoring Cooperative (SRMC) is a rangeland monitoring project that seeks to link ranchers, scientists and the public in a network of knowledge exchange about rangeland health and management in the Nebraska Sandhills. The goal of the project is to better understand what influences the plant community in the Nebraska Sandhills and help guide management efforts to protect this vital part of Nebraska. The Nebraska Sandhills provide valuable grazing land and plentiful ecosys...

  • Cheyenne County Receives Dividend Check

    Nov 3, 2021

    LINCOLN – Cheyenne County has received another membership dividend, this time in the amount of $16,671, from the Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA), the county’s property, liability and workers’ compensation coverage and risk management services provider. The dividend was part of a $1 million distribution shared with 81 Nebraska counties and nine county-associated agencies during NIRMA’s annual membership conference Oct. 21-22 in Kearney. With this latest distrib...

  • Build Your 'Cash' Account Before Retiring

    Nov 3, 2021

    If you’re going to retire in the next few years, you’ll want to start thinking about making some changes to your investment portfolio. And one area you may want to look at is whatever type of cash account you might have – because, when you’re retired, the amount of cash you have readily available may be even more important than when you were working. Your cash management account could pay a slightly higher rate than a typical savings account, as well as serving as a holding place for funds that may eventually be transferred to other investm...

  • Are You Weary

    Nov 3, 2021

    Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus states come to me ALL who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest. In todays world its easy to become weary and burdened, with everything going on around us. In 1 Peter 5:7 we are told to cast all our cares /anxiety on Jesus because he cares for us, folks what you can’t control you give to Jesus(GOD) in prayer, and leave it to GOD to take care of. We are to rest in Jesus, and take his yoke upon us and learn from him because he is gentle and humble and you will find Rest for your souls, for HIS yoke is easy and H...

  • Handling Grain Properly

    Nov 3, 2021

    Working with any kind of grain – especially when it’s stored in a bin – poses life-threatening hazards. Understanding those hazards and knowing how to protect yourself from harm helps prevent serious injury or death. Bob Aherin, Ph.D. and Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois, Agricultural Safety and Health Program and AgrAbility Unlimited Program, says becoming trapped in flowing grain one of the most hazardous aspects of grain handling. “Getting caught in a grain auger as you move gr...

  • Webinars Addressed Current State and Potential Growth the Meat Processing Industry

    Nov 3, 2021

    LINCOLN — Center for Agriculture Profitability housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln hosted a webinar series on October 12 and 14 addressing the current state and potential growth of the meat processing industry. Due to COVID-19, recent market disruptions to the meat processing industry have led the public and livestock producers to be concerned about the size and consolidation of meat processing plants. The purpose of these webinars is to address the following: Financial and legal imp...

  • Public Records

    Nov 3, 2021

    October 19 7:46 am, Agency assist 7:59 am, Medical call High School 8:29 am, Juvenile problems Linden St 8:51 am, Animal call Osage ST 9:38 am, Welfare check 11th ave 9:39 am, Unwanted party Ash St 10:55 am, Narcotics violation Oshkosh 11:02 am, Parking complaint 11th Ave 11:48 am, Code Violation Elm ST 1:52 pm, Parking complaint Chase Blvd 5:22 pm, Traffic accident cold 6:09 pm,Traffic stop Old Post RD 7:49 pm, Parking complaint Hoffies Dr 7:59 pm, Welfare Check Sidney 8:02 pm, Traffic stop...

  • The Well-Armed Woman

    Andrea Stump, TWAW Chapter Leader|Nov 3, 2021

    It’s 2 AM on a Tuesday night and you and your spouse are fast asleep in bed. Your kids are comfortably tucked in down the hallway. All is quiet in the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. Suddenly, you’re jolted awake by the sound of glass shattering. In your sleepy stupor you’re not sure where the sound came from, all you know is that something was broken. Your heart starts to race and you feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins- one of your worst fears may be coming true… Unfortunately, home invasions are more common th...

  • Learning Healthy Practices

    Nov 3, 2021

    The WNCC Nursing Program partnered with Panhandle Public Health District (PPHD) to deliver education to 4th grade students. The nursing students learned about oral health education from Kendra Lauruhn, the PPHD Dental Health Coordinator. Then they collected data about the community in regards to health status and prepared to deliver an oral health presentation to the students at Sidney Public Schools- North Elementary. They taught on topics such as teeth brushing and flossing techniques and...

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