Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • USDA Has Issued More Than $123.1 Million in Emergency Relief Program Payments to Nebraska Agricultural Producers

    Jul 6, 2022

    LINCOLN  – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that agricultural producers nationwide have already received more than $4 billion through the Emergency Relief Program (ERP), representing nearly 67% of the more than $6 billion projected to be paid through this phase of the program. Eligible producers in Nebraska have received $123.1 million in funding to date. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mailed out pre-filled applications in late May to producers with crop insurance who suffered losses due to natural disasters in...

  • Public Records

    Jul 6, 2022

    Sidney Police Department June 30 7:12 a.m., Parking Complaint, Chase Blvd and 17J Link. 7:41 a.m., Protection Order Violation, Sheriff’s Office. 8:16 a.m., Follow-Up, 1100 block Parkview Road. 9:24 a.m., Warrant Service, 900 block 10th Avenue. 9:56 a.m., Animal Call, 13th Avenue and Jackson Street. 11:06 a.m., Paper Service, 800 block 11th Avenue. 12:20 p.m., Follow-Up, Police Department. 12:30 p.m., Suspicious Vehicle, 3000 block Silverberg Drive. 2:50 p.m., Suspicious Activity, 800 block Old Post Road. 3:08 p.m., Animal Call, 1300 block P...

  • Classifieds/Legals

    Jul 6, 2022

  • School Board Reviews, Approves Policies

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Jun 29, 2022

    The Cheyenne County School District No. 1 Board of Education met June 20, reviewing and approving five policies, an agreement with Rauner and Associates, P.C., to perform the 2021-2222 District Financial Audit and reviewed a “Turf Tank” contract proposal. The board approved the Open Enrollment Resolution on how to determine what number of students will be allowed into the district. At issue is if the district would be near its bench mark for specific grade levels and the board is petitioned for...

  • Elks Lodge Offering Theater Seat Sponsorship

    Jun 29, 2022

    Have you ever heard someone say, "I don’t see your name on it?" Now is your chance to have your name on a seat at the Elks Theatre. The Sidney Elks Lodge and Way Out West Theatre have joined efforts in raising $210,000 dollars for renovations for the theatre. Patrons will now be able to buy a brass plate with their name or dedication to be placed on the armrest of one of the balcony seats. The seats will start off at $250 and go up to $1,000, depending on the location of the seat. The r...

  • Take Steps Toward Financial Freedom

    Jun 29, 2022

    Next week, we observe Independence Day, an opportunity to celebrate all the liberties we enjoy in this country. Of course, there are different types of freedoms – such as financial freedom, which can open the doors to many other opportunities. What steps can you take to gain your financial independence? Here are a few suggestions: • Save, invest … and repeat. There’s really no shortcut to achieving financial freedom – you do have to save and invest for many years. And that means you should take full advantage of the opportunities available...

  • Holy Spirit

    Jun 29, 2022

    Most weeks we use the words of the Apostles Creed to confess our faith. The third article of the creed reads as follows: “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting, Amen.” Martin Luther said “being made holy” is expressed and portrayed through the office of the Holy Spirit; meaning the Holy Spirit’s agency makes us holy. Luther goes on to say that we must concentrate on the term “Holy Spirit” because we can find no other name. O...

  • Western Bean Cutworm Degree-Day

    Jun 29, 2022

    Jeff Bradshaw, UNL Associate Professor, Entomology Jeff Cluever, UNL Graduate Research Assistant, Entomology Gracie Keiter, UNL Student Intern, Entomology One of the key pests in our region is the Western bean cutworm (WBC). WBC feeding can reduce the quantity and quality of dry bean and corn crops. Typically, control is achieved with a foliar application of a pyrethroid. However, unnecessary or ill-timed insecticide applications of any pesticide can be detrimental to the environment, the health of the applicator, and/or the health of the...

  • ASA Accepting Applications for Conservation Legacy Awards

    Jun 29, 2022

    ST. LOUIS (June 24, 2022) — Share the story of how conservation is part of your farm operation and you could be recognized with a Conservation Legacy Award. The awards recognize farm management practices of U.S. soybean farmers that are both environmentally friendly and profitable. Are you using a reduced tillage practice on your farm? Do you grow cover crops? Have you taken steps to improve energy efficiency or water quality? These are just a few conservation practices used on some farms today that can help produce sustainable U.S. s...

  • Tuition Freeze Highlights 2022-23 University Budget

    Jun 29, 2022

    At a time when families are paying more for gas, groceries and living expenses, the University of Nebraska System will again freeze tuition for all students under a proposed 2022-23 operating budget released today by President Ted Carter. The proposed budget, which will go before the Board of Regents at its June 23 meeting, completes a three-year, system-wide plan to manage the fiscal challenges created by COVID-19 while positioning the university for long-term success. Carter said the budget is a strong statement of the University of Nebraska...

  • Maverik Breaks Ground on Sidney Location

    Jun 22, 2022

    The site that previously offered a coffee with a variety of omelets, burgers and desserts will soon be the place for fuel, pizza, sub sandwiches and various other menu items. After months of anticipation, workers recently demolished the former Perkins restaurant and are preparing the site for a new Maverik. Maverik currently has three stores in Nebraska, all in the Panhandle area: Scottsbluff, Chadron and Alliance. The Sidney location at Old Post Road and Upland Parkway is scheduled to open in...

  • Crypto: Investment or Speculation?

    Jun 22, 2022

    With cryptocurrencies so much in the news, you might be wondering if you should invest in them. But “invest” may not be the right word – because, in many ways, cryptocurrencies, or “crypto” for short, are more speculation than investment. But what’s really the difference between a speculator and an investor? Probably the main factor is the differing views of time. A true investor is in it for the long term, building a portfolio that, over many years, can eventually provide the financial resources to achieve important goals, such as a comfortab...

  • Tomorrow's Worries

    Jun 22, 2022

    “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 This is the Bible verse my Dad wrote in the Bible that he and my Mom gave to me many years ago when I was a young woman. I have referred to and counted on that verse many times in the years gone by and continue to hold it close in my daily life. ……one day at a time. I have heard many of you express the same sentiment as we journey through the turmoil going on in the world today and in our personal lives. It is a...

  • Relief for American Agriculture Producers

    Adrian Smith, Third House District|Jun 22, 2022

    The importance of a strong agriculture economy to the state of Nebraska and our entire nation cannot be overstated. Often overlooked in policy conversations, the products supplied by farmers and ranchers are fundamental to fueling our lives, filling our plates, putting shirts on our backs, and so much more. Yet, American ag producers currently face a bevy of historic crises which threaten their livelihoods and the long-term health of our economy. This comes at a time when relief for Americans...

  • Master Gardener Tips for the Panhandle

    Britni Schmaltz, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener|Jun 22, 2022

    Be aware when fertilizing your perennials. Perennial flowers, ground covers and grasses don’t need a lot of fertilization and in fact some may react negatively. Overfertilized perennials may bolt, producing excessive soft growth instead of more flowers. To be safe, a soil test will help you determine the needs of your plants and the amount of fertilizer, if any, is warranted. Fertilizers with a 10-10-10 formula are generally sufficient. Do you have floppy plants? Stake ‘em! Some plants may need...

  • Bashtovoi Awarded South Platte Natural Resources District 2022 Scholarship

    Jun 22, 2022

    South Platte NRD (SPNRD) is pleased to announce our 2022 scholarship recipient. SPNRD awarded one $500 scholarship to an outstanding area student. The SPNRD program is designed to recognize achievements and encourage students who have an interest in Natural Resources, Environmental or Agricultural studies. Congratulations to Daniel Bashtovoi! He will be a Freshman at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Major Course of Study: Biological Systems Engineering. Daniel is the son of Denis and Amy...

  • Public Records

    Jun 22, 2022

    Deuel County Clerk Arrested Following NSP Investigation JUNE 14 (SCOTTSBLUFF) — Troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol have arrested a Chappell woman following an investigation related to purchases at the Deuel County Clerk’s Office. The case was initially referred to NSP by the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office. Investigators developed information that Polly Olson, 59, who serves as the Deuel County Clerk, had purchased more than $18,000 worth of personal items from various retailers using an official Deuel County credit card. An arrest warr...

  • Big Enterprise With Little Insects

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Jun 15, 2022

    About three years ago, two young boys were considering what should be their latest enterprise. “We wanted to start a business,” said Graham Santero. How they progressed from two boys with big ideas to a business is credited to his mom. “It's actually kind of funny. We were driving down the road and my mom said 'why not sell worms?'” Thursday, June 9, Santero and his partner Kale Kaiser held a worm clinic at Legion Park for children. In the clinic, they explained how to feed worms, includi...

  • Working in a Cultural, Spiritual Exchange

    Jun 15, 2022

    He sits in a padded office chair, quietly observing the other person in the conversation. His answers are clear and calculated. After several years, he still approaches western Nebraska with an Fr.C.P.Varghese is nearing completion of his first year at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Sidney. Prior to Sidney, he was in Bridgeport, Bayard and Dalton. In his eight years in the United States, he also pastored in North Platte, before coming to the U.S. from India. “I came for a break from India,” he...

  • Eight WNCC Students Receive Scholarships from Buckley Trust Grant

    Jun 15, 2022

    SIDNEY - Eight Western Nebraska Community College Sidney Campus students received scholarships recently from a $5,000 grant from the Thomas D. Buckley Trust. The students who were awarded scholarships studied business, basic nursing assistant, and licensed practical nursing at WNCC during the 2021-2022 academic year. The scholarships were used to aid WNCC students with tuition and fees. “We are extremely grateful for the continued support and generosity of the Thomas D. Buckley Trust,” WNCC Foundation Gifts & Grants Director Alena Haun sai...

  • What's Your Investment Risk Tolerance?

    Jun 15, 2022

    Risk is a normal part of investing. If you didn’t take on any risk, you wouldn’t have the potential to achieve higher returns. But how much risk should you accept? You don’t want to incur unnecessary risk. So, you’ll need to assess the amount of risk you’re comfortable taking and then determine if this risk level supports your ability to achieve your long-term goals. Here are some of the key factors in determining your own capacity for investment risk: • Personality – We all have different personalities. And your individual personality c...

  • Discipleship

    Jun 15, 2022

    Discipleship. We hear that word thrown around a lot in western churchianity. Almost always it relates to a curriculum, program or a process. But What is it really? What does it mean, and how does one become a disciple of Jesus Christ? First and foremost, when we use the term disciple/ discipleship we must start with a biblical understanding of what a disciple is. A disciple was and is someone who wholeheartedly submits to the authority and teaching of Another. Not only do they learn, but they put into practice what they have learned. For one th...

  • Master Gardener Tips for the Panhandle

    Katie Markheim, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener|Jun 15, 2022

    Labels are the Law Both FIFRA and the Nebraska Pesticide Act state that the label must be followed when making a pesticide application. Each product label has specific information regarding use to reduce risk to the applicator, other people, nontargets and the environment. Some products may require additional data collection or training before applications. Others may require site investigation using FieldWatch, DriftWatch or BeeCheck. Read and follow the label every time you use a pesticide. It’s the law. Right Plant, Right Place, Right T...

  • UNL Field Pea Variety Trial Field Days Set for June 20-22

    Jun 15, 2022

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln field pea variety trial plot tours are scheduled for June 20-22 at Alliance, Grant, and Sidney, respectively. The tours provide an opportunity for farmers and others to learn more about new varieties and other topics relevant to wheat and peas. Pea variety trials are being conducted at three sites in the Panhandle and southwest Nebraska: Box Butte County near Alliance (11 varieties), Cheyenne County near Sidney (28 varieties), and Perkins County near Grant (23 varieties). Each site is dryland. Field pea varieties...

  • Pheasants Forever to Host Local Habitat Tour

    Jun 15, 2022

    Sidney — Pheasants Forever, NRCS, South Platte Natural Resource District (SPNRD) and the Nebraska Game and Parks will be hosting the “Maximize Profits in CRP” Habitat Tour at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 21. This tour will include information about Conservation Programs, High Quality, High Diversity Habitat and changes in the current state of CRP, and supplemental programs/incentives that can increase your financial return on CRP acres. The tour will also complete a field visit to showcase functional high-quality habitat in CRP. If interested in le...

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