Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • Should You Stick With Index-based Investments?

    Sep 22, 2022

    You may have heard that you can simplify your investment strategy just by owning index-based or passive investments. But is this a good idea? You’ll want to consider the different aspects of this type of investment style. To begin with, an index-based investment is a vehicle such as a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that mimics the performance of a market benchmark, or index — the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and so on. (An ETF is similar to a mutual fund in that it holds a variety of investments but differs in tha...

  • Loneliness - An Extential Experience for All Humans

    Sep 22, 2022

    ‘Loneliness’ is perhaps the most primitive of all human emotions. The Bible tells us this. God saw that man was alone. Giving him a partner in the form of a woman was the solution to it. Some people see even the creation of humans itself as an effort from the part of God, in order to escape from God’s own loneliness. Let’s look at it this way. The creation story in Genesis tells us that in five days God created everything – the earth, the Sun, the sky, the stars, the planets, the rivers and the seas, the hills and the valleys, the flowers,...

  • Sidney's FFA - Senior Division Wins 1st Place at 2022 Area 1 Range Judging Contest

    Sep 22, 2022

    SCOTTSBLUFF – Approximately 150 students met in Scottsbluff for the 2022 Area 1 Range Judging Contest on September 14, 2022. Sidney’s FFA Senior Division Team won First Place with teammates Zoe Fornander, Emily Miller, Ty Grunig, and Josette McConnell. Sidney’s other Senior Division Team with teammates Sidney Allard, Rylee McManis, Joslyn Bertrand, and Peyton Sprenger came in third. Range Judging is a high school competition that challenges students to gain a better understanding of Nebra...

  • For The Love of Thyme

    Starline Platt, The Urban Gardener|Sep 22, 2022

    We all love our fresh herbs; herbs are so versatile in terms of what they can contribute to your life. Adding fresh herbs into your daily routine is a wonderful, healthy lifestyle choice in that they benefit the upkeep of your mind, body and home. This week we will talking about thyme. Thyme Common name: Thyme Scientific name: Thymus Vulagaris Family: Labiatae The Uses: The use of thyme is aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, decorative and is said to have some medicinal properties. The dried flowers a...

  • Master Gardener tips for the Panhandle

    Elaine Pile, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener|Sep 22, 2022

    Drought Tolerant Plants — As we once again are experiencing drought this year, we need to consider drought tolerant plants. These plants will persist for three or more years with little or no supplemental watering, and help conserve water, reduce water maintenance and still provide multi-season color and interest. They do best in full sun and well-drained soil. Areas that are difficult to water or are subject to reflected heat and light are good locations for drought-tolerant perennials. Size, spacing and form – keep this in mind when pla...

  • Public Records

    Sep 22, 2022

    Cheyenne County Sheriff’s Department September 18 11:58 a.m., Transient Aid, transported a male from the Kimball County Line to the Deuel County Line. 1:22 p.m., Suspicious Activity, Sunol Motor Cross; report of a man in a vehicle with binoculars watching from a hill. Man reported he is taking pictures of the motocross riders. 2:08 p.m., Traffic Complaint, Highway 19; complaint of a white tractor/trailer northbound on Highway 19 from the Colorado State Line. 3:38 p.m., Public Education, Sidney High School. 3:52 p.m., House Watch, 100 block Coun...

  • 'E3' Tour Coming to Sidney

    Sep 15, 2022

    Sidney's E3 chapter is hosting communities from across the state of Nebraska on September 22 and 23 this month to demonstrate where we are doing well and continue to build out opportunities to improve for the future. Individuals from the Nebraska Community Foundation, E2 (Entrepreneurial Ecosystems), and NetWork Kansas will be facilitating the discussions. Communities touring Sidney include McCook, Red Cloud, Keith County, Holt Count, and Valley County. The group will begin with a tour of Sidney's High School to learn of the strength of our...

  • Game Day Traditions Explained

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sun-Telegraph|Sep 15, 2022

    In Nebraska, there's “Big Red” and there's everyone else. But how many fans know the history of the color, or the mascot? The cliché “it takes one to know one” almost applies in this account. A former cheerleader from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln researched how the fervor of Big Red and the Husker mascot came to be. Debra Kleve White attended UNL from 1976 to 1980, graduating with a degree in fashion merchandising. She also spent some time on the cheerleading squad, which inspired...

  • Look Closely at Open Enrollment Choices

    Sep 15, 2022

    Once again, it’s the season for football games and back-to-school activities. And if you work for a medium-size or large employer, it will soon be open enrollment season – the time of year when you can review your employee benefits and make changes as needed. What areas should you focus on? Actually, it’s a good idea to pay close attention to all your benefits. Some of the offerings may have changed from last year — and you might have experienced changes in your own life, too, which might lead you to look for something different from your ex...

  • Singing for Jesus

    Sep 15, 2022

    Some years ago, following fellowship dinner at church, the folks would gather together and have a good old fashioned testimony service with singing, sharing of blessings and telling what the Lord has done in their lives. The experience was like the words of the old song, “Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God hath done.” Singing for Jesus is all about the powerful sharing of our personal testimony, letting people know what the Lord has done or is doing in our life. I believe it would do us all wel...

  • Harmful Algal Blooms Alert issued for Iron Horse Trail Lake and Oliver Reservoir

    Sep 15, 2022

    Lincoln - The state has issued a health alert for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Iron Horse Trail Lake (Wildlife Management Area) in Pawnee County and Oliver Reservoir in Kimball County. Iron Horse Trail Lake remained on alert this week after also being on alert last week. Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County, Maskenthine Reservoir in Stanton County, and Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County were all removed from alert after being on alert last week. Samples taken earlier this week at the lakes on alert...

  • State Farm Bureau PAC Endorses Kathy Wilmot for Board of Regents

    Sep 15, 2022

    LINCOLN – The Nebraska Farm Bureau Political Action Committee (NEFB-PAC) has endorsed Kathy Wilmot of Beaver City. Wilmot is seeking election to represent District 7 on the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. “Kathy is committed to being a strong, conservative voice who will advocate for Western Nebraska,” said Sherry Vinton, chair of NEBF-PAC and first vice president of Nebraska Farm Bureau. “With her experience on the State Board of Education, we can trust Kathy will represent the bes...

  • Master Gardener Tips for the Panhandle

    Leann Sato, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener|Sep 15, 2022

    Lawn Down and Brown? — That’s okay, let it rest. Grass protects itself from scorching heat by going dormant. Let it rest during summer’s heat and revive when Fall’s cooler temperatures arrive. A half inch of water about every two to three weeks will keep the crowns and roots healthy. Native, drought-resistant grass varieties, like buffalo and blue grama, will require less water during dormancy than cool season grasses. Save water and let the lawn rest until Fall. Set Trees for Success — Trees are long-term investments in our landscape...

  • How to Play a Role in Preventing Suicide

    Sep 15, 2022

    Lincoln – September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and every Nebraskan has a role in saving lives. More than 47,000 Americans die by suicide each year, but suicide can be prevented. In Nebraska, a person dies by suicide once every 32 hours. One of the most effective methods is to raise the subject with a loved one or friend who may be considering suicide. “We know that it can be hard to start conversations about mental health,” said Sheri Dawson, director of the Division of Behavioral Health. “Many people can talk about physica...

  • UNMC to Study Post-birth Biopsychosocial Risk Factors

    Sep 15, 2022

    Gurudutt Pendyala, PhD, is studying whether biological, social and psychological issues may lead to health deficiencies and mortality in mothers and offspring. Dr. Pendyala, associate professor in the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology, received $40,000 in funding from the Nebraska Research Initiative to study the biopsychosocial risk factors in the perinatal period. Biopsychosocial risk factors are caused by the interplay of biological, social and psychological issues, which can lead to health...

  • Husker Research Focuses On How Garlic Chives Fight Inflamation

    Sep 15, 2022

    Dan Moser Office of Research and Economic Development LINCOLN — University of Nebraska–Lincoln scientists are studying how nanoparticles found in garlic chives curb inflammation that contributes to many obesity-related diseases. Chronic low-grade inflammation in tissues is a factor in many diseases, including heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis and Type 2 diabetes, some of which are among the leading causes of death in the United States. The Nebraska research headed by Jiujiu Yu targets the NLRP3 inflammasome, a critical compo...

  • Suicide Awareness Walk Sept. 18

    Sep 8, 2022

    The Suicide Awareness Walk in Sidney is scheduled for 4 p.m. September 18 at Sidney High School. The walk will take place at the high school track. There is no cost. There will be food trucks, helpful information and support for those affected by suicide and or suffer with suicidal thoughts....

  • 2022 Nebraska Youth Survey Indicated Preference for Small Communities

    Sep 8, 2022

    LINCOLN – Greater Nebraska youth remain committed to small communities but there is work to be done in showing them they can have the future they want in their hometowns, according to Nebraska Community Foundation’s new 2022 Youth Survey. Nebraska Community Foundation (NCF), in partnership with the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR) and local school districts, surveyed 715 middle and high school students between January and May of 2022. Participating communities included Bertrand, Butler County, Colum...

  • When Should You Adjust Your Investment Mix?

    Sep 8, 2022

    There are no shortcuts to investment success — you need to establish a long-term strategy and stick with it. This means you’ll want to create an investment mix based on your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon — and then regularly review it to ensure it’s still meeting your needs. In fact, investing for the long term doesn’t necessarily mean you should lock your investments in forever. Throughout your life, you’ll likely need to make some changes. Of course, everyone’s situation is different and there’s no prescribed formula of when and how...

  • What Are You Seeking?

    Sep 8, 2022

    What do we seek in Life? Some seek wealth, some good health some are looking for Peace. The Word seek has several definitions, To search out, to look for, to go searching for, or to seek to find. The best way I have found is to Seek after GOD. Why? First GOD wants to be found, in Matt 7:7 the Word of GOD states seek and you will find. So how do I seek after GOD, in Deuteronomy 4: 29 GOD’S word speaks about seeking GOD with your Whole heart and soul, and again in Jeremiah 29:13, seeking GOD with you whole heart. So, what does it mean with y...

  • The North Platte River – Multi-use Water

    Sep 8, 2022

    By Gary Stone Nebraska Extension Water & Integrated Cropping Systems Educator Built in the 1950s, the Dave Johnston power plant is located near Glenrock, Wyo. This coal-fired power plant uses North Platte River water for cooling. Combined energy produced from the four steam-powered generators is 922.2 megawatts. The power plant is operated by PacifiCorp and scheduled to be decommissioned in 2027. The Laramie River Station power plant is located north of Wheatland, Wyo. on the Laramie River. The...

  • UNL Crops Testing Winter Wheat Trials Available

    Sep 8, 2022

    By Dr. Amanda Easterly, Research Assistant Professor at the High Plains Ag Lab; Dr. Brian Maust, Research Technologist, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; Dr. Cody Creech, Associate Professor and Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, PREEC; Dr. Katherine Frels, Assistant Professor of Small Grains Breeding, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Results of the 2022 UNL Crops Testing Winter Wheat trials are now available in the 2022 Fall Seed Guide. It can be found at and includes details on yield, protein,...

  • High Plains Arts Council Receives Grant, Announces 35th Season

    Sep 8, 2022

    The High Plains Arts Council recently announced that it has been awarded a $9,818 Basic Support Grant from the Nebraska Arts Council (NAC) for its 2022-2023 season. “The High Plains Arts Council contributes a great deal to advancement fo the arts in Sidney,” said NAC Executive Director Suzanne Wise. “We commend the work being done by the organizations such as HPAC because the arts are important to the education and quality of life for all Nebraskans.” HPAC President Carrie Brown thanked the NAC for its support of local programs. “We are honor...

  • Dallas Brass to Perform at Sidney High School

    Sep 8, 2022

    The Dallas Brass, one of America's foremost musical ensembles, will open the High Plains Arts Council's 2022-2023 season at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17. Dallas Brass last played in Sidney in 2014. Tickets for this concert are $13 for adults, $7 for seniors $5 for students (including Western Nebraska Community College) and children under 5 are free. Tickets will be available at the door. This group's unique blend of brass instruments with a full complement of drums and percussion will be featured i...

  • Meditating on the Word of God

    Sep 8, 2022

    I Love Meditating on the things God Has done for Me (us) in Christ Jesus And who i am in Christ and who Christ is in me. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life — the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us — that which we have seen and heard we declare to you...

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