Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


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  • Veterans History Project

    Larry Nelson, Veterans History Project|Aug 4, 2021

    When America’s politicians and military leaders took a break between ending the war in Korea and officially admitting involvement in Vietnam, a good deal of military work continued around the world. Surely, many men began covert and assisting assignments in Southeast Asia. Others continued careers in the US and beyond. Steven A. Green spent his young and growing years in Aurora, Neb. In that there aren’t a lot of lakes around Aurora, he still liked being around water. He loved watching the air...

  • Night of Hope Aug. 13

    Forrest Hershberger|Aug 4, 2021

    Hope: The Key To Endless Possibility “Woke up ‘cause the light poured in.” — Toby Mac Within Hope lies the ability to see light in the darkness. Hope, the evidence of things not seen. To Hope is to risk despair. Hope is the last thing ever lost. There are so many meanings behind such a simple word. When the world crashes in around you with the delivery of the terrifying phrase, “It’s cancer,” this simple word, HOPE, becomes a mantra! Hope is the most powerful word in the community of cancer pat...

  • Are Trust Services Right For You?

    Aug 4, 2021

    If you’re extremely busy with your career and family and you’ve accumulated a fair amount of assets, you might be concerned about a variety of issues related to financial management and legacy planning. Specifically, you might think you don’t have the time or expertise to deal with these matters effectively. If this is the case, you might want to consider using a trust company. You might think you need to have a large estate or millions of dollars to benefit from working with a trust company, but that’s not the case. And if you’re not famil...

  • The Road of Faith

    Aug 4, 2021

    One time, Sarah and I were deer hunting in the Sandhills about 30 miles south of Mullen. Our friend Tim took us out to a huge pasture and pointed out a windmill in a valley about two miles north of us. He said, “Just hunt your way straight towards that windmill, and I’ll pick you up in a couple hours!” We shoulda known better! By the time we walked down through a draw, climbed back to the top, found our way around a blow-out, then climbed another hill, and then did that same thing over and over and over again, each time checkin’ for that wi...

  • Master Gardener Tips for the Week

    Jeanne Murray, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener|Aug 4, 2021

    Two canning methods for produce: Are you planning to can some of your garden produce? Garden produce can be preserved by two canning methods, the water-bath or the pressure canner. Water-bath canning is for produce with high acidity, like pickles, most fruits, sauerkraut, tomatoes, jams and jellies. The pressure canner is used for low-acid foods, like vegetables, meats, sea foods and salsas without added acid. Improperly canned produce may result in a deadly food poisoning. Altitude and canning: Do you need to adjust your canning time or...

  • Aug. 5 Webinar On Early Weaning Calves to Cover Nutrition, Management Practices

    Aug 4, 2021

    LINCOLN — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability will host a webinar on early weaning beef calves at noon on Aug. 5. Early weaning can be a helpful management practice for many cow/calf operations, especially where quality forages may be lacking due to drought and other factors. How calves are managed depends largely on the age of the animals the goals of the producer. The webinar will explore different options and best practices for early weaning, covering nutrition, costs and potential benefits. It wil...

  • McCaig Presented Quilt of Valor

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Aug 4, 2021

    Thursday evening’s Cheyenne County Fair events included displays of hand stitchery and mastery of cloth and design. Beginning the night was a presentation of honor and of craftsmanship. The Quilts of Valor Foundation is a national organization founded in 2003 by “Blue Star” mom Catherine Roberts. With her son deployed in Iraq, a Gunner sitting atop a Humvee, she felt “only 10 seconds away from panic,” Laura Narjes quoted at the introduction of the presentation Thursday. Roberts had a vision of...

  • Public Records

    Aug 4, 2021

    July 22 3:58 am, Suspicious Activity, King St. 7:27 am, Traffic stop, Community Center, Toledo St. 7:40 am, Traffic Stop, Sapp Bros, Upland Pkwy. 7:44 am, Harassment, Newton st. 8:06 am, Animal Call, King St. 8:23 am, Traffic Stop, E Illinois St. & 17J link 8:32 am, Traffic Stop, Pole Creek Crossing & 17J Link 8:56 am, Traffic stop, E Elm St. & 17J Link 9:18 am, Code Violation, 11th Ave. 9:18 am, Code Violation, Craig Ave. 9:19 am, Code Violation, Charlotte dr. 9:19 am, Code Violation, Country Club Rd. 9:20 am, Code Violation, San Marino Rd....

  • Jul 28, 2021

    Lincoln – The first human case of West Nile virus for the 2021 season has been found in the Elkhorn-Logan Valley Health Department area (Burt, Cuming, Madison, and Stanton Counties). The person who tested positive was not hospitalized, according to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). West Nile virus is the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease in the U.S. with Nebraska having one of the highest rates of disease in the country. Last year, DHHS detected West Nile in 21 mosquito samples and reported 15 human cases (10 h...  Website

  • 'Church Guys' Researching Catholic Parishes

    Jul 28, 2021

    The Nebraska Church Guys” set out to document the history and architecture of Catholic parishes in Nebraska. Written above the door leading into Ron Sack’s den is the quote, “When a person dies, a library is lost.” He uses that quote as inspiration. The quote is based on an old African proverb, but Sack heard it again while visiting with historian Alex Meyer of Snyder, Nebraska. “It’s so true,” explained Sack. “My grandparents recorded as much history as they could over their lifetimes in or...

  • Is Roth IRA Better for Young Workers?

    Jul 28, 2021

    If you’re in the early stages of your career, you’re probably not thinking much about retirement. Nonetheless, it’s never too soon to start preparing for it, as time may be your most valuable asset. So, you may want to consider retirement savings vehicles, one of which is an IRA. Depend-ing on your income, you might have the choice between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. Which is better for you? There’s no one correct answer for every-one. But the more you know about the two IRAs, the more confident you’ll be when choosing one First of...

  • Psalm 23

    Jul 28, 2021

    1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3 He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff — they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my who...

  • South Platte NRD July 13 Board of Directors Meeting

    Jul 28, 2021

    On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 the South Platte Natural Resources District (SPNRD) Board of Directors (Board) held its monthly meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the South Platte NRD Conference Room (551 Parkland Drive, Sidney NE). Ryan Reisdorff, Water Resources Specialist with the SPNRD, presented information about the application to transfer ground water from Grotz & Henderson, LLC to Clean Harbors Environmental Services. Reisdorff explained that the transfer application was received and that the application is to permanently transfer the water rights from...

  • State Department of Agriculture Announces Cicely Batie as Agency's New Assistant Director

    Jul 28, 2021

    LINCOLN – Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) Director Steve Wellman has announced the hiring of Cicely Batie for the position of assistant director. Batie, who has education and experience in agricultural economics, natural resources, and trade, began working at NDA in late June. “Cicely is a native Nebraskan, growing up on her family farm northeast of Lexington, so she understands agriculture and what the good life really means here in Nebraska,” said NDA Director Steve Wellman. “Her...

  • Bindweed Spreading in Sidney

    Jul 28, 2021

    The City of Sidney Code Enforcement Officer mailed over one hundred letters this morning to property owners where bindweed has been observed to be growing and spreading. Code Enforcement would like to collaborate with residents to educate them on control and prevention of this very invasive species that has taken over areas on their property. Cheyenne County has added Bindweed as a noxious weed; it is also considered a prohibited vegetation in the City of Sidney. We need property owner’s a...

  • The Well-Armed Woman

    Jul 28, 2021

    You’ve packed up, found your spot on the range, unloaded your gear, and you’re finally ready to start shooting at some targets. But now what? If you don’t have a plan for your time at the range, you can easily blow through a box of ammo without much thought. And considering that a box of 50 rounds of 9mm is essentially equivalent to a little box of gold in this day and age, we have to be a little more conscientious of how we use our practice rounds. In my next two articles I’ll talk about practice tips and drills for beginners and those w...

  • DHHS to Launch Program for Foster Children Impacted by Pandemic

    Jul 28, 2021

    Lincoln – The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Children and Family Services (CFS) is pleased to announce a new program dedicated to providing additional assistance and services to foster children who were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic – Nebraska’s Pandemic Foster Care Program. The program was developed after President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) into law on December 27, 2020. The CAA provides federal funding for states to offer flexibilities and assistance to young adult...

  • Leadership Class Graduates

    Jul 28, 2021

    — The Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class graduated nine students recently at Beans and Steams Coffee House. Leadership Cheyenne County (LCC) is a ten-month program that promotes a better understanding of our community, builds leadership skills, and develops a network of community leaders. Participants will attend a full day learning session each month starting in September and ending in June. The LCC program is composed of leadership training and acclimation with issues and o...

  • Celebrating Moms and Working Mothers Around the Panhandle with World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7

    Jul 28, 2021

    The World Breastfeeding Week is August 1-7, 2021. Join us in celebrating this week by supporting moms and working mothers around the Panhandle. Breastfeeding is one of the best investments for healthier moms, babies, families, organizations, and communities. Breastfeeding babies have: • Stronger immune systems • Fewer colds and respiratory illnesses • Fewer ear infections • Fewer cases of bacterial meningitis • Better vision • Lower rates of infant mortality • Lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) • Less illness overall and les...

  • Public Records

    Jul 28, 2021

    Sidney Police Department July 14 2:43 am, Traffic stop, Chase Blvd. 3:24 am, Suspicious Person, Panhandle Automotive Group, Illinois St. 8:56 am, Medical Call, Maple St. 8:59 am Medical Call, Cabela’s Corporate 2, Cabela Dr. 9:17 Parking Complaint, 17th Ave. & Linden St. 10:49 am, Animal Call, Queen Dr. 11:16 am, Theft, Walmart, Silverberg Dr. 11:26 am, Traffic stop, Old Post Rd. & 17J Link 2:10 pm, Parking Complaint, Pole Creek crossing 3:25 pm, Suspicious Activity, 10th Ave. 4:11 pm, Animal Call 4:58 pm, animal Call, East Dr. 7:01 pm, T...

  • Sidney School Board Says No to Health Curriculum

    Forrest Hershberger, Publisher, Sidney Sun-Telegraph|Jul 21, 2021

    The Sidney School Board approved a measure standing against the health education curriculum proposed by the Nebraska Department of Education. The measure was approved unanimously in the July 12 meeting. The resolution states that “parents and guardians are the primary educators of their own children, especially in matters of faith and morals, including sex education.” The measure continues that the district should act in support and assist in educating children, not replace the parent. The mea...

  • Lawn Waste Disposal Options

    Jul 21, 2021

    The City of Sidney Solid Waste Department has been noticing a number of City issued receptacles for household garbage only, with loose yard waste in them. We would like to remind our residents that any sort of yard waste including grass, weeds, garden waste, brush, branches, and leaves are not allowed to be placed inside the City receptacles that are issued strictly for household garbage only. If the Solid Waste Department continues to see yard waste inside City issued receptacles, the containers will not be emptied and a possible fine will be...

  • The Right Emotions Can Be Useful In Investing

    Jul 21, 2021

    You may have heard that it’s important to take the emotions out of investing. But is this true for all emotions? Certainly, some emotions can potentially harm your investment success. Consider fear. If the financial markets are going through a down period – which is actually a normal part of the investment landscape – you might be so afraid of sustaining losses that you sell even the investments that have good prospects and are suitable for your needs. Greed is another negative emotion. When the financial markets are rising, you might be so mo...

  • Strength in Struggles

    Jul 21, 2021

    Are you having a good day? I surely hope you are! Nobody in their right mind would want to trade a good day for a bad day…….or would we?? As we look back over our lives, we can see how it was during our struggles that we were drawn closer to God. It is a time when what we have heard with our ears, we now see with our eyes, through our misery, as we cry out to God. (Job 42:5 paraphrased) Be our struggles physical, emotional or spiritual God does not abandon us. My favorite book of the Bible is The Book of Job. It is the oldest book of the Bib...

  • Panhandle Perspectives:

    David Ostdiek, Communications Associate, Panhandle Research and Extension Center|Jul 21, 2021

    Three college students from different parts of Nebraska are spending the summer in the Chadron area of northwest Nebraska, learning while helping strengthen the community through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Rural Fellows internship program. The Rural Fellows are helping bolster tourism efforts and mental health services for K-12 students. The students, Jacy Hafer, Hanna Jemison and Chantelle Schulz, are working with several local organizations while under the coordination and m...

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