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Articles from the December 7, 2012 edition

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  • East Sidney Expansion consultants address concerns

    John Roark, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 7, 2012

    With two days of open-house feedback under their belts, East Sidney Expansion Project officials wrapped up the first round of public input with a 90-minute formal presentation Thursday evening at Cheyenne County Community Center. “This is a very complicated project,” said Jeff Winston, master plan consultant of MIG/Winston. “It’s easy to build a home, but it’s more difficult to create a neighborhood.” MIG/Winston is part of the consulting team put in place by Cabela’s, which on Nov. 19 announced...

  • Local input critical to expansion plan

    Hannah Van Ree, Sun-Telegraph|Dec 7, 2012

    Through open houses and public presentations this Wed. and Thurs. at the Cheyenne County Community Center, the Sidney Expansion team was able to gather needed information from concerned community members, about the housing expansion in East Sidney. Dennis Armstrong, a corporate architect for Cabela’s and one of the presenters during the culminating formal presentation Thursday night at 6 p.m., said that these meetings were just the beginning of a long process. “This is the first step of the multi-step process. What we have learned over these tw...

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