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Articles from the September 5, 2013 edition

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  • Free legal help the subject of Community Center presentation

    Caitlin Sievers|Sep 5, 2013

    Area senior citizens were surprised to learn yesterday that they have a place to turn for free legal help. Shelldon Skelcher, an attorney out of Scottsbluff with Legal Aid of Nebraska, spoke with seniors at the Cheyenne County Community Center about their rights and the services his firm provides. "We're the organization for individuals who don't have another place to turn legally," Skelcher said. He advises all those who can afford their own legal help to pay for a lawyer, but understands that...

  • County approves liquor license for Oktoberfest celebration

    Shannon Ireland|Sep 5, 2013

    With the 39th year of Oktoberfest just around the corner, Judy Harris met with the Cheyenne County Board of Commissioners to propose a special designated liquor license. In the past the license has been somewhat of a tough sell to all board members, despite the nature of the annual event. “They’ve said ‘I have nothing against your celebration and it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, but I can’t vote for drinking,’” Harris explained. Perhaps the board's unanimous passage of the measure this time around stems from 2012. Last year was the first t...

  • Federal budget cutbacks hampering local Head Start programs

    Caitlin Sievers|Sep 5, 2013

    Painful budget cuts due to sequestration hit Nebraska's Head Start programs hard this year. According to officials with the organization, 372 children and families in the state will be cut off from Head Start's services because of these rollbacks. More than 100 early childhood program staff will lose their jobs or have their hours reduced as well. Budget sequestration went into effect March 1 of this year, causing massive budget cuts to many federally funded organizations. Sidney's Head Start is feeling these budget cuts in a big way,...

  • Tales of a coffee-holic

    Caitlin Sievers|Sep 5, 2013

    I like to think that I'm pretty hard to surprise. But I went out on the town in Sidney last weekend with a female friend in tow and I can honestly say I was astounded at the amount of attention our presence elicited, and by the behavior of many of those I encountered. I was surprised because most of the people I've met so far in Sidney have been perfectly courteous, friendly and polite to me. So far, aside from a few cat calls and wolf whistles when walking at night, I have not been the object of any unwanted male attention. All this changed...

  • Talking sports

    Stephen McKay|Sep 5, 2013

    At first it seemed as though I must have received the wrong e-mail. This can't be right. Just a couple of weeks ago I pulled up a similar document. The e-mail I discovered in mid August was titled "Panhandle Baseball Conference All Conference Teams." I was so puzzled by it I even went so far as to call Legion baseball Coach Tim Herrera to ask him about it. Upon further inspection, I realized it was the list from 2012. Ummm ... OK. Never mind. Sorry Coach. But again this week I received a simiar e-mail. It was also titled "Panhandle Baseball...

  • Raiders, Holdrege ready for another tight battle

    Stephen McKay|Sep 5, 2013

    After opening the season by reversing the outcome from a 2012 contest, the Sidney Red Raiders Football team looks to turn the same trick in game two. They lost a close one to the Holdrege Dusters 23-18 at home last year. This time around the Raiders take to the road on Friday in hopes of a different outcome. Sidney and Holdrege are scheduled to kick off earlier than usual - at 6 p.m. CDT. Against Holdrege last year, Sidney took the lead in the fourth quarter. A critical roughing-the-punter penal...