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Articles from the August 28, 2013 edition

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  • Cabela's seeks to expand corporate offices

    Caitlin Sievers|Aug 28, 2013

    Cabela's is planning expansions to its corporate Sidney campus in the near future, but wants tax dollars to fund surrounding infrastructure. Before last night's city council meeting, Ralph Castner, Chief Financial Officer at Cabela's, presented the company's corporate campus expansion plans during a meeting of the Community Development Agency. "I'm here tonight to discuss maybe one of the most exciting projects happening between Cabela's and Sidney in the last decade," Castner said. In phase... Full story

  • Our view: Words and numbers

    Aug 28, 2013

    How do you measure progress? In the 50 years since the march on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s signature "I Have a Dream" address, this nation has witnessed significant improvement in opportunities for African-Americans. Access to education was emphasized by civil rights leaders. In 1964, only 365,000 blacks in this country held at least a bachelor's degree. Now 5.1 million have completed at least four years of college study. More that 21 percent of those aged 25 and over hold degrees, compared to 3.9 percent in the year after King...

  • Funding, routing of emergency calls questioned

    Caitlin Sievers|Aug 28, 2013

    Sidney's City Council is searching for some consistency, perhaps. At Tuesday night's meeting, the body discussed concerns over uniformity between law enforcement agences and funding issues regarding the Cheyenne County Emergency Communications Center. Sidney mayor Wendall Gaston wondered how percentages for communications center funding from the county and city were decided. "When the system was put together, the volume of calls, because this also affects our utility departments and public transportation system, it was 65 percent city and 35 pe... Full story

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