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Articles from the August 10, 2013 edition

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  • Solving the meth problem

    Caitlin Sievers|Aug 10, 2013

    Methamphetamine continues to be a problem in Cheyenne County, but marijuana is by far the most commonly used and trafficked drug in the area. "Our number one drug is marijuana, but that leads to other drug use," said Cheyenne County Sheriff John Jenson. After arriving in Sidney, Police Chief B.J. Wilkinson was briefed at a staff meeting earlier this week about the most pressing issues facing Sidney Police. Officers informed Wilkinson that the top three drugs causing problems in this area are marijuana, methamphetamine and prescription drug...

  • Across The Fence: The Hat Creek Outpost

    M. Timothy Nolting|Aug 10, 2013

    “My grandfather [Edmond Alfred Cook] was a stagecoach driver on the Cheyenne to Black Hills Stage Line. He grew up working in a livery and knew how to handle horses. One day, at the Hat Creek Station, a driver for the stage line had shown up for work, drunk. The station manager shouted, ‘Does anybody here know how to drive a six-up team?’ ‘I do!’ Grandpa said, as he raised his hand. He was 14 years old.” This was the beginning of a wonderful day-long tour that my wife, Deb, and I received as...

  • Devastating Swine Disease Hasn't Hit State Yet, but Affecting Bacon Prices Nationwide  

    Aug 10, 2013

    LINCOLN, Neb. — A devastating swine disease new to the United States hasn't shown up in Nebraska yet, but it's already forcing bacon prices nationwide to new highs. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Veterinary Diagnostic Center stands ready to test piglets for the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, said Dr. Bruce Brodersen, assistant professor in the center and the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biological Sciences. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea – PED for short – has been around since at least the 1970s but first showed up in the U.S. this...