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Articles from the July 23, 2013 edition

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  • Sawfly infestation threatens some panhandle wheat fields

    Caitlin Sievers|Jul 23, 2013

    Nebraska farmers who've been dealing with drought for the past few years now have a new pest new pest to worry about. Wheat stem sawfly is a small wasp that lays eggs in the growing plant. The sawfly's feeding reduces crop yield, but the real damage is done when the larva scores a line in the stem. When this happens, wind can easily knock flatten damaged crop, an event called lodging. Once the wheat is knocked over, combines generally skim over the grain, without picking it up. "It's been a growing problem in the last three years," said Jeff...

  • School board calls special meeting

    Jul 23, 2013

    A state bill's affect on budgets and a last minute hire were cause for a special school board meeting on Monday. Nebraska Legislative Bill 407, the major school finance bill in front of the Unicameral this year, restricts the amount that public school districts can increase their budgets on an annual basis. "This is really the reason for the special budget meeting," said Sidney Schools Superintendent Jay Ehler. School board member Tom Von Seggern and Ehler learned about a helpful provision in this bill at a Nebraska Association of School...

  • Court sentences Blake to probation in controlled substance case

    Floyd Brandt|Jul 23, 2013

    On Monday, the Cheyenne County Court sentenced Leland Blake to intensive probation for 60 months for distribution of a controlled substance. As part of the decision, he must testify in a case against Larry Martinez. In August Blake witnessed Martinez shoot and kill Mandy Kerschman, age 30 of Sidney, according to court documents. The incident took place at Blake's home. Kerschman was reportedly a friend of Blake. Charges against Blake step from a WING Task Force investigation that culminated in his arrest. On June 29, 2012, WING officer Justin L...

  • For harvest crews, a long and unpredictable summer

    Floyd Brandt|Jul 23, 2013

    Harvest crews travels hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles over the course of a summer. Their journey often begins in the south, where crops mature with the early warmth. They eventually make their way to Nebraska. Minnesota native Reed Lundy and his crew of five started cutting in June, somewhere in Oklahoma. Before reaching the panhandle, they worked fields in Kansas. The end of their road will come in North Dakota, up near the Canadian border. Theirs is a life of hotel rooms, wide open spaces...

  • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church's Vacation Bible School

    Jul 23, 2013