Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
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They may provide a window to the world, but when it comes to older buildings those choosing glass, sills and shutters hardly have it made in the shade. Sidney's Historic Preservation Board worked to decide what sort of windows fit their vision and guidelines for downtown Sidney at yesterday's meeting. All businesses within the national register historic district must submit an application to the board for a certificate of approval before making changes to the facade of their building. There were three window replacement requests in front of...
The Sidney City Council heard discussion about storm water drainage. Ordinance 1699 would insure that all subdivisions and land development are adequately designed with storm drainage facilities that would control storm surge and prevent flooding. In the discussion City Manager Gary Person said, “We might take a model project, a small commercial project and apply the ordinance to the project just to see the impact and the addional requirements that might be involved, then we’ll know if we’re on the right tack.” The council designated ordinan...
Many trivia questions about the smallest bones in the human body have brought fame to the malleus, the incus and the stapes (also known by their shapes as the hammer, anvil and stirrup). Just inches inside the ear, these three tiny connected bones, together called the ossicles, give movement to the sounds we hear, all in an instant. Sounds are waves that vibrate the eardrum (tympanic membrane) that then make these bones quiver. That movement sends waves of vibrations into a pool of liquid (the cochlea) that is lined with thousands of hair cells...
Lost in the furor over the scope of National Security Agency surveillance and President Barack Obama's recent defense of the nation's drone program is a fundamental shift in the way this administration fights modern, non-state warfare. For centuries nations engaged each other in a fight for territory or political dominance, using large organized forces in order to achieve their goals. Even after al-Qaeda's 9-11 attack, the Bush administration and his military chiefs conceived of a war with boots on the ground, conquering land and toppling...
Kendall Atkins, a "darn near 80-years-old" panhandle farmer, remembers well the days when market prices remained fixed all day and horses tilled the land. "We used to dream about sitting in our house, driving the tractor by the push of a button," he recalled. Now, with GPS guiding machinery and rural 4G networks providing data--and more--instantly, even when farmers or ranchers are out in the field, those days are apparently here. One smart phone application allows farmers to determine the precise chemical mix necessary, when starting a...
Tammie Stansbury of Sidney was sentenced June 11 in Cheyenne District Court for third degree assault, second degree trespassing, and obstructing a police office. Stansbury, who sat in a chair with a scowl on her face, received one year on count one of the charges assault, six months on count two for trespassing and one year on count three for obstructing a police officer. Judge Derek C. Weimer took into consideration 383 days time served and ordered the sentences to run consecutively. Stansbury spoke in her defense, alleging before Judge Weimer...