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Articles written by Jack Schilling

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 10 of 10

  • Letter to the Editor - Reader: Developer should pay

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Apr 13, 2016

    Dear Editor: I would like to know why the taxpayer has to pay for the Pole Creek Cross Rd. That was not an existing street or a road between Greenwood and Fort Sidney roads before they started to develop that land. Therefore, since it is on land being developed, the developer should pay to have that road paved. Why should the developer benefit from our tax dollars? The city council has the city deep enough in debt without adding more to it. Hopefully, the new city manager can help solve the spending problem the council has created. Jack...

  • Letter To The Editor - Reader: Why against it?

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Mar 11, 2016

    Dear Editor, I want to thank Mr. Arterburn and Mr. Galloway for reminding the council that the 1/2 cent sales tax being collected is to be used for street improvements, not new construction. So why are the other three against the use of the tax money? Jack Schilling Sidney...

  • Letter To The Editor - The Hose Monster

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Feb 18, 2016

    Dear Editor, I see they want a name for the water park. As much as the taxpayers are being hosed on this project and how big it is, they need to call it The Hose Monster. Jack Schilling Sidney...

  • Letter To The Editor - Reader: Council should seek voter approval on water park funding

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Jan 13, 2016

    Dear Editor, The city council is going to vote at the next council meeting on borrowing money to pay for the water park. They want $4 million but by the time they add everything in and to it, it will probably be over $5 million. Question? What right does the mayor and council have putting the city of Sidney that far in debt by trying to float a bond or borrowing money without voter approval? They need to check with the city attorney to see if they are breaking any laws. What the mayor and council have done is dug themselves a hole and wants...

  • Letter To The Editor - Reader concerned about Cabela's

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Dec 30, 2015

    Dear Editor, I see that the city is having trouble finding funds for the aquatic center, which now is being called the new swimming pool. Before they float a bond or go in debt $4 million by borrowing the money and wanting the tax payers to pay the bill, they need to see if any laws are involved. There are some things that can’t be done without voter approval. I know a lot of taxpayers don’t want their taxes to go up over council mistakes. If council does not have the money to pay for the water park, they need to cut their losses and stop const...

  • Letter to the Editor: Use funds to repair streets

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Oct 29, 2015

    Dear Editor, I have read the letters from Larry Nelson and Rita Hart and agree with both of them. I have heard the walking trails along 11th Avenue (which nobody knows how that got approved) and around Cabela’s new pond was paid for with tax dollars. If that is the case why does Cabela’s benefit from our tax dollars? I heard that the road that connects road 20 and Ft. Sidney Road and the new bridge is being paid for with the half-cent sales tax money. That is not what the money is supposed to be used for; it is to repair our deteriorating stree...

  • Letter To The Editor: If the money goes to the pool, how will our streets get fixed?

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Sep 22, 2015

    Dear Editor: The City Council will be selecting a new city manager soon. I hope they will pick one who will listen to the people and taxpayers of Sidney and stop this wasteful spending and overspending on projects. In 2012, the voters approved a half-cent sales tax to help pay for our streets, pay for a swimming pool, upgrade the irrigation system and park improvements. So far, the city officials and city council have overspent on every project except for our deteriorating streets. The so-called swimming pool was to get $3 million, and now it...

  • Letter to the Editor: Put focus on fixing streets, not building a water park

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Jan 13, 2015

    Dear Editor, We are starting a new year and our council will be working on the new water park. I would like to remind council that back in November 2012, the voters voted for a ½-cent sales tax to help pay for our deteriorating streets, a new swimming pool and to upgrade the golf course. The golf course has already spent their share of the tax money plus. Now, council wants to build a water park. One of the reasons they said we need a new pool was the current pool was too small and it leaked. And, we needed a bigger pool so they could have...

  • Letter to the Editor: New school should be K-6

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Nov 21, 2014

    Dear Editor, I see the school board wants to have another election for a new elementary school. Are they going to keep having elections until they get the count to come out right? They keep wanting a K-4 school. It should be a K-6 with room for additions and expansion, and move it out of the flood plain. I have seen the land under water before they built the ditch and after they built the ditch. I am not saying that we don’t need a new school, but in yours plans there is no mention of expansion for the 500 to 600 new homes that are going to b...

  • Letter to the Editor: Pool shouldn't get priority over the streets

    Jack Schilling, Sidney|Nov 10, 2014

    Dear Editor, I have seen the new swimming pool layout in the newspaper and would like to know who added all of the additions to it? Two years ago, the voters went to the polls and passed a half-cent sales tax that was going to help pay for our deteriorating streets, golf course and swimming pool. The golf course has already spent their 12 percent, or $1.2 million-plus to upgrade the course. The streets are being worked on. The swimming pool was approved for 30 percent, or $3 million. Now, it’s up to $6.2 million. We are told that the costs have...

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