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Articles written by Fr. James Heithoff

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • The Good Shepherd

    Fr. James Heithoff, St. Patricks Catholic Church|May 8, 2015

    The Good Shepherd is an image of God that is very familiar to all of us as Christians. Any number of organizations and institutions throughout the world are known by this particular title. The title connotes a deep dimension of care, protection and nurturing. Our ideas of the Good Shepherd are most likely informed by Psalm twenty-three from the Old Testament. “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Notions of feeding and leading, rest and long awaited refreshment come to mind. This psalm is a favorite that one many times hea...

  • Respect Life

    Fr. James Heithoff, St. Patricks Catholic Church|Feb 6, 2015

    It doesn’t seem possible that one month of 2015 is already behind us. The beginning of a new year always seems to begin with a note of excitement as we ponder what the year before us might have in store. However, the excitement always becomes tempered as we arrive at Jan. 22. This is the date in 1973 when abortion became legalized in this country with the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade. This decision legalized abortion in this country. The Christian tradition teaches us that all of human life is sacred and deserves protection. Human l...

  • The Gift of Advent

    Fr. James Heithoff, St. Patricks Catholic Church|Nov 26, 2014

    The Thanksgiving holiday is now behind us. I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends. As a Christian people, we now look to the season of Advent, which begins this Sunday. The word “Advent,” of corse, means “coming.” During Advent, we look for the Lord’s coming among us from two perspectives. First, we look to the Lord’s coming among us as we prepare to celebrate his birth into this world more than 2,000 years ago. But just as significantly, we also look for his final coming in glory at the end of our lives and the end of...

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