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Articles written by David Hall

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 11 of 11

  • Let thankfulness come from within

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|Nov 25, 2015

    “Then Jesus asked, ‘Were there not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God…”- Luke 17:17-18a Have you ever noticed that “thank you” has become a way to end transactions and conversations? At the store the cashier says “thank you, come again” and we reply “okay, thanks.” In conversations or phone calls we might end with a “well, thanks a lot.” This can also be true when it comes to saying “thanks” on Thanksgiving. We offer a perfunctory “thank you” to God so that we can ge...

  • Remember the Sabbath

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|Aug 14, 2015

    The apostles gathered around Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mark 6:30-31 ). Vacation! We, Americans, love our vacations. Many of us work hard at our vacations and say, “I need a vacation from my vacation.” Vacations are a break from the routine. Jesus knew the value of stepping away from the routine. In the Gospel according to Mark, after the 12 followers of Jesus return from their first attempts at ministry, Jesus says it is time fo...

  • God forgives everyone

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|May 1, 2015

    “(The Lord said), I have loved you, O my people, with an everlasting love, with love I have drawn you to me.” Jeremiah 31:3 No matter what our situation in life, God will use us to be a blessing to others and bring honor to Him. For God does not look on the outside, but on the inside of a person. While those around us may think that we are too young, too old, too timid, too loud, too weak, or whatever God sees willingness and availability. We can be used by God in any and every circumstance. God loves us more than we can imagine. Many peo...

  • Kingdom of God

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|Jan 16, 2015

    “... Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’” Mark 1:14b-15 Peter Mayer, Lutheran song writer and “Parrothead” who plays with Jimmy Buffet’s band, sings a song called, “God Is Loose in the World.” It reminds those of us within the church, we who often times spend too much time inside the building, that God is indeed loose in the world. If you want to see what God is up to, then you have to look at more than the inside o...

  • Giving thanks

    David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Sidney|Nov 7, 2014

    “Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Luke 17:15-16 The story from the Gospel according to Luke tells about ten lepers who asked (begged) Jesus for help. Jesus answered by sending them on their way to the priests who could declare them fit for integration back into society. On their way, the story says, they were healed. Now in those days, being a leper meant that you had to stay at a distance from the rest of society so that the d...

  • Faith and doubt

    David Hall, Pastor - Sidney Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|Aug 22, 2014

    Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. – Matthew 14: 28-32 I have heard sermons on these passages, for many years, most seem to say...

  • Wind and the Holy Spirit

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Sidney|Jun 6, 2014

    “And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. “ Acts 2:2 We in the Panhandle know about wind. In the Bible wind is a synonym for the work of the Holy Spirit. It can be gentle or life altering. In the case of that first Pentecost, it was life altering. It came like a mighty or violent wind and it changed the life of the disciples forever. The mighty wind drives them out into the street where they begin proclaiming the Good News of the gospel. These dis...

  • Letting go

    Pastor David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Sidney|Mar 21, 2014

    A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and he was made clean. Mark 1: 40-42 Two things present themselves in this passage. First, the leper approaches Jesus which is something unusual for that day. Lepers were expected to stay clear of others and to announce themselves from a distance. Second, the text says that Jesus reached out and touched the leper. Jesus isn’t afraid even though most people would have been afrai...

  • The pursuit of God

    David Hall - Pastor Holy Trinity Lutheran Sidney|Jan 10, 2014

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:16-17 I read that back in the spring of 1608, the people of the Jamestown, VA colony discovered what they thought was gold and so devoted their time and efforts to digging out the precious metal. They let the planting, building and repairing go because they had more important thing...

  • Finding out about the Bible for yourself

    David Hall|Jun 15, 2013

    I make it a practice never to review a movie I have never seen or to discuss a book I have never read. This may seem to be an obvious thing after all how can one review a movie that one has never seen? Yet, I have seen over and over again people talking about things that they only know second hand. If I were to believe the politicians that are out to win elections by stirring up the populace, then I would believe that my 1st and 2nd amendment rights are endangered. My copy of the constitution must differ than the copy that they are reading... Full story

  • We all do

    David Hall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church|Jan 12, 2013

    “You will be my people, and I will be your God.” Jeremiah 30:22 There is an old, dumb story about a revival taking place in a small town. As the preacher calls the sinners forward, down the aisle comes the town character who is always fortified by cheap wine. As he walks down the aisle he says aloud “Fill me, Lord! Fill me, Lord!”. Hearing his plea, one of the audience members says loudly, “Don’t do it, Lord, he leaks.” Truth is, we all do! I read a statistic recently that said only 1 in 3 of us make resolutions anymore and most break their r...

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